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(Clearly small skip your three to four now :3)


Deku feared that his worst fears were coming true, you would be four soon and your quirk still hadn't developed.

He was worried, deathly worried you might have taken after him! What if you had no quirk and his precious baby Y/N was bullied!

"Nerd calm your tits" Bakugo growls watching his husband pace.

"I can't help it Kachan I'm just" Izuku takes a deep breath as he looks at the ash blonde.

Katsuki walks over and hugs the greenete.

"She'll be fine Izuku" Katsuki whispers as Izuku clinches to him.

Just then their was a loud bang and crying.

The two run in to the room to see their baby holding her mouth and crying as they was a char mark in the corner.

"Dad!" You cry as Katsuki picks you up to look at you and sees your mouth burned.

Y/N Bakugo
Quirk: Nitroglycerin: She is able to produce pure nitroglycerin in her mouth instead of spit, the mouth part comes from her grandpa being able to spit fire and the nitroglycerin comes from her dad.


Katsuki wasn't worried, you were HIS daughter after all he knew no mater what quirk you got it would be the best!

Eijiro however was worried, he hated his quirk when it first appeared, it even hurt him so he was super worried about yours.

But one day! Well actually try six in the morning.

"Dad!! Daddy look!!" You yell as you open the door.

Both hero's shoot up quirks activated but their eyes widen when they see their baby her head looking like a volcanic rock orange heat coming from between the cracks.

Y/N Kirishima/Bakugou
Quirk: Magma: her skin has the ability to harden however the difference between he and her dads is the extreme orange glowing heat that radiates between cracks in her skin giving it a volcanic look, hardening from her daddy, orange glow from her dad.


Yah to say these boys were nervous was the understatement of all understatements.

Izuku was kicking himself over wether him being your dad would leave you quirkless.

Shoto's fears were a little darker dreading the thought of him hating his baby snowflake because of her quirk.

"Father, pa" you squeal running in your bi coloured hair in pig tails.

The hero's looked over and saw in the palms of both your hands where two small blue flames.

Shoto and Izuku spent the rest of the day hugging you and apologising not that you knew why?

Y/N Midoriya
Quirk: half burn, half freeze : her quirk allows her to produce blue flames from both her right and left side however her right sided flame is burning hot while her right sided flame gives everything it touches immediate ice burn.


Yah Hitoshi was scared, he'd hate for you to get criticised because of your quirk like he did!
He was crying on the inside as you slowly got closer to turning four.

One night him and Denki where cycling with you on the couch watching Pokémon as you and Denki sing along to the theme song as you laugh.

"Your such a good singer" Denki smiles nuzzling you as Shinso nuzzles Denki.

"I can't wait to get my quirk!" You cheer "I'll be just like my dads and I'll zap people or I'll hack their brains" You cheer jumping around and posing.

Denki laughs as Shinso smiles watching their daughter jump around the room.

She smiles running around as she jumps onto them going to hug them but electrocuting them both instead.

Y/N Kamanari
Quirk: short circuit : He quirk gives her the ability to electrocute people's interior body, brain, organs, muscles bones ect, but it only works if she has physical contact with the person.


Sero and Denki weren't worried at all they both believed no mater what your quirk was it would be freaking awesome.
What they did not expect was how emotional they'd be when it did come.

"Dads" You yell running into their room tears in your eyes.

"Oh no what happened" Denki asks seeing your tears as he brands next to you.

You sniff and show your arms that were wrapped with what looked to be a physical form of electricity.

Y/N Kamanari
Quirk: electric band : her quirk allows her to manifest electricity and wrap it around her body creating an electric wired shield.


You smiled as you jumped around copying your mum and uncle Deku's fighting moves Katsuki laughing as he watched you from the couch.

"I want my quirk so bad! I bet it will be cool like mums!! Imagine that!" You smile as you touch the sofa "and release" you laugh as you smile.

However later and you were smiling as you threw a ball up and down spouting random word to active your quirk when one just slipped.

"Detonate?" You threw it up and clapped as it exploded mid air waking your parents up.

Y/N Bakugou
Quirk: Detonate : She can blow up anything she touches if she presses her palms together and says the words detonate, you use to just do it in a praying motion but Katsuki refused and changed it so your hands looked like they were holding each other, said it looked more tough and badass!


Let's just say in the nicest way possible neither of them wanted you to get their quirks, Izuku and Hitoshi loved you to bits and that's the only reason why!
Big of course fate had other plans.

"Y/N release your father now!" Shinso yells worried.

"I don't know how!!" You yell tears in your eyes as your father copied your every move.

Y/N Midoriya
Quirk: Highjack : her quirk allows her to full take over someone's body, unfortunately there was an unknown side affect and after accidentally taking over grandpa Toshinori's body Y/N contacted his organ failure and is now banded from using it.


Tamaki was nervous, after Miri loosing his quirk in their teen years he was worried you would fully take after his quirk or his families.

But after he and Mirio watched you scream as you fell through a wall they knew that wasn't the case and Miro CRIED!

Y/N Togita
Quirk: Morph : her quirk allows her to morph through any physical being, object or mater as long as she touched in in the las 24 hours, Miro just calls it Collier permeation!


Shigaraki and Dabi had made bets on who's quirk you would get and it was funny when the whole league eventually got in on it.
Now everyone was waiting for you.

You blink as you stair at the cut you once had that was gone and everyone in the league stairs in wonder, heck Toga's eyes were shining!

Y/N Shigaraki
Quirk: Compose : her quirk allows her to decompose and re compose human matter, meaning she can either kill or heal, and that Shigy won the bet and Dabi owes him money.

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