Twenty-Two (Kirishima P.O.V)

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"Kaminari!!" Kirishima called after the retreating blonde. It was him? Kaminari was betraying all of them this entire time? He couldn't breath, he couldn't bring himself to move. It felt like his shoes were glued to the pavement, his head felt like it was going to burst. He crouched down, ignoring the pain in his leg as he brought his hands to his hair. Sweat dripped from his forehead, his vision blurred.. He's known this before, he knew Kaminari was the traitor, he could remember it very vividly but he knew this.. Why did he forget?

"Rock Bottom!" Bakugou stumbled out of the building. Kirishima turned his head and he noticed Bakugou's hand at his side. He was covered in dirt, scratched and bruised. "Where is he? Where did he go?"

"You were right.. Bakugou you were right" he breathed out. "He.. Kaminari.."

"You dont have to tell me I was right Shitty Hair, I know that I'm right" Bakugou grabbed him by his shirt, both of them grimacing as he pulled him to his feet "He betrayed us, lied to us. But you saw him didnt you?"

"He.." Kirishima turned his head to the side "He ran off in that direction.. but I couldnt follow him.."

"Snap out of it! This isnt the time to feel sorry for yourself. The teachers arent here yet, people are still inside. Deku and Tape Face are in there trying to get people who are trapped in their rooms out. You need to suck it up and help us!"

Kirishima blinked, Bakugou looked frantic. It was weird to see him this way. "Bakugou.. I.."

"I know. It probably wont make you feel any better, but Sparky felt the same. I heard it from Deku, the shitty nerd sucks at keeping secrets" Bakugou sighed a bit "I fucking hate that electric bastard, but.. I think at the end there, he didnt want to do this"

"But he still did! He hurt his friends!" Kirishima tensed, his hand going to Bakugou's wrist "Wait, did he even think of us as his friends? Shit!" He pushed himself back from Bakugou, taking a deep breath. He didnt wait for an answer as he pushed himself into the building. Jirou had just gotten down the steps, her hand at her mouth as she coughed. Hagakure was keeping her steady, her features a bit more visible due to the smoke.

"Kirishima!" Hagakure's voice filled his ears. His heard was racing, his headache getting worse. Memories were coming back to him, hitting him like a ton if bricks.. the alley he saw Kaminari in with those villains, the fear in the blondes eyes.. he had yelled at him, he was pissed.. like he should have been, but he couldnt bring himself to yell anymore. He wanted so badly to still believe in Kaminari, to laugh with him while playing games.. he wished to see that dazzling smile, but was it even real?

"Kirishima!" He hadnt realized it, but he had fallen. His hand clutched at his chest, his other hand was gripped at his hair. He couldnt breath, his head felt like it was about to explode.

"Hurts.." Kirishima gasped out. Sweat dripped down his face, his legs curled up closer to him. He felt a hand on his shoulder and his body shook as he smacked it away. "Dont touch me!" No.. that isnt how he wanted to act. He needed to help people.. so he shifted, pressing his hands against the ground. He ignored the glass digging into his palms as he pushed himself up, the floor shifting and spinning..

Kirishima could see someone's hands move into his vision, his stomach churning.. a memory quirk. Thats right, that Dabi guy mentioned it. Kaminari saved his life, had his memory erased.. did the blonde actually care for his life or was it just to save his own skin? How bad would it have looked if Kirishima, the person closest to him, turned up dead?

"Lets get you out of here" Jirou's speaking to him now. Shes the one trying to get him to his feet. He shook his head.

"Gotta help.." Before he could get it out, bile burned the back of his throat. He threw up, gagging as it became harder and harder to breath. He was feeling fine before he started to remember. Ah.. so that was it. All of this pain in his head, the heartache he felt. His body rejecting the idea of consciousness.. it was a side effect of remembering. The week he was supposedly sick? He was asleep for all of it, but now he knew it was just Kaminari covering his tracks.

"Shit! Hagakure, help me.." Jirou was cut off by her own cough "..we gotta get him out of here.. where is that stupid Kaminari? He'd usually be the first one by Kirishima's side"

"Do you think he got hurt? Kaminari has been sleeping a lot.. he seemed really depressed. He might still be stuck in his room" The two of them talking about Kaminari, it made him feel sick again. The burning came back as he once again threw up. It felt worse as he was forced to his feet by the two girls, the three of them stumbling outside.

"I'll see if someone can try and get into his room" Jirou and Hagakure sat him down in the grass.

Kirishima squeezed his eyes closed, the sun hurt his eyes. His chest still ached, his head pounded. Why did this happen? "Shit" he coughed out. He heard Hagakure's voice coming from somewhere.

"He's over here Mr. Aizawa! He's one of the worst hurt" He heard running.. people were coming to him. But he couldnt be bothered to open his eyes.

"Get to safety Hagakure. Help bring the students already outside to safety as well, but dont go back in there" Aizawa demanded "Leave it to the teachers"

Kirishima felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes "Kaminari.." He let out "Why.. did he do this..?"

Aziawa's voice stopped. He had been giving demands to others. He let out a sigh "So it was Kaminari huh..?" He moved, picking Kirishima up "It's okay Kirishima.. youre going to be okay.."

Kirishima's tears began to fall. He leaned into the teacher as his stomach churned again. He didnt realize it as he passed out.

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