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Kirishima and Izuku had bonded over the strangest thing, the fact they were both heartbroken by the same man is what drew them to becoming friends and by secound year they were lovers, now both pro heros and in their 20s with their own house and married for two years there was a ever lingering question.

What do they do now?

"Izu~" Kiri cues as he walks into their home and looks around "Baby shark?" He asks looking around.

"Kiri kiri!!" Mido smiles bouncing in as Kiri laughs catching him in his arms "I had an idea" he smiles.

"Oh is that beautiful brain of yours at work again" kiri smiles as he leans his head against Izuku's "what's the thought" he smiles.

"Lets have a kid!" Midorya smiles his eyes shining.

"A-a kid" he whimpers "a baby shark" he whispers as he looks at izuku "you mean it!?" He asks excited tears in his eyes.

"Yah" Izuku laughs as he gasps when he was brought into a deep kiss and his eyes go wide at the force kirishima put into the kiss.

"Lets do it! Now right now!" Kiri smiles like a puppy as deku laughs.


Izuku and Eijiro sat there both bouncing with excitement. They had finally gotten the call that their genes had all been processed and their bagy was ready.

Izuku being izuku had come fully prepared for everything while Kirishima had nearly driven off without his husband.

"Omg omg omg omg" Kiri smiles as he looks at izuku "izu a-are we ready?" He asks concerned suddenly his anxiety kicking in.

"Of course Eijiro" Izuku smiles as he holds his face "were ready for the next step" he smiles running his fingers through his husband's long red hair.

Their heads snap over when the nurse walks through the huge double doors and over towards them as they tear up and run over.

Both men nearly choked on sobs when when they saw you, your cute fluffy black hair and bright emerald eyes that staired wide up at them with wonder.

"S-she she" kiri sobs as izuku takes you in his arms and the two soft boys break down in tears.


Little Y/N Midorya Kirishima fat right into kiri and izus life perfectly. Working at separate agency's finally payed off as the heros mostly worked different shifts but on the odd occasion that Pro hero Deku was working as the 'SYMBOL OF PEACE!' Fat gum was always happy to see you at the agency.

Kiri was at home with you today as you were both playing with playdough your happy giggles filling kiri with a huge amount of joy and then.

"Rock" you giggle as you hold your strange shaped mound to your dad.

Izuku walked back into his house to find kiri and you putting googly eyes on rocks from out in the garden and was endlessly confused until his husband later before they went to bed told him what had happened.


You laugh as you run around way to excited! Today was the first day of spring so first chance you got you ran outside to see all the flowers that had ever so slightly just started growing on the grass.

"Papa papa look!" You smile looking at kiri as he chuckles at how excited you were.

"Awe look at the small flowers" he laughs as he nuzzles your neck making you laugh.

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