Twenty-Seven (Kirishima P.O.V)

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Hey everyone! I will admit that this chapter is almost the exact same as the previous chapter. I figured it would put more towards the story to see the previous chapter through Kirishima's eyes too, in order to see his feelings and thoughts on this portion. It's okay to want to skip this chapter. I'm uploading chapter twenty-eight right after this one!

Kirishima flinched when he felt a drop of water against the skin of his arm. He was currently hiding a yellow envelope on a bulletin board. "It's raining" He let out, just as the rain started to pick up. He moved his hand away turning to the others.

"Thanks Captain Obvious" Bakugou sighed, crossing his arms. Sero stepped forward, a hand now on Bakugou's shoulder.

"I saw a cafe a bit that way" He gestured with a smile "Let's go over there and try to wait out the rain" He suggested, turning to already start walking there. Bakugou huffed in response as the group walked to the cafe.

"That was surprising huh?" Kirishima let out as the bell above the door gave a small jingle.

"I know!" Ashido whined a bit, glancing around as they entered "It wasn't supposed to rain today"

Bakugou rolled his eyes with a small huff "This doesnt really make it easy.. Today was a waste" Kirishima understood why Bakugou felt that way. They had been looking for Kaminari for almost a month now, the pro heroes had been looking for him for almost two and even they still hadn't been able to find the blonde.

Sero shook his head "I don't think it was completely a waste, we were able to get all of our notes out there.." He spoke carefully, a small smile coming to his face "He's bound to find one of them"

Bakugou rolled his eyes a second time "And if he doesnt?"

"He'll find them" Kirishima said finally, running his fingers through his hair. He really wanted to believe in Kaminari, he wanted to believe there was good inside of the blonde.

Sero nodded in agreement, patting Bakugou on the back "Lighten up Bakugou.. we've only been searching for a month"

"...Sir!" Kirishima paused, hearing the girl at the counter call for the customer in front of them, clearly she had been trying for a while.

"A-Ah! Uhm" The male cleared his throat. To Kirishima it seemed like the guy was just sick, probably wanting a coffee to make himself feel better or something. He watched as coins fell to the floor, the customer cursing slightly as he bent down to pick the coins up.

Kirishima moved up, crouching down next to him. "Here, let me help you" he let out, beginning to pick coins up. He glanced up, freezing slightly. Wisps of blonde hair peaked out from under to hood. He was going to chalk it up to him being paranoid and wanting to see Kaminari.. but he saw the panicked look the boy had.. he saw the stunning eyes he's been missing behind tinted sunglasses.

Kaminari stood quickly, taking off towards the door. Kirishima's moved to his own feet, calling after him "Kaminari!" Kirishima called, pushing through his friends to follow after him. He could hear them calling for him too, he could also hear the barista shouting that Kaminari needed to pay for his drink. He sucked in a breath, watching the hood fall back. Kaminari also threw the sunglasses off to the side "We have to catch him!" Kirishima called over his shoulder to his friends, hearing them following behind him.

Kaminari vanished from his view. Too many people, a rush of rain and adrenaline. It was bound to happen. He stopped, his hands on his knees as he breathed heavily.

"Damnit! We lost Spark Plug!" Bakugou's hand was now on Kirishima's shoulder. He was also breathing heavily. Kirishima glanced up, seeing him looking around.

Mina stopped, falling to her knees. She was looking at the ground, trying to hide the tears in her eyes "Well he couldn't have gotten far! We were right behind him!" Kirishima squeezed his eyes closed. He could feel a headache coming along. This place looked familiar to him, sure he's been in down before, but this felt different.

"Let's split up. There are few directions we could go here. If we split up we could call the others if we find him." Sero suggested. His voice was soft, obviously worried about them. Kirishima took a deep breath, standing straight as he opened his eyes.

"We have to find him. If we loose him now we may never be able to find him again." He shook as he spoke. He knew he should be mad, hate Kaminari for betraying their friendship, their trust, but he just couldnt do it. "He may be more careful, or may go to a new location"

There was a brief moment of silence, the four of them looking between each other. They were about to split off into different directions, but were stopped by the sound of footprints against wet pavement. Kirishima looked up, taking in a breath as he saw Kaminari. He came to them. He's right in front of them.

Kaminari didn't look straight at them, his hands moving out in front of him. His voice was soft and pained.

"You found me"

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