Final Chapter

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How much time had passed since Denki Kaminari died in the large scale villain attack on that mall? Enough time for anybody who didn't know him to forget it ever happened. Enough time for the construction of a new mall to begin and take its place. Enough time for class 1A to move on to being class 2A without him.

Everything seemed normal. Everyone still joked, laughed and got angry at each other. They all still had fun and slowly began to cope with Kaminari being gone, but they also still felt the large absence left by him. There was no longer a sparky joy in the room, and sometimes the empty desk would have gifts left on it as if he were still there. He wasn't forgotten at all, but life still moved on.

Kirishima hated it, the fact that things just fell back into place. Kaminari had been granted a funeral and had a lovely grave, but he couldn't bring himself to go to it after the service. He let out a heavy sigh, moving to stand from his seat.

"Kirishima" Aizawa stepped into the room, gesturing for Kirishima to go with him. The bottle dyed male followed him, adjusting his bag over his shoulder.

"What is it..?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as he walked with his teacher.

"When was the last time you visited Kaminari?" Kirishima stopped walking, gripping the straps of his bag. The smile he had on his face fell when Aizawa asked him.

He shook his head as he hesitated to answer "Not since the funeral" he admitted.

"Alright, then let's go."


"Let's go, we're going to visit Kaminari" Aizawa looked to Kirishima, who was reluctant to follow. He did anyway, letting Aizawa led him to his car.

The ride was silent and long. Aizawa wouldn't speak to him unless Kirishima said something first, but he didn't want to to say anything in the first place. A shaky breath left him as they pulled up to the cemetery.

"Aizawa, just take me back to the dorms please" Kirishima let out "I'm not ready to be back here"

"You're going to have to eventually, and now is the perfect time" Aizawa got of of the car.

That pissed him off a bit. Perfect time? There is no perfect time to visit a dead friend or lover.. though they never really were lovers were they? It hurts no matter what, but just as Kirishima was about to yell that at Aizawa it clicked that he did indeed need to visit. He let out a breath, getting out of the car and follow Aizawa.

When they approached where Kaminari's grave was, Kirishima paused, frowning as he saw someone there already. He didn't really want to visit if someone was already there.

The figure was dressed in a black hoodie, at the angle Kirishima was, he could tell whoever it was had on sunglasses. A tuff of blonde peaked out from the hoodie.

"Isn't it weird?" Kirishima's body stiffened, it felt like a lump in his throat as a familiar voice spoke to him. "I mean, I think it's weird to be visiting your own grave." The figure turned, removing a hand from their hoodie pocket and taking the sunglasses off their face. Beautiful golden eyes and a childish smile stared back at him.

Kirishima couldn't breath for a moment, it felt like a dream "Denki.." He let out, taking a small step forward.

"Hey Eijiro" Kaminari open his arms, letting his shocked and confused friend fall into them "I missed you"

"But.. you were..!"

"Yeah I know. A graveyard isn't the best place to talk about this, but I'm finally able to see you again" He moved, taking Kirishima's hand and leading him to a nearby bench. Aizawa was still nearby, keeping an eye on them.

Kaminari looked up to the sky, still holding onto his hand as he started to talk. "When Present Mic pulled me out of that rubble, I was given a choice. Pretend to be dead, or be publicly arrested in front of everyone" Kirishima watched him the entire time, seeing the other glance over to him. "I don't know why, but without questioning anything I chose to pretend to be dead. Once I was taken away I was arrested and they explained to me that Denki Kaminari was now dead to everyone, including the League of Villains."

"They were giving you a chance to come clean.. weren't they? Tell them everything you knew about the League?"

Kaminari nodded, giving a slight chuckle "Exactly. After I told them everything, they still arrested me but basically it's just been Mr. Aizawa babysitting me at his house while having a tracking collar on my neck. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone anything about it. I'm still not, but as a reward they're allowing me to see you"

Kirishima threw his arms around Kaminari, pulling him into a hug. He couldn't believe that this was real, that Kaminari was really in front of him. He felt the other hug him back.

"I can't change the things that I did. I can't be a hero anymore but I'm no longer a villain either." Kaminari moved back a bit, smiling to Kirishima "Towards the end, I felt like I couldn't see who the real me was. I was breaking down, panicking under the weight of everything. But I'm thankful they gave me the chance to fake my own death"

Kaminari pressed his lips to Kirishima's, and he happily kissed him back. It felt amazing, it felt real and it felt right. When they pulled away, Kaminari spoke again "This was our first kiss where there wasn't a goodbye or a rejection connected to it" Kirishima rolled his eyes at the goofy grin the other had. This was the Kaminari he missed.

"So that means it's not our last?" Kirishima questioned, gripping Kaminari's arm a bit.

"It's definitely not" Kaminari's grin grew "Eijiro Kirishima, I love you. Once everything is finally over, I want to be by your side again"

"Denki Kaminari, I want to by yours as well" He laughed a little at how formal they were being "I love you too"

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