Twenty-Eight (Kirishima P.O.V)

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The five of them went to a fast food place nearby, Kaminari stopping to buy himself  a baseball cap. He also picked up a lensless pair of glasses frames. Kirishima watched him reach back, tying his hair into a slight ponytail before slipping the baseball cap over his head. The ponytail stuck out from the back of the cap. He didnt even realize the blonde's hair was long enough to do that.

"Kaminari-" he started to say, but was stopped when Kaminari turned to look at him, bringing a finger to his lips in a shushing motion. They moved into the restaurant, stepping into the line. No one spoke, no one said anything until Kaminari spoke up.

"You guys want anything? I'm paying" He let out, Kirishima noticed him pause, the blondes hand going to his chin as he seemed to realize something "Ah don't worry, I can actually pay. I have money. My own money"

This was odd to him. Kaminari was treating this like it was just a normal day, like they were a group of friends just going out to eat. They stepped up to the counter.

"I'm just going to pick for you guys if you don't say anything.. Oh well, let's see if I can remember what you would of ordered" Kaminari started talking to the cashier, pointing to things on the menu in front of them. After ordering, Kaminari gestured for the cashier to lean forward, taking something from his pocket and sliding it across the countertop. Kirishima noticed it looked like so sort of card..

"I see" The cashier let out. He was about the age of the rest of them. He turned away, getting a tray of drinks and handing it over to Kaminari. He gestured for them to follow him "Right this way"

Once they were seated, Kirishima glanced around. The were seated further in the back of the restaurant, he shifted a bit in the booth seat. Somehow they had managed to have him, Mina, Bakugou and Sero all on one side of the table while Kaminari was on the other.

He looked so tired. He hadn't smiled at them once since they had been here and his eyes were dull. It also looked like there were bags underneath his eyes. Kaminari quietly passed out the drinks, handing the tray over to the cashier boy who walked off once he had it. His movements were slow, like he was bored or sad. After a moment of more silence, Kirishima noticed Bakugou growing antsy.

"Someone say something damnit" Bakugou let out, slamming his hand against the table.

"I'm getting there Bakugou, hold on" Kaminari spoke lightly, putting a yellow envelope on the table. Kirishima recognized it as one of the ones Sero wrote.

More silence. Kaminari picked his drink up, holding it by the top, the straw between his fingers. He took a sip, leaning against the table "So, why are you looking for me? Other then to turn me in"

"We're not trying to turn you in!" Mina said quickly, sitting upright in her seat. Her voice was frantic "We just wanted to find you. Kaminari.. we missed you"

Kirishima looked down to the table, Kaminari had looked a bit shocked, but the look quickly turned dark. He couldnt look the blonde in the eye.

"Missed me? After what I did?" There was pain mixed in with speculation, he didn't believe them.. or he believed them and was forcing himself not to. "Really? That's bad judgement on your part"

"The only bad judgement here is yours, Asshat. We've been looking for you for like a month, I told you already that you werent a bad person"

"Oh shut up Bakugou. You were the one who was suspicious of me since the beginning" Kaminari sighed a bit.

"Sure, I knew you were going to do something stupid, but I still don't think you're a bad person"

"Really? Even though I lied to you all? I obviously was able to contact the outside during USJ, I just pretended not to. I helped get the League of Villains in during that 'intruder' incident with the reporters. There was so much more I did too" Kaminari laughed drying, Kirishima looked up to see him covering his eyes "I lied about our friendship.. tricked you all. I planted those bombs in the dorms knowing people would get hurt, possibly even die"

"You didn't lie about our friendship" Sero let out "If you did, you wouldn't have left us those letters. You would have just let us think you were lying the whole time, tried to make us hate you.."

Kaminari's finger twitched a bit "You.. all read the letters?" He let out

"We did. We all read our letters" Kirishima brought himself to say. Kaminari's hand moved away from his eyes, there was a glimmer, they didnt look so dull and sad anymore. The two of them locked eyes, Kaminari's face flushing.

"I.." Tears filled Kaminari's eyes, Kirishima's heart lurched. It hurt him to see Kaminari look so hurt. "I.. No.. This isn't who I am"

"What..? Idiot what do you mean?" Bakugou asked, confusion lacing his words.

"This isn't me.. the Kaminari you guys all know.. I'm not that cheerful.. It was all an act to trick you guys" The tears slipped down his cheeks "I'm no hero, not even a hero wannabe. I hate heroes and everything they stand for. Why did you guys have to be so different. Why did our class have to be the opposite of what I grew up knowing about heroes?"

The four of them didn't speak, Kaminari continued to ramble and cry. "Damnit! If you guys were just slightly more hypocritical. More ruthless.. Those heroes don't care about laws. They only care about their images, how many people love them. Why do you guys have to be different. This would be so much easier" He wiped tears from his eyes with his sleeve, but they just kept falling. Kirishima pushed himself out of his seat, climbing over Sero. He wasnt going to let Kaminari cry anymore.

"Kaminari" Kirishima let out, sliding into the seat next to him. He threw his arms around the blonde, pulling him into a tight embrace. It knocked the baseball cap right off his head, but Kirishima just replaced it with his hand. Kaminari's hair was so soft. "No.. Denki. Denki please stop crying" He squeezed his eyes closed, feeling Kaminari tense. It took a second, but he soon felt hands grip his shirt:

"Kiri.." He continued to pet the shaking boy's hair.

"You're saying.. that the Kaminari we know is all a lie.. but if it was, then you wouldn't be crying and in pain like this.." He spoke softly, holding him tighter "I remember.. the first time I figured out you were a villain. You fought so hard to keep me alive. You looked so hurt when I told you that you weren't really my friend.. but I know now. I know that you're struggling."

"What..?" Kaminari moved back, looking up to Kirishima. He opened his eyes. Kaminari looked so small, pained.

"You want to be the persona you created. You're struggling because you want to be this sunny, happy person but you're so used to your 'real' you that you don't know what to do.. but you are the Kaminari we know. That's the real you. You enjoy that version of you so much more"

Kaminari looked like he was about to say something, but he only froze. With a quick movement he moved himself away from Kirishima. "Dabi" Kirishima heard him say. He turned his head, his breath catching in his throat when he noticed the dulled looking man.

"Sparky" Dabi glanced over the table. "It's time to go" Kirishima glances back to Kaminari, flinching as the blonde moved over him and away from the table.

"Dabi I-!"

"Be quiet.. it's not me you have to explain yourself to" Dabi turned and started to walk away. Kamnari moving to follow him. Kirishima quickly got up, his hand pressed to the table while the other one grabbed Kaminari's wrist.

"Kaminari!" Kirishima begged him to stay, feeling tears well up in his own eyes. Kaminari looked back towards Dabi before looking to Kirishima again.

They two of them were once again in an embrace, Kaminari holding tightly to him. Kirishima closed his eyes, hearing Kaminari's voice in his ear.

"I'm sorry, Ejiro.. I love you" His voice was a whisper, Kirishima didn't get the chance to say anything back as the smaller body slipped away from him, soon disappearing out of the store.

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