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When Dabi told Shigaraki that one of his brothers needed a place to stay and that he was coming to stay with them shigy didn't know what to expect. He DEFINITELY didn't expect to fall in love with the gorgous snowy haired kind funny sassy medically trained Natsuo Todoroki.

While the two never unified their relationship for obvious reasons they were happy, Natsuo constantly nagged Shigaraki when they first got together how he didn't take care of himself and Natsuo basically became shiggys personal nurse.

One day Shiggy walked inside to see a distressed Natsuo and the whole team around him.

"WHICH FUCKER UPSET MY ANGEL!?" Shiggy yells as he then heard crying and blinks.

The others moved away and saw Natsuo looking up at him scared a small human in his arms, they had beautiful white hair, tan skin and red eyes. Shigaraki blinks confused as he glares at Natsuo.

"You cheating little!"

Dabi slaps him as Natsuo gasps.

"Touya!" Natsuo scolds and sighs "I didn't cheat on you Tomura, one of my patients had a weird quirk malfunction-" he looks down at you "aren't they beautiful?" He smiles.

Shigaraki waddles over and sits next to him, the baby looked up at him with curious red eyes and Shigaraki swore he saw himself. He saw a chance. He saw his lover. A family, his family! A better life. The future and past.

"Tomura- I won't get rid of them i"

"No their mine now hisssssss!" Shigaraki snarls as everyone stairs in shock and then laughs as shigaraki smiles poking your belly making you laugh.


To say your dads were protective was a understatement, you were never aloud to leave the bar mainly cause of Natsuo and Dabi's intense fear of their father finding out about you, and it wouldn't help knowing who you secoudn parent was, so you spent most of your time with Shigaraki and the league, of course whenever he could Natsuo would be there two.

One day the league were smiling as you were holding your little dog stuffy shigaraki had snatched for you since he wanted to make you happy and he thought you would like it, you loved it. Shigaraki smiles as he picks ypu up his gloves on which they were almost 24/7 now a days.

Everyone was shocked when Shigy became like the best dad in history, tho touya suspected it since well shigaraki had some of the worst parents, only was fitting hed wanna be the best for you.

You hold his face as he smiles holing yours and you whimper scaring him until.


He blinks in shock, and blinks again, then bursts into tears and hugs you as everyone laughs at the feared leader of the LOV.


You smiled as you walked through into the bar, Kurogiri smiles seeing you and chuckles.

"Hello young mistress Y/N" he smiles as you smile back.

"Hi Kurogiri" you smile.

"How are you?" He smiles like the proud Grandpa he was.

"Actually there's something bothering me, do you know where daddy or pa are?" You ask.

"Hmm your pa has left for work but I think master Shigaraki is in his room" he smiles.

"Ok that's papa Kurogiri!" You wave but before you could react his room something happened.

Shigarkai jolted from his game when he heard the most horrific scream he'd ever heard and dropped every thing running out as he saw you and he almost screams himself. You were suroudned by fire tinted as red as blood as anything it touched seem to disintegrate immediately.

"Y/N!! Baby!!" He screams looking at you.

"Daddy!!" You sob shaking.

Y/N Shigaraki: Quirk: Pyrophoric
Your quirk allows you to create hot burning fires as long as you have a good amount of oxygen around you, the problem is that if in contact with you it will hurt you to the point where it can either be a burn or your body begins to disintegrate.


You smile as you spin around listening to the radio happily, you didnt have a lot of tech besides your dads gaming stuff but you weren't really interested in that so you stuck with Kurogiris radio that he let you borrow just to see you dance around.

Toga and dabi smiled as they sat at the bar Toga swaying with the music while dabi just watched his niece happily, secretly happy of course.

"We interrupt this song to bring breaking news pro hero endevour has" Dabi had quickly rushed to turn off the radio as he glares at it.

"Pro hero endevour is a weird band name" you hum frustrated.

"No buba" Toga smiles "pro heros are the guys that try and stop us from fixing the world!" She smiles.

"Toga" dabi growls angrily and sighs "guess she would find out eventually" he sighs.

"Then I hate heros" you say sadly as they look in shock.

"They make daddy sad and you guys and I've heard papa talk about this endevour guy and you two uncle Touya" you say agitated as smoke comes from your body.

"Easy there fire cracker" Dabi smiles as he rubs your head and smiles "your gonna be a great little fighter one day" he smiles as you smile back.


Hahahaha yah really funny. No.

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