Chapter 19- Not again

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Ashley POV

Im just enjoying the show with Kayla laying on my shoulder and the taste of her lowkey still in my mouth. I've never been the person to make the first move but Kayla just makes me wanna.... wanna.. ouuu let me stop before i get too out there.

The pep rally ended with everyone dancing in the bleachers and some kids running down to the court and dancing.  I was dancing with Kayla and i cant stop noticing this stud who Ive never seen before she just kept staring at me and Kayla. I was tryna figure out which one of us she was looking, I honestly don't care cause im tryna slowly make sum shake with kayla.

And yes i mean slowly, what happened in the car was pure Improv, I just went how my body was leading me.

After the songs went off everyone was still dancing and talking. Some kids pulled out they own speakers and the people around that could hear was dancing to the song they played. Teachers started getting mad because kids started twerking, but i mean what do you expect when a kid plays gas petal, freak hoe, or red nose. They started kicking everyone out the gym so the janitors could start cleaning.

As we were walking out i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was the stud with the staring problem.

"Umm, yes how can i help you?"

"Wassup lil mamas, I was wondering if you wanted to get some food with me today?"

" first off eww cringe with the lil mamas like puta gtfo, second you got mad staring problems, And third naw chief im good. Have a nice day" I said and start to walk away.

She grabbed my arm and said...

"Aye you ain't have to do all that. That was uncalled for. And come on you mad pretty, I would REALLY love to stick my tongue up your-"

"Once again i said let me go damn" I said stopping her before she could finish her sentence

" Mane whateva, you gon want me back. And when you do hit me up" She said letting me go and sticking her tongue out.

I finally get to my car and Kayla is already sitting in the passenger seat on her phone. I hop in the car, put my seatbelt on and pull off.

"Damn where was you at?"

"Bruh this girl was tryna hit on me but failed"

"Hahaha im sry its not funny but its the 'but failed' for me" Kayla said laughing a lil

We just talked and laughed the whole way home. We pulled up to my house and got out the car. When we walked in my mom was sitting in the living room watching the news. Me and Kayla walked to the living room and sat with my mom and just talked and watched the news. My mom really enjoys when we do this it makes her feel special like someone cares. My Dad is always on business trips so he's not home often but sends my mom expensive gift to make up for his absence.

As we were watching the news a white man named kayden Jones popped up on the tv they had warrants for his arrest. They said he was wanted for some crimes but they said what exactly. They said anyone that can give information on where he is can get up to 5k and if you can turn him in you can get up to 250k. And at the end that made it clear that he was a dangerous person, you should not approach him and he most likely has a weapon on him.

"OMG! bruh what now" Kayla said with an attitude

"Yo what you mean. You good?" I asked

" Bruh naw thats my dad. He's always been doing stupid stuff even when i was little. On my 7th birthday I had to go to jail cause my dad wanted to spend my birthday with me" She says with an attitude

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