Twenty-Six (Kaminari P.O.V)

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It was late, and Kaminari had once again gone out for a walk. It was a bit more freeing, not being in the dorms.. but he still had to be careful. People were looking for him now, they were trying to be discreet but he's been warned that some of the higher ups of the hero society were looking for him. He sighed as he moved to put a earbud in.

His music played in his ears, his eyes stayed on the ground. Though his shoulder occasionally bumped into someone he didn't stop walking. How long had it been since the attack that gave him away? It was almost two months now, and he had switched his phone number shortly after to avoid being tracked by his phone.

A sigh left him as he stopped by a board covered in posters. Some advertisements for bands playing nearby, babysitting services and different things like that. But there were also missing person posters and wanted people scattered across it to. A stupid smile caught his eye, his own. He pulled his hood a bit more over his eyes as he took in a small breath. He knew they were looking for him, but he hated seeing himself with the word "Wanted" across the page.

Something else managed to catch his eye. Something yellow poking out from underneath the poster. He moved, taking it off from the board. He was surprised to see his name written on the back of the yellow envelope, the handwriting strikingly similar to a certain tape hero. He shook his head, absent mindedly shoving the envelope into his hoodie pocket as he turned.

They wouldn't be so reckless. There was no way they cared enough to keep looking for him like this, besides, after what he did he wouldn't be surprised if they wanted him dead. "Ah, isn't that bittersweet" Kaminari mumbled. Though he was knocked out of his trance by something wet landing against his nose. He moved his gaze up, the gray sky mocking him as rain started to poor.

"Shit" He cursed lightly under his breath as he pushed himself into the nearest shop. He shook his head, keeping his hood up as he moved to the counter, realizing he had found his way into a coffee shop. The girl behind the counter smiled at him.

"The rain was unexpected, huh?" Her voice fell on deaf ears, Kaminari quickly realized she was talking to him and pulled his earbuds out of his ears.

"Sorry..?" He let out, shifting a bit as his eyes went to the menu.

"I said that the rain was unexpected" The girl's expression shifted as she tilted her head "What can I get you"

"Ah.. something sweet" Kaminari looked back to her "Surprise me.." He got his wallet out, hearing the small tingling noise of the bell from behind him. The girl nodded, turning away from him.

"It wasn't supposed to rain today" A female voice whined slightly.

A huffed male reply was next "This doesn't really make it easy.. Today was a waste"

"I don't think it was completely a waste, we were able to get all over our notes out there.. he's bound to find one of them" A different guy this time.. There was something familiar about these voices, Kaminari couldn't place it.

"And if he doesn't? He isn't exactly the brightest person" The gruff voice again, an annoyed male.

"He'll find them" Kaminari tensed when a third male spoke, a voice he had been wanting to hear for a while now. His hand gripped his wallet as he stepped closer to the counter.

"Lighten up Bakugou.. we've only been searching for a month" Kaminari assumed the person speaking was probably Sero now.

"...Sir!" The barista's voice startled Kaminari. He jumped a bit, his gaze moving to her

"Ah! U-Uhm" He coughed slightly, adjusting his sunglasses as he tried to make his voice sound different "Sorry, sorry.."

"Here's your drink sir.." She sat a to-go cup on the counter, giving him the price. Kaminari fumbled with his wallet, coins clattering against the floor.

"Shit" he mumbled out again, moving to pick them up. Red hair appeared in his vision.

"Here, let me help you.." The redheaded boy paused his sentence as he looked up, Kaminari sucked in a breath as his eyes met with red ones. He stood up quickly, moving towards the door.

"Kaminari!" He heard someone call after him, though their voice was drowned out by the sound of the rain. His hood had fallen off and Kaminari had thrown the sunglasses to the ground as he ran from the coffee shop. The rain impairing his vision with them on.

His shoes splashed in newly formed puddles, his breathing picked up and his heart best against his chest. They shouldnt have been there.. It was a school day, besides UA wasnt allowing the students off campus anyway. And why that coffee shop? Why now? He was tying so hard, he couldn't face them.

He slid as he turned a corner, pushing passed people to get through. His pants were now soaked, gravel and grout embedded in his palms. He was out of breath as he pushed himself back to his feet. He had to have gotten away from them..

"Damnit! We lost Spark Plug!" He heard the splashing of puddles, he was close enough to hear their voices too but he couldnt see them.

"Well he couldn't of gotten far! We were right behind him!" Mina. Kaminari missed her voice, her pranks. He shook his head, pushing himself against a wall as he sat on the wet pavement. He realized where he was. This was the alleyway that Kirishima had first caught him in, he was near the bar.

"Let's split up. There are a few directions we could go here. If we split up we could call the others if we find him" That one was Sero. Kaminari's hand went to the envelope in his pocket. He could make a run for the bar, but what if one of them went that way? They would be in danger.

"We have to find him. If we loose him now we may never find him again. He may be more careful, or may go to a new location" Kaminari squeezed his eyes closed. Kirishima.. He couldn't risk the four of them getting hurt.

Standing up now, he took a deep breath. Opening his eyes before stepping out of the alleyway. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, letting his voice leave him.

"You found me."

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