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Izuku shook as he jumped up and down in the waiting room.
They had just seen a dr who had a very special quirk that let couples who for what ever reason couldn't have a child still have a biological kid.

Izuku sprinted over when the doctor walked in with a small bundle of blankets.

He scooped you into his scared arms as Katsuki walked over.
The two hero's began to tear up as you lay their in the Ground Zero blanket Katsuki brought, your blonde curly hair and green eyes brought tears to their eyes.

"K-Kachan it's a girl" Izuku sobs as he watches a tear drop onto your nose.

"Y-yah" Katsuki chuckles as he looks at you "your gonna be just like me" he smiles.

"Pray to all Might that's not true" Izuku laughs as Katsuki ignores him starring at you falling completely head over heals for you.


Eijiro anxiously paced around as him and the raging blonde sat in the waiting room.

"Sit the fuck down" Katsuki growls.

"What if I don't like them? What if they don't like me?" Eijiro panics as his eyes widen.

The doctor smiles as she walks out with a small creature in her hands.
Katsuki stood up in awe as he walked over Eijiro frozen in fear.

Katsuki let out a breath as he saw you your spike black hair and beautiful red eyes took his breath away.

"Shitty hair" he says tearing up.

Kirishima walks over scared at first but when he saw your little face it was love at first sight.


Shoto had never been more terrified in his life than when he saw Izuku being handed his baby.
Izuku was crying as he jumped up and down sobbing loudly and ran over.

"Shoto look she looks just like you!" He yells.

Shoto looks over still scared out of his mind but his eyes soften when he looks into your green eyes your red and white hair and small white freckles on your face.

"She's gorgeous" Shoto sobs as he cups your face.


Hitoshi was pacing his hands in his hair as Denki was doing the exact same as he was almost short circuiting himself.

The sound of the door opening startled the both of them as they run over.
Shinso was handed the small bundle of yellow blankets as he brushes them away and was left in awe when he saw you.

Your bright blonde hair and your purple eyes with the cutest little face he'd ever seen.

"Holly all might Shinso!!" Denki screeches as he jumps up and down.


Sero was definitely the nervous one in this situation the two had thought this through don't get him wrong!
But he was nervous...

Denki nearly feel out of his seat when the doctor walked out with their small bundle of joy and Sero jogs over.

He peeks at you as he bursts into tears when he sees you had his black hair and Denki's golden eyes with the cutest little lightning bolts on your elbows.

"Omg" Denki sobs behind Sero as Sero grabs you and hugs you crying.


"Told you" Ochako smirks at the crying male who was holding his baby girl.

"Shut up she will still love her onsie" Katsuki sobs as he holds you.

Your cute blonde hair and big brown eyes that were looking at him with awe was to much for the brute.


Denki was a nervous mess but not as nervous as Eijiro as the two were tugging at their hair waiting for the doctor to enter with their biological child.

When the doctor finally did enter the small creature was wearing a cute little Pikachu onsie Denki had brought as the husbands race over.

Denki held her as he bursts into tears Eijiro's chin on denki's shoulder as he cries.

"Wholly shit" Denki laughs through tears as he stairs down at you.

Your black hair stuck up in crazy directions a lot like Denki's as you had the most gorgeous golden eyes.

"Yah" Eijiro sniffs.


Shinso was trying to remain calm for the sake of Izuku who was a nervous wreck as they sat in the waiting room.
So many questions plagued both of their minds when suddenly the doctor walked in.

Izuku was the first one over as he held you tears falling down his face while Shinso followed.

"Shinso" Deku sobbed as he looked at you.

Your purple hair and green eyes made your father's eyes tear up as your cute freckles on your face and small amounts of black in your hair were to cute for them!


Mirio had never been more excited while Tamaki was in the corner having a panic attack.

The doctor walked out but was very quickly dismissed when Mirio grabbed you as the huge string blonde cries in joy.

"Hey there" he cries as he looks at you "Tamaki come here" he calls.

Tamaki shakily walks over and suddenly all fear leaves his body when he sees you.

Your indigo hair and blue eyes made you look so beautiful.
He hugs Mirio's waist so he can better look at you his eyes shining.


Dabi smiles as he snuggles you close to his body being the tough guy his is he refused to cry, but seeing your blue hair and red eyes eyes almost was to much for him.

"She's perfect!" Shigaraki says as he looks at you from a distance not wanting anything to happen to you ever!

MY HERO ACADEMIA (parent scenarios!) Where stories live. Discover now