Chapter 13- Dead Man Walking pt.2

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Antonio POV

Im currently pissed the fuck off. Like i knew something was off with Amirr when Kayla first started fucking with em. But she seemed happy so i left it alone cause i wanna see my sis happy. But this nigga really has the nerves to put his hands on her. Now he hiding and shit.

I pull up to the park next to Q and Aaron. We all talked about how we was gonna get this nigga. We had our plan now we gotta find his ass so we texted Princess but she said she has no idea where he is and that he was supposed to go to the doctor with her today but he never showed up so she had to go by herself.

This nigga cheats, beats females, hides like a lil bitch, and cant even be there for his kid. Wow this nigga sucks.

Aaron POV

It was late and the cops were starting to drive around so we left the park and headed to the side house. When we got there we all drank and smoked. The bitch that was there earlier was gone so either she left herself or Dom came and got her. We all ended up crashing at the house but tomorrow trust and believe imma kill this nigga even if that means i gotta shoot every nigga i see.


I woke up at around 11am. I got up took sum medicine cause my head hurts a lil and i went into my bathroom to take a shower. I got out brushed my hair and put on some clothes. After that i woke uo the other two and they both went and got ready. We ordered sum food and started planning our day out. We decided to split up and search the city for this nigga. After we ate we all went our separate ways.


We started searching at around 2pm...its now 4pm. We all linked back up at the house again. We were talking then T remembered something....

" aye yo...i just remembered...last time we saw amirr was at the party. And Kayla said Ashley beat his ass at the house"

" Number 1 ok what does that mean 2nd who's Ashley and she gotta be a big bitch to beat a nigga"

" Naw her and Kayla like the same size she just a lil taller than her and no nigga i can hit up my nigga Darnell and ask him when did Amirr left"

So T called up his homeboy and his homeboy said he didnt see ole dude leave. But after the party everybody went home and that it was David's brothers house. Who apparently is in jail. So we call david and david said that once everybody left he left too with sum chick and he hasn't been back but he's going today to clean up.

T told him to text him if he find Amirr in the house.

About a hour and a half later we get a call saying Amirr was in sum room handcuffed to the bed post. We told him that we finna pull up and give him a signal to let amirr go.

We pulled up to the house, i had T and Q grab they straps and be prepared. I went and hid on the porch so when he came out i can beat his ass. I sent Q to the back just in case. Antonio gave David the signal and not too long after Amirr walked out of the house and whoever that Ashley girl is imma have to giver her props this nigga look fucked up and his pants had blood on em.

He walked out and i socked him right in his shit. I started beating his ass. I pulled my gun out and put it against his head..

" yea nigga you thought you was slick huh? Fucking dummy. You put yo hands on my sister so imma end yo fuckin life." I pistol whipped him and he was yelling and crying like bitch

All of a sudden i hear cop cars but before i could hopp back into my car they were all at the house. But before they got to the house i threw my gun to Q in the back. I put my hands in the air cause ik how this goes. I slowly got up like they told me. When i got up so did Amirr but thats when T shot Amirr twice. One in his back and the other in his leg. They cops ran to me and T and put us in handcuffs. The paramedics ran to Amirr and i yelled...

" FUCKING BITCH ASS NIGGA. TELL YO COUSIN I SAID HI WHEN U GET UP THERE" I said that cause he cousin got caught up in sum shit he had no business being in so he ended up getting shot and died

They put me and T in different cars. I guess the cops saw Q or something cause they started running towards the back. I mean Good Luck tryna find Q that nigga is fast im talking Usain Bolt. And he smart asf after all the shit we've done he's only been caught once.

We got to the police station and they ran our fingerprints and they did our mugshots. Im used to this, this ain't my first time getting arrested. They put us in a lil cell.

Fuck! Now we gotta call somebody to get out

Shid dont call my momma cause she gon leave my ass here..said T

And Q is running so he not gonna be able to get us out

So then call Kayla

Nigga are you crazy!! She gon Kill me cause she didnt want me to do anything

Nigga oh fuckin well what other choice do we have? We just gon have to hear her yell at us. They said we got till midnight cause they put these mfs on the bus at 2am. right

I get the officers attention and asked if i can have my one phone call. He said and that i have 6mins. I thanked him cause yk gotta add sum charm. I dialed Kaylas number and she picked up after the third ring.

"Umm hello?"

"Hey Kayla i need you to do me a favor. Imma be quick so you gotta listen..."


" Me and T got locked up i need you to go in my dresser-"

" WAIT.. WHAT!!"

"Yea i'll explain everything later but i need you to go in my second dresser and grab the superman lunch box that momma gave me when we was little. Go in there and grab a stack of cash. Dont ask any other questions-"


" I said dont ask no question and you gotta get us out before midnight or they gon send us to jail jail... Im not scared but if i can avoid i am...alright i gotta go."

God please let her come quick cause the officer be trippin. Ik she gon be mad but imma just have to take it.

Will kayla come to the rescue?

Will Amirr survive?

Did Q escape??

Did Q escape??---------

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