Chapter 9- confessions

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I apologize in advance for the long chapter

Ashley POV

I went to sleep last night with Kayla on my chest. Im really happy that I was able to help with Amirr and shit last night. Hopefully everything goes well today. Plus i gotta talk to Trey today.

Just as I say that Trey calls my phone, I hurry up and answer it so it doesn't wake up kayla. I slid from under her and walked into the hallway...

"Hey beautiful, Good morning"

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Can we meet for breakfast? I needa talk to you"

"Umm yea about in a hour at the coffee shop on state"

"Yea that will do. See you in a lil bit. Bye"


And with that we hung up. I walk back into my room and i notice kayla is up.

" you feeling?" I said while looking for something to wear

" cool.. A lil nervous about today and a lil sore but other than that im koo i guess. Where you finna go?"

"Oh thats good i guess...and me and trey are meeting up at a coffee shop this morning... Or do you want me to stay because if so-"

"Naw its cool. I needa go home anyways so my brother doesn't start trippin and so i can clear my head a bit"

I just nod to let her know i understand then i walked out of my room into the other bathroom so i could get ready.

After i finished everything and put on my clothes i walk into my room. Kayla was putting on her shoes and was finna head out, i grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit by me on the bed.

"Hey look, i know your not going thru the best time right now but i think once you tell the crew a lot of things will change for the better. Plus if it makes you feel any better I'll be by your side"

"Yea i really hope so, either way i needa tell my brother. And thanks for having my back cause i really need it right now"

she kissed my cheek, grabbed her bags, and headed Downstairs. I grabbed my keys and purse and followed behind her. When we got to the door, right before she opened it. I kissed her goodbye and told her to be safe. She looked less shocked then the first time we kissed. She looked a me put on a fake smile and walked out of the door to her car. I walked around the house to make sure everything was secure and then headed out too.

When i pulled up the the coffee shop I saw treys car so i knew he was already here. I took a deep breath because i have no idea what he's gonna say and i was lowkey nervous and i got outta the car. When i walked in, I saw him sitting at a table by the window. I walked over kissed him on the cheek and sat down in the chair in front of him.

"Hey you feeling?"

"A lil hungover if im honest also nervous for what im finna say"

See when the person that wants to talk with you are nervous that's scary asf. So my heart started beating even faster.

"Well whatever you have to say I'm here to listen"

" Ok so i have been dealing with this and battling myself for quite sometime now and i umm...just wanted to tell you first so everything isn't all weird and stuff...."

"Okkkkk.." I said with a confused face

" see... Im gay. I'm really sorry for leading you on like this. My intentions were never to hurt you i just thought that maybe i hadn't found the right girl yet. And dont get me wrong your a really amazing girl and i really do hope we can still be friends but nothing more. If i did hurt you im soooo sorry and if you never wanna speak to me again i understand. I just wanted to tell you before I told the crew also i didnt wanna make it look like you were a cover up cause you weren't i really do enjoy spending time with you as a friend tho" He said rushing thru every word he said

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