Thirty-Three (Kirishima P.O.V)

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Just like when the rubble fell onto Kaminari, Kirishima's world began to crumble around him. Sounds turned into a sharp ringing in his ears, he mouth felt dry and he stumbled back into somebody. His vision blurred and his heart raced. The words he's dead just continued to repeat in his head.

Couldn't save him.

I failed.

He's dead.

Kirishima suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He turned away from the crowd, pushing past people and away from hands that tried to stop him. The ringing in his ears stopped as he doubled over, throwing up into the grass. He flinched when a hand touched his shoulder, turning his head to see Sero.

"Sero.. I.." He started to speak but Sero brought a finger up in a hushing motion.

"It's okay, I understand" He spoke carefully, his eyes traveling towards the building. Kirishima followed his gaze. Class 1A students were scattered among the crowd. A mix of tears, shock and disbelief was on their faces. Even Bakugou seemed upset, though it didn't show on his face.

"He's dead.." Kirishima took a breath, bringing his eyes to the sky "I can't believe it.."

Mina's sobs caused him to move his eyes back down. She had come over to the two of them, throwing her arms around Sero. Kirishima brought a hand to his hair "I'm going back" he let out, Sero gave him a nod as he tried to comfort Mina.

When he got back to the dorms, Kirishima slowly sunk onto his bed. The dorms had gotten rebuilt and there was no sign at all that Kaminari had ever been there. Even though the building didn't completely come down, it wasn't the same. He gave a slight breath, turning on the television in hopes of finding something to get his mind off it.

"..villain believed to be UA Traitor died today.."

He quickly changed the channel but almost everything was a different news report about Kaminari's death. He turned the television off and threw the remote onto the floor "This is insane..!" He let out, his hands moving to his hair "I'm going to wake up tomorrow and this is all just some dumb dream..! I'll have to wake him up for school and it'll be the two of us laughing with Bakugou and the other's again.."

His voice shook as he talked to himself, he was trying to convince his head that everything was okay.. but he knew it wasn't. There was no way it was. After all, nothing was going to be the same again.

//Hi everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, I needed a quick filler between chapter 32 and what will be the final chapter of Secrets! Final chapter will either be out today or tomorrow or next week, haven't decided yet.

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