Twenty-Five (Kirishima P.O.V)

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Kirishima took a deep breath once he was far enough from the classroom. He leaned against the wall, looking out the window as he tries to figure out what he was going to do. If only he could remember where  that alley was, their base was probably nearby..

"Kirishima!" Ashido's voice hit his ears. He glanced up to look at her. Bakugou and Sero were with her.


"Are you okay?" She looked worried. He gave a small nod and she let out a breath. "That's good. I noticed you reading something.. did it come in a bright yellow envelope?"

Kirishima paused before giving a small nod. He had shoved both the letter and the envelope into his pocket before leaving the classroom, so he brought it out now "I did.. How did you?"

"We all got one" Sero took a step forward. Bakugou found his this morning before class started. He told me about it and I checked my desk.. I figured he gave one to all three of us"

"Mine talked about how he really likes being friends with me." Tears came to Ashido's eyes again "He thought my fashion sense was amazing.. and he really liked all the clothes I helped him pick out"

"He called me the dad of the group. He knew he could come to me for advice" Sero crossed his arms, sighing a bit

Bakugou wasnt saying anything. But he sighed and held up his yellow envelope "He appreciated me. Admired my sense of justice or whatever"

Kirishima couldnt help but let out a small laugh, bringing his hand to his hair "Aha, so we all got a letter? Oh.. why are we talking about him in past tense? He's still alive" He closed his eyes, giving a small smile "He basically told me that he.. that he loves me"

"Mutual huh?" Sero let out before putting a hand on Kirishima's shoulder "You're thinking about going and finding him, right?"

Kirishima gave a small nod, shifting a little bit.

"Let us help Kirishima! I know for sure that Kaminari is a good person! He was just misguided" Ashido jumped a little as she took a step forward "He's our friend. I want to see him one more time, maybe there's a chance we can convince him!"

"Convince him what Pinky?" Bakugou let out, putting his hands behind his head "He blew up a building filled with people. I tried to get him to stop but he didnt.. He'll get thrown in jail for sure"

"Maybe not!" She spun towards Bakugou "Our letters! It's proof he's a good person!"

"Not enough proof.. but whatever, I'm helping you too. Electrical Bitch might be a villain, but I guess.. he was still.." Bakugou mumbled the word, but Kirishima knew what he meant. He took a deep breath.

"This is going to be dangerous you know. We havent really been able to beat them before" He spoke up. Sero and Ashido grinned as Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Of course, but we're doing this for him." Sero grabbed Kirishima's arm as he started moving down the hall "Now let's go. We're going to the dorms. We have to come up with a plan dont we?"

Kirishima smiled softly, thankful for his friends. He would never have been able to do this on his own. He could barely remember the first incident without getting sick.

So sure, this was going to be quite a bite to take, but it would be a little bit easier to chew if they were all together.

"Any idea of where he is now?" Ashido spoke up as they were walking. Sero shook his head.

"No" Kirishima scratched his cheek "I've been trying to remember, but ever since Kaminari had my memory erased, I get sick every time I remember something."

"Damn, that sucks.." Sero gave his back a small pat.

"But I kind of remember that he had been in an alley.. when I found him."

"So let's go into town! We can do some investigating! Find out where he might be" Ashido said quickly

"We can't leave campus.." Bakugou sighed "We're going to have to sneak off campus.. meaning we're going to have to do this at night. There's no way we'd be able to pull this off during the day, you know"

"Aww.. is that going to mess with the baby's sleep schedule?" Ashido said in a babyish voice.

Bakugou glared at her, slight sparks coming from his fingers "Who you calling a baby, Alien Idiot?"

"You obviously. You're alway going to bed super early. Eight-o-clock with your homework done by seven-o-clock? Youre such a goody-two-shoes!"

"And you're suck a bitch!"

Kirishima gave a small laugh as they started to bicker. He felt a small squeeze on his arm and he glanced over to Sero, who gave him a reassuring smile. This was where Kaminari belonged, with them. Even if he was a villain, even if he was working against them, he was still Kaminari. This was his place, and they were going to drag him back.

"We're going to help him you guys. We'll find him, and we'll bring him home" Ashido and Bakugou paused their bickering, which had still been happening. They looked to each other and then back to him.

"Even if he get's in trouble, I'm sure he'll get less of a punishment if he turns himself in, right?" Ashido grinned, throwing her arms in the air "We will save you Kaminari. We're your friends even if you don't think it's true anymore!"

Sero threw one of his fists into the air as he gave a whoop of confirmation and agreement "We'll drag that electric eel by his ear if we have to! We'll prove to him how we feel!"

"That bastard is going to have to apologize to us! Just because he belongs to a family of villains doesn't mean he has to be like them!" Bakugou joined in, grinning his signature grin.

It was Kirishima's turn now. He threw both his arms out to the side as he let out his thoughts "We're coming Kaminari! We're coming to show you the truth!"

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