Thirty (Kaminari P.O.V)

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The event was taking place inside of a mall. Kaminari was already there, his hair pulled back again and the fake, rimless glasses on his face.  His villain outfit had a hoodie thrown over the top to cover it for now. His disguise wasnt the best, but people were so busy dealing with the crowd of people and the tasks at hand to deal with looking for possible traitors.

There were tons of pro heroes here. Why they picked out a mall of all places was beyond Kaminari. This was supposed to be a press conference to talk about events that have happened. He sighed as he leaned a bit against the railing. The questions already being thrown at heroes.

"Principal Nezu! Is it true that the events that transpired at USJ and the UA dorms were caused by a traitor?" One of the reporters asked. Kaminari flinched slightly but continued to watch.

"We have concluded that USJ was not caused by the traitor, but that the traitor was present and helping during the event.. but what happened at the dorms was indeed caused by a traitor" Nezu spoke carefully "No one died, though some were seriously injured"

"Those wanted posters that have gone up!" Another reporter started "The ones of a boy named Denki Kaminari. He was a first year in class 1A correct? Does that mean he was the traitor?"

"It is confirmed.. Denki Kaminari is indeed the one who set off the bombs-"

"What are you doing to find him?!"

"Will he be punished?!"

"What steps are you taking to make sure the students of UA will be safe from this point on?!"

Nezu took a breath "Now now everyone, your questions will be answered but you must ask them one at a time."

"Kaminari is not a bad person!" Kaminari paused, glancing out towards the crowd. He tensed, why was all of 1A here?

Mina had been the one to yell out, and she continued before anyone could stop her "He cared about us! At first.. at first he was bad.. he wanted to prove a point.. but he changed! The day he set of the bombs, he no longer wanted to"

"Oh my.. Aizawa what is your class doing here?" Nezu questioned a bit

"They begged and begged and then snuck out before i could stop them" Aizawa sighed "But it's true.. the bombs did show signs of being tampered with. Bakugou said that he caught Kaminari in the act of placing them.. so it is most likely that he was trying to create a less deadly explosion.."

"When I first heard that it was Kaminari there was no way I could believe it" Midoriya spoke up now "His feelings were always so genuine"

"And he got so depressed towards the end. He didnt want to do it!" More and more people from class 1A were starting to voice their opinions. There were some who were pissed at him for what he did, but everyone agreed that Kaminari was not a bad person.

"Kaminari.." Kaminari stopped, hearing Kurogiri's voice in his ear "We'll talk about you tampering with the bombs when you get back.. but as for right now, everything is ready."

"Ah.. right.. okay" Kaminari took a deep breath before throwing his hoodie off, as well as the fake glasses. He prepared his voice, trying not to let it shake.

"You all are idiots!" He called out, catching the attention of the crowd "What the hell are you doing here? You should have stayed at UA like Mr. Aizawa said!"

There was murmured voices now. Bakugou spoke up "I knew he'd be here" he said "Kaminari! You idiot get down here!"

Kaminari was shocked that Bakugou used his name. He forced a smile "I'm sorry, I can't do that and you know it. It's too late." He moved, standing on the railing now. "Heroes! You think you're so amazing just because you've got powerful quirks. But you're not! You know, you're no different than me. You destroy buildings and break laws all the time but everyone praises you as the good guy. But you're not"

Kaminari pointed to Endeavor "You! You married a woman for her quirk and then forced her to give birth to children until she made the perfect one. Oh the Todoroki siblings.. where is that oldest child of yours? The constant abuse, but it's okay because of who you are?" He was spouting nonsense now, trying to make himself believe what he used to.

"UA trains new heroes, forcing literal children into battle. It's a child soldier factory! Even then, not everyone will become a hero right? Because their quirks arent cool enough or the people dont like them. They'll be forced to become sidekicks or even give up being a hero all together! Oh how cruel!"

"Denki!" He heard Kirishima yell out, his eyes went to the red head. "Denki please! I know that there are things that need to be fixed, but this isn't the way"

"No one will ever see otherwise Ejiro!" He breathed, throwing his hands to the side "So let's show the world! I hate this! I hate it! Hero or villain, good or bad! I don't want either but you're always forced to choose. Even civilians. Do you think you're safe from it all? You're just as bad as everyone else!"

"Some quirks are automatically viewed as evil, those without them are bullied for being weak. Power is the only way to change things!" Kaminari yelled, the lights going out. When they came back on Kaminari was in a different place. He had realized that some heroes had tried to grab him from behind. Kurogiri's warp gate was by him now, Nomu after Nomu filing out of it as people began to scream.

Kaminari gripped the railing, his heart beating loudly in his ears. He was confirming it to the world now, he was confirming which side he stood on. Tears filled his eyes and slipped down his cheeks. "Let's show them, let's show them how the heroes they love are hypocrites and liars."

He again locked eyes with Kirishima, who had a desperate look on his face. Bakugou ran up, grabbing Kirishima's shoulder. They both nodded and ran in separate directions.

"This is it. This is the endgame" Kaminari breathed out "I've made my place."

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