Eight (Kirishima P.O.V)

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"Kirishima, Dude wake up!" Someone was calling to him, shaking him. He didn't want to open his eyes, so he just curled up into a ball. It was warm under the blankets.

"Dude come on" Whoever was talking threw the warmth away from him. Reluctantly, he opened his eyes. The lights of the room gave him a headache, or at least just worsened the headache he already had.

"Just five more minutes" he grumbled, turning over in his bed.

"No, because then Aizawa-Sensei is going to get mad" Kirishima sat up this time, bringing his hand to his hair. He glanced over to who woke him up.

"Kaminari is waking me up? The world must be ending" He snickered a bit. His head hurt and there was a pain in his chest when he looked to his blonde friend. It felt like he was missing something. The last think he remembered was getting back to the dorm and then going to check on Kaminari.

"You alright Kirishima? You look pale" Kaminari tilted his head to the side.

"I'm fine, just tired" Lies. He wasn't fine. Why couldn't he remember what he did after checking on Kaminari? He couldn't remember going back to his room or going to sleep. Heck, he couldn't remember changing out of his uniform.

Kaminari clicked his tongue, looking to Kirishima's alarm clock. "You sure? I can tell Aizawa that you aren't feeling well. You should stay here and try to sleep. It looks like you got hit by a bus"

It felt like it too. Kirishima closed his eyes, tired of the light. "Yeah.. okay." He mumbled a little "Tell Aizawa that I'm not feeling well."

"Will do" Kaminari grinned, turning as he did so. He paused at the door "Kirishima, I'm glad we're friends."

"That was out of the blue" Kirishima opened his eyes again. Kaminari's shoulders were hunched, and he was shaking. "I'm glad we're friends too." His friend looked over his shoulder, his face looked sad. With a smile, he left the red head alone. Kirishima's headache only got worse.

The next time he woke up, it was because of a knock on his door. His headache still hadn't gone away. "Who is it" he muttered, not really expecting an answer.

"It's Sero" The knocker said, opening the door slightly. Kirishima sat up and saw that Sero was with Bakugo and Midoriya as well.

"Ah hey" He gave a slight wave "You can come in"

The door shut with a click as Sero spoke again "Kaminari said that you're not feeling well again, so we wanted to check on you."

"Yeah I'm not feeling the greatest." He rubbed the back of his head. For a second, he almost didn't notice the word that changed the meaning of the sentence. Again. "Wait.. how long has it been?"

Midoriya sat on the edge of Kirishima's bed "About three days" he tapped his scarred fingers to his knee. "The entire time, Kaminari wouldn't let anyone come in here. He said that you weren't feeling well enough to really talk to anyone" Kirishima glanced over to Bakugo. He was setting down some papers on his desk.

"Kaminari has been bringing you your missed work. Today he had to do something else so Aizawa passed them on to us." Sero said, plopping down on the floor. Kirishima was just trying to process everything he heard.

"Three days..?" He asked, getting a confused look from Midoriya.

"Yeah. Are you doing okay Kirishima?" He reached over and pressed the back of his hand to Kirishima's forehead. "You are kinda warm.."

"Maybe we should let you go back to bed" Sero said as Kirishima heard the door open, his eyes went over to see who it was. Kaminari was standing there, a dark look on his face. As soon as the blonde noticed he was being watched, the look was replaced by his signature happy-go-lucky grin.

Kirishima couldn't believe he was missing three whole days worth of memory. What exactly had happened after he went to check on his friend? He didn't know the answer to that. He didn't think that being sick would really make him lose three days. Wouldn't he had at least remembered being sick?

"Come on guys, I'm sure Kirishima wants to sleep some more." Kaminari chuckled a bit, the three others looking to him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Mama" Sero laughed a bit. "You're really babying him Kaminari. Dude Kirishima, this guy here has been with you whenever he can to help you get better" he pointed to Kaminari with his thumb. Leaving as Kaminari smacked his arm. Midoriya laughed was he left the room too.

"Hedgehog Hair.." Kirishima turned his head to look to Bakugo. The boy leaned down, putting a hand on his bed. "There's something fishy going on.. be careful of Kaminari" with that, he left too, leaving just the blonde in the room.

"I'll come by to check on you again" Kaminari smiled to Kirishima. He turned and left the room. Now Kirishima was alone with his thoughts and his headache.

Three days worth of missing memory. Was it all because of the supposed fever that he's had? What did Bakugo mean when he said something fishy was going on? Kirishima didn't know the answer to either question, but there was one thing he did know. Kaminari was the center of the truth.

"Mmn.. my head hurts" Kirishima mumbled, laying back down as he closed his eyes. There was another pain in his chest as he thought about his blonde friend.

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