Thirty-Two (Kirishima P.O.V)

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When the ceiling came down and his words didnt reach Kaminari soon enough, Kirishima felt his world stop. He was leaning over a broken railing, his palms sweaty while gripping it. The voices of his classmates around him fell on deaf ears and for a second he forgot to breath.

"-pro hero!" Who was that? Who was yelling while grabbing his shoulder? Who pulled him into their chest, a shaking hand at his hair? He couldn't answer those questions, after all his eyes had blurred with tears that he didn't realize were falling.

"Kirishima!" The dullness of the world seemed to disappear in almost a snap as another voice quickly yelled his name. He brought his hand to his face, trying the wipe the tears he couldn't stop. Sero had called his name while Ashido was holding him, the both of them on the ground. When had he collapsed? "Kirishima we have to get out of here. The building isn't safe anymore"

It took him a moment to find his voice, his mouth felt dry "Kaminari, we can't leave him here! We have to get him out!" He said quickly, his words cracking slightly as he choked on them.

"Kirishima.. The pro heroes have started to move the rocks, but pieces of ceiling are still falling. We have to go"

He started to shake. This wasn't like him, he was the one to convince everyone to come out here. If they hadn't.. Kaminari would have gotten out safely "But!"

"No!" He was pulled to his feet, Bakugou gripping his arm. The other male was shaking as well "We've done as much as we can. We're in the way now, Shitty Hair. We have to go"

Kirishima looked to Bakugou for a moment before letting out a hesitant sigh "You're right.. you're right we need to get out of here. Let's go" He pulled his arm away, moving to leave. He could barely keep himself on his feet, but him, and the few classmates that had stayed while he broke down, quickly left the collapsing building. His eyes looked to the rubble, then to the girl no longer in Uraraka's arms. She was balling while being held by a pro-hero, crying about the sparks.

"That amount a rubble.. do you think that villain would survive?" Kirishima heard someone say once they were outside. There was a crowd of survivors and random bystanders. The Nomu's had been either restrained or dealt with, no sign of other villains at all.

"Why does that matter? He caused this mess, he deserves to die" Another person replied, he sucked in a breath.

"He's just a child himself.. and he had some.. interesting points"

"Who cares! If he wants to change society he should just become a hero himself"

A third voice came up. Kirishima quickly recognized it as Uraraka. "Did you see him save that child.. I was right there, he panicked he sacrificed himself to keep me and her from being crushed! Unless you were there, unless you know him, you have no right to judge him! You are not god! you don't get to decide who deserves to die."

Kirishima paused, his eyes locking with Uraraka's. He didn't want to think about the possibility of Kaminari dying.. but he saved that child. One innocent person, a bystander he could have ignored.

"Kaminari.. He's a good person.." Kirishima heard himself say, bringing a hand to his chest. He knew what he had to do "He's a good person! He protected me from getting killed by the league of villains. Sure, he still went ahead with the explosion of the dorms, but he tampered with the bombs to try and lighten the damage. He saved that girl.." He shook his head, tears once again burning the corners of his eyes. "He is our friend! No matter how much he denies caring for us, how much he denies being happy during his time at UA... He became a husk of a person when he went through with that plan.. He is not a villian... Denki Kaminari is a hero!"

Silence fell upon the bystanders, but only for a moment. There were some mutters and people turned to leave, though Kirishima stayed. Bakugou, Ashido, Sero and Uraraka stayed with him. He heard a sob, turning his head to see Ashido wiping her face with her sleeves, tears streaming down her face. Uraraka had also started to cry, Sero even had tears in his eyes. Bakugou wasn't crying, but his arms were crossed. He had almost lost his cool while listening to that man say Kaminari deserved to die.

"You.. you said it perfectly" Ashido sobbed out, Uraraka running to her side "We.. we could see the real Kaminari, they don't know him! They only know what they've seen on TV.. He made mistakes.. but no one died because of them.. He can redeem himself, right?"

"He will redeem himself" Bakugou looked towards the direction of the disaster, the rubble could barely be seen from where they were. "He'll live, and he'll redeem himself. We know this, what they think right now, that doesn't matter"

"You're right, Bakugou." Kirishima let out, though was stopped before he could say anything else. There was a commotion closer towards the building. He hesitated before he and his friends made there way over. The pro heroes had pulled out enough rubble to drag Kaminari from the debris.

Kirishima could barely see over the shoulders of others, though from what he did see.. it wasn't looking good. The blood was bruised badly, his face and clothes covered in dirt. He was bleeding in multiple places.. and worst of all.. Kaminari wasn't moving. There were hushed voices as the pro heroes started to block cameras and bystanders from getting a good look.

For a moment, everything and everyone was tense. A hand touched Kirishima's shoulder, though he didn't bother to look over to whoever it was. He held his breath as he got close enough to watch Present Mic check Kaminari's pulse. One second.. two.. three.. it felt like an hour before the hero shook his head. Present Mic scooped the boy into his arms, his words ringing out in Kirishima's ears.

"He's dead"

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