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The boys remained utterly head over heals for their little girl who had been named Y/N Nana Bakugou (grandpa toshinori suggested the middle name).

It had been a few months and you were officially five months, you were an angel child, which considering you were half Katsuki's daughter was a surprise.

However one day Izuku was at home while Bakugou was out on hero patrol, Deku was watching his husband live on the tv smiling as Bakugou blew another villain away using his explosions.

That's when.


Izuku's eyes widen as he looks down at the small little girl her eyes shining as she looked at her dad on the tv and once again.


Katsuki walked inside later that day to see Izuku giving you ice cream before dinner which was strictly against the rules! But before he could yell at his husband.

"Boom!!" You yell again smiling as you throw ice cream.

"K-Kachan she said her first world" Deku stutters out his lip trembling.

"She did" Katsuki says sniffing tears in his eyes.


It had been five months since Y/N Kirishima Bakugou had joined Eijiro and Katsuki's lives and things had never been better.

Katsuki volunteered very quickly to be the stay at home dad, the reason why? Well for reasons like this!

"Come on Y/N say daddy" Katsuki begs as he looks at your cute red eyes and sighs "yah I can't be mad at you" he huffs as he turns to volume on the tv up again.

You crawl over to the strange picture box and look as you see your dad and uncle Izuku fighting and clap excitedly.

"Deku!!" You cheer.

The sound of things dropping from inside the kitchen was quickly replaced by a furious scream.


Meanwhile someone Deku gets the sudden feeling of eternal dread!


Having Y/N Midoriya was the best decision ever made!

The two lovers had you in their lives five months nearly six now, and life was the best.

They took turns working since neither wanted to give up the jobs they loved and today was Todoroki's turn.

He smiles in joy as he watches you squeaking as squealing as he placed you on the small circular ice slide he had made for you, your small frame going around and round and he couldn't help but laugh at how happy it made you.

"Ice!" You suddenly yell with a smile as Todoroki choked on air.

Deku looks at his phone confused as to why his husband was calling him but picked up.

"I-izuku, she she said ice" Todoroki cries on the other end of the line.


They argued over your name for hours! Mainly because Denki wanted to call you mini charge bolt but Y/N Kamanari had officially turned six months old now and Denki was the first to raise his hand to be the stay at home parent.

Of course Shinso told him to screw off and sent him to work as he ended up being the stay at home dad.

And he loved every minute of it.

He was currently watching you play with your small Pikachu stuffy as you giggle happily.

He smiles and walks away leaving you to do your thing with your toy as he decided to start on dinner.


He turns around eyes wide when he sees you looking at him with teary purple eyes as he runs over and hugs you kissing all over your face.


Sero being a good father stayed at home with you since he didn't trust his husband.

Little Y/N Cellie Kamanari was his pride and joy, he'd go on walks with to show you off and take you to visit Denki at work so he could show you off.

But one day.


Sero runs in tripping over a toy truck as he looks over at you as you blink at him confused.

"What did you say?" Sero asks his eyes wide.

You just sit there and blink as Sero sighs and stands up walking away when.


"I KNEW IT!!!"


Despite being the male Katsuki was desperate to be a stay at home dad, he wanted to be there for everything, your first meal, first crawl, first smile absolutely everything!!

Y/N Bakugou was his life and now you were six months old!

He smiles as he holds you at his hip while cooking you seeming happy to just be in your dads presence which made him smile of course.

He picked up a chilli and cut it when suddenly.

"Hot!" You yell pointing at the chilli.

One Katsuki nearly dropped you
Two he bragged to Uraraka non stop for months!!!


Izuku and Hitoshi had never been happier since the arrival of Y/N Izumi Shinso.

She was their pride and joy and while Hitoshi was the stay at home dad Izuku made sure he was always home early because he wanted to spend every moment with you he could!

Izuku was at work today and Hitoshi was smiling as you and him played with your collection of hero dolls.

(Izuku wanted to train you early)

You had the Deku doll while Hitoshi had the Ground Zero one as you giggle playing with the stuffed toy.

Hitoshi laughs as he yells like Bakugou would making you laugh.

"Smash!" You yell laughing stunning Shinso.

He sat there watching you yelling smash over and over again before running to call Izuku.


Mirio was the best stay at home dad especially with Y/N Togita since she was a curious one!

You wanted to get into absolutely everything!

Not that that's bad, but he keeping a close eye on you.

He smiled as he watched you looking at tv as you watched your dad uncle Kiri and papa fat gum fighting and smile clapping when papa fat gum caught the villain.

"Fat!" You yell out your little voice squeaking as Mirio nearly passed out.


Shigaraki and Dabi had the whole league to help them but most of the time it was Dabi who watched you since Shigy was two scared to hold you.

They had decided on Y/N Ano Shigaraki since Dabi sure as hell wasn't giving his little devil his last name!

"Tomura you need to hold her" Dabi glares.

"No!" Shigaraki whimpers shaking.

"Young master how else will she get use to you?" Kurogiri lectures.

Toga was holding you bouncing you up and down since you were upset.

You suddenly burst into tears crying as Toga and Twice wince.

"Daddy!" You cry out shocking the league.

Dabi smiles and walks over to go grab you when Shigaraki shoves him away and holds you in his arms pinky and index finger up as he nuzzles you you calming immediately!

MY HERO ACADEMIA (parent scenarios!) Where stories live. Discover now