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(Btw these are hero's that aren't your parents! So yah :3)


You were watching TV after daycare while your dad cooked you dinner.
You were taking off your shoes when a light burst from the TV.

Your eyes widened as you looked over and saw a male hero with red and white hair fire exploding from one side of his body while ice was on the other side.

"Y/N dinner!!"

You didn't hear your dad calling you as you stared star eyed at the screen.


You were drawing on the ground in the living room while your dads were talking sitting on the couch.

That's when you saw him!

The number one hero! The best hero! You had admired him since you were two!


He was so amazing and his quirk was so cool you immediately dropped your crayon and looked at the TV with a huge smile.

"DEKU!!" Bakugou yells when he sees you staring at the dam nerd instead of drawing him another picture for his wall or the fridge.


Heroes had never really impressed you all that much, maybe it's cause the number one and number three heroes were your dads but you'll never know?

That was until you saw someone on the TV, he had this scarf looking thing that was working like a weapon and crazy purple hair with a mask over his face.

You run to the TV and look at the writing at the bottom to see his name was Mindjack (In the Mha battle cards apparently this is his name :3)

You smiled as you continued to watch him bouncing up and down while Izuku watched as a proud fellow hero fan father!


Shinso was watching you with a smile on his face as you jumped around squealing as you watched your favourite hero on Tv.

No it wasn't Denki XD

It was the coolest hero out there Uravity! She was so cool and pretty!
How could you not like her!!


You and Denki were colouring together laughing while Sero watched the news like the mature adult he was.

You suddenly heard a loud bang and looked over as your eyes shine when you see a male on screen cheering in victory exploding every villain in sight.

You ditch Denki and sit next to Sero on the couch intently listening about this Ground Zero!
Denki wasn't happy!


"Dad!" You yell as you run into his and your mums room.

"What is it my princess explosion murder" he smiles picking you up and hugging you.

"Katsuki" Uraraka scolds as she glares.

"I just saw the coolest guy on the news! He was super strong and he was called red riot!!" You cheer jumping up and down.

Uraraka had to physically stop herself from laughing as she saw Katsuki's face darken.


Izuku was hugging Hitoshi as the two laughed watching you bounce on the couch watching the TV.

Izuku was crying tears of joy after watching you watch your first hero video and seeing it was one of Tamaki, or Sun Eater made him even happier :3

"Dad he's so cool!" You yell watching his body transform.


Your favourite hero!!

You actually first saw him when you were really little, and he wasn't a pro hero or anything, actually barely anyone even knew he was a hero at all!!

His name was Limillion! And he was your dad!
And you would fight anyone who said he wasn't a hero!


Your dads never let you watch the computer unless they were at a meeting of course.
Which happened to be now.

They were talking to a new villain and since you were precious they hid you in the back room with the computer.

You were scrolling and then suddenly your life changed when you saw a video.

Four males dressed in awesome costumes were fighting each had a different quirk but they were working as a team.

You looked at the title and it said BIG 4 on it.

You searched everything you could about them for the rest of the time you had!

MY HERO ACADEMIA (parent scenarios!) Where stories live. Discover now