Twenty-Nine (Kaminari's P.O.V)

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Kaminari followed along after Dabi, neither of them saying anything as they walked. Both had their hoods pulled back up over their heads, the rain having let up a little. Kaminari took a breath "Dabi-"

"Don't say anything. I was only sent out to look for you" Dabi glanced over his shoulder to Kaminari "No one knew where you were... or who you were with"

Kaminari flinched at that, bringing a hand up to his own arm. He squeezed it slightly as he looked asay from him.

Dabi continued to talk "I haven't told them where I found you yet"

This caused Kaminari to pause. Dabi hadn't told them where he was? Why didn't he tell them that he was with students from UA?

"Don't question why.. it's just too much trouble to deal with it" Dabi sighed a bit "But there's a mission for you."

"Mission? Already?"

"They think if you go on a mission it'll clear your head of those hero fantasies.. I think they're barking up the wrong tree but whatever" Dabi was growing bored of the conversation, and they were coming up on the bar. Kaminari took a deep breath, preparing himself.

"Kaminari!" Toga was the first to greet him once they were inside, she seemed excited about something, bouncing on her heels as she looked up to him.

"Toga" Kaminari repeated her name back to her, scratching the back of his head. He took the fake glasses off before shifting "What are you so excited about?"

"We got you a present! I helped pick it out" She did a small spin before grabbing his hand and dragging him over to a table that had a bag on it. There was bright yellow paper in the bag, hiding what was inside.

"A present.." Kaminari sighed, moving to remove the paper. He paused as he looked to the article of clothing in his hands. It was a black hoodie similar to the jacket he was using as his 'hero' outfit. The lightening bolts were only outlines instead of pure white, and there was only two of them along the top half of the hoodie. He gripped it in his hands, taking a sharp breath.

"There's more in the bag Kaminari!" Toga reached in, pulling out a belt that had a battery pack attached to it. She started to show off the wire "You put this part in your mouth and it'll give your electricity more of a kick. There's also a insulated shirt and rubber biker boots, and a pair of jeans. You have a villain outfit now!" She grinned as she talked.

"There's also a communicator, like the one you were using back at UA." Dabi reached up, tapping his own ear. "You're going to need this for your mission"

"My mission? What's my mission?" Kaminari snapped himself out of it, he had to stop thinking about UA. He never wanted to be a hero, this is what he started off striving for. He wanted the title, to be officially apart of the League.. why was his heart hurting this much?

"Simple enough. There's an event that's going to start tomorrow afternoon. Some of the higher up heroes will be there for signing and to talk about certain things that have happened. You need to take a Nomu and cause havoc." Kurogiri spoke up now "All of the major news stations are going to be there"

Kaminari froze, biting his lip. All the major news stations, big time heroes.. his first mission as an official member of the league. He sucked in a small breath, forcing himself to smile what he was hoping would be a signature Kaminari smile. Even though his personality with villains was different than the with his friends, he still had a bright smile.

"I won't let you down!" He shoved the clothing back into the bag, moving to head to his room. He stopped when Kurogiri called out to him.

"Oh, Kaminari.. where were you?" Kurogiri asked, a glass being set in front of Dabi. Kaminari locked eyes with Dabi and the other male sighed.

"I found him hanging out in some park. Don't know why someone who uses electricity would be out there in the rain, but he was. Probably reflecting or something."

"I see.." Kurogiri sounded like he didnt believe it, but why would Dabi have any reason to lie. Kaminari quickly left the room before it could be questioned further.

"This is it.." Kaminari breathed once alone in his room "I've really done it.. I crossed the line I can never cross again. I'm a villain"

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