Nineteen (Kirishima P.O.V)

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It was three days since Sero brought up the idea of being in love with Kaminari. Kirishima just couldn't get his mind off of it. He tapped his fingers lightly against his desk, glancing up from his paper. The wispy blonde hair of the boy in front of him stuck up in places, almost like the electric boy hadn't brushed it this morning. Kirishima gave a small chuckle at the thought of it.

The two of them hadn't really talked since the day they all played video games. It was frustrating, not being able to see his friend. Kirishima worried over Kaminari's health the entire time, stood in front of his door but just couldn't bring himself to knock. It almost seemed like Kaminari was avoiding him too, running away at even the smallest mention of Kirishima's name.

Kirishima shook his head, glancing towards the door when someone knocked on it. The door opened and a frantic looking All Might beckoned for Aizawa to come to the door. Aizawa gave a frustrated sigh.

"I'm going to leave you all for a self study" He said in a tired tone "I'll be back. This is not a time to goof off, this is a time to be working" his voice trialed off as he moved towards the door, cutting out completely as it was shut behind him. Almost immediately, talking sparked up from around the room.

Though Kaminari didn't turn around. It surprised Kirishima, because usually during free moments Kaminari ditched doing work and instead insisted on talking to him. 'I can always work later' would be his usually excuse, but today Kaminari was hunched over his desk, doing his work. Or at least, that's what Kirishima assumed he was doing.

The moment Aizawa left the room, Kaminari had set up boarders on his desk, blocking both Ashido's and Jiro's vision of it. Kirishima found this a bit odd, so he sat up a bit to see what he was doing. Kaminari had a map of UA's dorm, red X's marking some areas while others were just circled in red pen. He had a crumpled piece of notebook paper that he was currently writing on, his hand writing was messy and Kirishima could barley make out the slight 'giri' of what looked like a name.

"Hey! Kaminari!" Ashido's voice caused Kaminari to jump. Kirishima watched as he covered the map and crumpled the notebook paper up more in his hand. Was he always this jumpy..? "Kaminari..? Are you okay?" Ashido's excited voice had dropped to one of concern, her head tilting to the side.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" Kaminari let out, giving a sheepish chuckle as he peeped at her from over his barricade "I'm just nervous about that test we have next week. So I'm studying" That was a lie.. why would Kaminari need a map of the dorms to study?

"You're studying? For a test? A week before it!?" Ashido jumped up for her seat, causing Kaminari to jump a bit more. Kirishima frowned a bit at this "Are you sick? What did you do with Kaminari?"

Kaminari laughed sheepishly again, beginning to pack up some of his things "I am feeling a bit under the weather.. but I'm not studying because of that" He replied, waving his hand a bit "But.. maybe I should go to the nurses office. It might be good to get myself checked, wouldn't be good if I got sick now"

"Kaminari..?" Ashido moved back into her seat, Kirshima watched as Kaminari began to clumsily put away his things, knocking one of his barricades to the floor. The noise caused the rest of the classroom to fall silent.

Kirishima could see Kaminari shaking. The blonde's hands were on the desk, balled up into tight fists. He could see his friend beginning to sweat, and it probably didn't help that eyes were now on him since he was standing. The room was quiet, Kaminari was breathing heavily, this wasn't like him. There was something wrong with him.

"It's okay Kaminari" Kirishima found himself saying, standing up from his own chair. He moved over to Kaminari, putting a hand on his shoulder. He was a bit surprised when the boy flinched away from him "I'll help you to the nurses office" he said carefully.

"No, no that's fine" Kaminari shook his head, moving to take a step, but he stumbled into Kirishima. Kirishima went a bit red as Kaminari's head gently hit his chest. Kaminari was barely shorter than him, but in the moment his friend looked so small.

"Just let him help you" Midoriya let out from Kirishima's side. Sero nodded in agreement.

"If he doesn't want my help, I'm not going to force it." Kirishima let out. He paused as he felt Kaminari grip the blazer of his uniform.

Kaminari's voice was quiet as he spoke, if Kirishima hadn't been right there in front of him he probably wouldn't have heard it. "It's.. alright if it's you" Kirishima tensed a bit, he couldn't help it as his face grew darker.

"Alright.. come on Kaminari.. let's grab the rest of your stuff" He managed to get himself to say, proud of himself for not choking on the words. Kaminari nodded a bit against him, turning back towards his desk. He didn't have a lot left out, but he did knock one of the papers off of it. It fluttered to the ground.

Kirishima bent down, picking it up. Kaminari hadn't realized he dropped it. He didn't mean to, but he caught a glimpse of what it said. It was a date, the day after the test. They had that day off, so they were all going to be in the dorms during that day.. why was it so important that Kaminari had it written down. Before Kirishima could see what else the paper said, it was snatched from his hand.

"Ah.. Uhm.. you dropped that Kaminari.." He said carefully glancing to his friend who held a defensive glare. It took a second for a smile to come to Kaminari's face.

"Oh! Thanks for picking it up for me!" He said before moved towards the door. Kirishima followed to make sure he didn't fall again.. something was going on, but Kirishima couldn't place what.

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