Sixteen (Kirishima P.O.V)

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Kirishima tapped his fingers against the coffee table, his cheek pressed against the palm of his hand. His eyes were on the TV, nothing playing yet as the current people in the main room were arguing over what movie to watch. Ashido was standing on the couch, her foot on the arm as she held the remote in the air while Bakugou was standing on the floor in front of her. 

"Give me the damn remote Pinky!" Bakugou yelled, sparks coming off his hands as he glared up to her. 

"No way!" Ashido moved onto her tippytoes as she tried to get the remote higher into the air. "This is mine! I should get to pick the movie! You picked the last one Mr. Boom Boom Bitch!" 

"Oh whatever, the fucking Blonde Rat picked the last movie and Shark Boy over there picked the one before that! I'm not watching some sissy movie!"

"Sissy!? Sissy!?" Ashido's voice moved to a shocked yell as she gripped the remote more "The Princess Bride is not a sissy movie!"

"It's a stupid princess movie! Of course it's sissy!" Bakugou moved to climb onto the couch as Ashido did her best to hold the remote higher.

"You're uncultured! Just because it has princess in the title doesn't mean it's a sissy movie! That term is awful!"

"I want to watch Apocalypse Now! We're watching that!"

Kirishima sighed, moving to stand up "Hey.. how about we take it to a vote when Sero and Kaminari-" He started to say, his hands up in a defensive manor. Both teen's heads turned to him.

"Shut up!" The two both said aggressively, Kirishima frowned and crossed his arms. "No! We're waiting for Sero and Kaminari."

"We're watching The Princess Bride!"

"Apocalypse Now!"

"We're waiting!"

"Princess Bride!"

"Apocalypse Now!"

"Princess Bride!"

"We're waiting!"

The fighting was only getting worse, Kirishima's head was starting to hurt. There was a pounding, most likely from the yelling everyone was doing. He wondered what was taking Kaminari so long to get Sero. They just kept yelling back and forth at each other before the remote was separated from Ashido's hand.

Kaminari and Sero stood near the doorway, the remote now in Sero's hand. He waved it a bit as the yelling turned into stunned silence. A grin was on his face "How about I pick the movie?"

Kirishima let out a breath as he moved to sit down, Ashido and Bakugou both sulking as they got off the couch. His eyes met Kaminari's, but only for a moment. The blonde was squeezing his arm, and Kirishima felt a sting in his chest. He reached up, gripping the fabric of his shirt as he looked to the table, almost forgetting the headache.

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