Six (Kaminari's P.O.V)

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"Kirishima!" Kaminari grabbed his friend by the arm, keeping him from leaving. It took a second before the red head turned to look at him, and Kaminari sucked in a small breath.

"Kaminari.." His words were dark, and his eyes spoke the truth. Hatred. It was hatred for Kaminari, and it hurt to see that look in his eyes.

"I'm.." He couldn't think of anything to say. Apologizing would making things worse, and there was no way to explain his way out of this. Now that he caught him, he had to take him back. He didn't want to, he knew what they would do to him. They'd kill him. "Shit" he squeezed his eyes shut, still holding onto Kirishima's arm.

"Fuck off dude, let go of me!" Kirishima said lightly, moving to shaking Kaminari's hand away. He opened his eyes and shook his head

"I can't do that" He moved, bringing a hand to Kirishima's neck as he managed to push the stronger male to the ground "You.. you werent supposed to find out. Not yet at least"

"Shut.. up" Kirishima grabbed ahold of Kaminari's wrist, closing one eye as he stared at his so called 'friend' in pain.

"Kirishima.. this.. it's going to be a goodbye." He could hear his own voice shaking as he held onto his friend's neck. He could end it now.. just send a jolt through the red head and it would be over.. "The school.. they'll probably call this a freak accident. That you tried to play hero when you weren't ready yet.."

"Kami.." Kirishima spoke through his teeth "nari.. Kaminari please.." He saw drops of water hit Kirishima's cheeks, it wasn't long before he realized that it was his own tears. He was crying, his hand at his best friends throat.

"I'm sorry.." Kaminari closed his eyes. "I can't let you go back there and tell everyone.." He felt Kirishima's hand fall away from his wrist. When he opened his eyes, Kirishima's red ones were closed. His friend had stopped fighting underneath him.

"Ooh~ Dabi! Kaminari did it" He brought his sleeve up to his face when he heard Himiko's voice, quickly wiping away his tears.

"Did what..? Made the kid go unconscious?" Dabi rolled his eyes "Hes not dead.."

Himiko shrugged a bit "Details details~" she hummed "We know Kami is kind at heart. I'll finish the job for him!"

"Don't you dare touch him!" Kaminari turned his head quickly, glaring in Himiko's direction. He still had tears falling from his eyes. "I swear to whatever god there is that if you touch him, you'll regret it!"

Himiko brought her hands up in front of her "Okay okay, stop giving me that look. I won't touch him.." Dabi scoffed a bit as he moved, picking Kaminari up before he threw Kirishima over his shoulder.

"Whatever.. lets just get this kid back to base and let Kurogiri decide.."

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