Twenty (Kaminari P.O.V)

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The way to the nurse's office was quiet between the two of them. Currently, Recovery Girl was away but she allowed Kaminari to lay down on one of the beds. Kirishima was sitting in a chair nearby, tapping his finger against his knee. The silence was almost deafening, and in all honestly Kaminari much preferred Kirishima's look of hatred over the awkward quiet that had kept creeping between them.

"Kirishima!" Kaminari finally let out, trying to break the fragile silence.

"Kaminari!" Kirishima said at the same time, both of the, having similar ideas. A silence fell  between them again for only a moment before the two burst out into laughter. Tears came to Kaminari's eyes as he laughed, bringing a hand up to wipe them away.

Kirishima's voice came between his laughs "Oh man, that was a much needed laugh" he said, Kaminari's eyes moved over to him "I haven't heard you really laugh in a while"

"Ah.. I'm sure I've laughed" Kaminari shifted, moving his eyes off of Kirishima.

"Sure, you've laughed. But they've been really forced recently. I'm glad that I finally got to hear a genuine laugh come from you." Kaminari felt a hand brush over his forehead and he let his eyes close. "You aren't too warm.. but you should probably rest.."

"Mmn.. I'm fine, really." Kaminari didn't want to admit it, but he had really been stressed recently. The date to really betray the people who thought of him as a friend was coming closer, and he was starting to regret it. He couldn't stop thinking about the face Kirishima had made when he first found out, and he knew how much worse it was really going to be.

Kirishima's hand moved away from his forehead, and he honestly missed the cool feeling of his palm. "I don't believe that, but I'll take your word for it for now." Kaminari heard him give a small click of his tongue, there was also a slight sound of him shifting. "I'll stay here with you until Recovery Girl gets back. Though she did say she would probably be a while. She apparently got called to the same meeting that Aziawa did."

"Did she..?" Kaminari turned onto his side, keeping his eyes closed. He hadn't really been sleeping well, with his stress and late night phone calls to the bar. He could feel himself dozing off, but it had been a while since he had a good conversation with Kirishima. "Wonder what it's for.."

"I heard a little bit of the conversation she was having with All Might.. apparently this traitor thing is getting really serious." Kaminari tensed up a bit, opening his eyes as he quickly sat up. "Kaminari..?" Apparently this had surprised the red head.

"Is there really a traitor..?" Kaminari forced himself to say. He could hear his voice cracking and he hoped that Kirishima couldn't.

Kirishima blinked a little, shifting in the chair he was sitting in. "I mean.. it really seems like it. I know you've been really worried about it recently.."

"I haven't been that worried."

"Well, you've been worried" Kirishima shrugged "But apparently a lot of the events that have happened recently are connected to the traitor. They've all but confirmed it when they moved us into the dorms. I heard that they've been able to narrow it down to a first year student, but they don't know who."

"Really?" Kaminari let out, moving his legs off the side of the bed. He could feel his himself shaking, he had to take a quiet breath to calm his heart. "Do they know which class..?"

Kidishima shook his head "Not that I know of. But there are some rumors that it's someone from our class. I mean, everything has been happening to our class after all, besides the few rebar affected the whole school."

"Y-Yeah that would make sense.. but is there really anyone in our class that would do something like that? I'm mean really..?"

"Hell, I wouldn't say that I couldn't be someone from our class, but you know.." Kirishima pushed himself up from the chair, moving over to the bed. Kaminari watched him sit down beside him. "Even.. even if it is one of our friends.. I'll do what I can to protect you" Kaminari felt his face heat up as Kirishima's hand was placed over his.

"Protect me..?" He forced himself to let out a laugh "I think I'm capable of doing that myself"

Kirishima laughed a bit as well, squeezing Kaminari's hand "Yeah.. I know you could probably protect yourself easily.. but I've been thinking about things recently.. sure it has only been like three days but..."

Kaminari's eyes widened, he didn't want to hear Kirishma say it. The moment it was out in the open between the two of them thing would change for sure. His free hand gripped the edge of the bed. "Kirishima.." He started to speak before he could stop himself, he could swear that the red head could hear how fast his heart was beating. "K-Kirishima t-that game you loaned me! It was really fun. I beat it the other night!"

"Oh.. uh.." Kirishima's disappointment was obvious in his voice. It almost killed Kaminari, the sharp pain that his friend's saddened look made in his chest. "Yeah. It's pretty fun.. isn't it? The characters are really interesting and the story is moving. I don't usually play those types of games, but a friend of mine from middle school loaned it to me. She said that she thought I'd enjoy it."

"Thank her for me, since she let you loan it to me" Kaminari had to move himself to be in Kirishima's field of vision.

Kirishima nodded a little bit "Yeah.. but Kaminari, I wasn't trying to talk about that game.. I really want to tell you something..."

"A-And as I was playing it I really thought that the main character was a lot like you!" Kaminari interrupted him, his voice growing more frantic.

"Kaminari really, even if you don't feel the..."

"He was really manly you know? He cares so much about his friends and really strives to protect even the people who betrayed him.. he always sees the good in people"

"Please, stop talking Kaminari..."

"A-And he's smart.. but he makes mistakes sometimes.. He doesn't let those mistakes rule him though! And he's really strong but humble.."


"I know the character was drawn this way on purpose.. but he had a really nice smile.. it really made the player feel calm and safe.. And I liked his eyes.."

A frustrated sigh left Kirishima, and Kaminari made a small noise as the front of his uniform was grabbed. Kirishima squeezed the hand he was holding and the blonde was pulled forward. Kaminari's eyes widened as their lips connected.

He could feel himself melting into his kiss, wanting to let his eyes close. It felt right, being together with Kirishima felt like the best decision he could make, but he just couldn't do it. This was something he wanted, but he couldn't have it.

So he pushed himself away. His hand was pressed against Kirishima's chest while the one under his hand was shaking. He stared down at their knees, which were just barely touching, as he felt his bangs brush against him, obscuring his face. He couldn't bring himself to say anything at first.

"I-I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that.. not without your permission!" Kirishima spoke quickly. "I should have known.. that you wouldn't feel the same. I'm pretty sure you like girls after all!"

Kaminari tensed at that, quickly bringing his head up to look at Kirishima. His friend's face was red and was looking up towards the ceiling. Kirishima's hand moved away from his. "And it was stupid anyway.. I just realized that I was in love with you.. why did I think this was a good time to say that? I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.."

"Kirishima..?" Kaminari said softly, he watched him shake his head.

"You aren't feeling well.. You're stressed.. shit I should have waited.. next week would have been good, or the week after that.."

Kaminari wanted to stop Kirishima from rattling on, after all there wasn't going to be a 'next week' or a 'week after that..' but he couldn't very well admit that. Before he could find his voice, Recovery Girl walked through the door.

Kirishima popped up from the bed the moment she was in the room. "W-Well.. I hope you'll feel better Kaminari.. I'll talk to you later!" He said quickly. Kaminari couldn't say anything as he watched Kirishima retreat out the door passed a confused recovery girl. Well.. this would make things easier for him.. right..?

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