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They talk about kids

Overhaul was disgusted by the mean thought of Children, Chrono never knew weither it was the germ thing or he just hated kids but Kai wouldn't even let him mention children!

But one day he was left with no choice.

Overhaul walks into the room where he had been asked to by one of his goons to see Chrono his lover of nearly 3 years now with a very confused and scared Rapa.

"What is going on in here?" Overhaul asks walking over.

His eyes widen when he sees you in Chronos arms, you had H/C tufs of hair on your head with one golden eye and one E/C eye as you were holding chronos hand.

"What the?" Kai gasps walking over "what is this!?"

"A hero prototype they created them using your DNA sir" Rapa says nervously.

"What?" Kai growls.

"Kai calm yourself around them" Chrono scolds as Kai looks at you.

"My DNA? So what their a clone?" He asks confused.

"No theirnrelated to you biologically I guess their more comparable to your child" Chrono hums as Kai looks at you in shock.

"My... child-" he gasps.

First word

Kai while shocked at first and with absolutely no idea what he was doing, was an amazing dad, a overly paranoid and protective one to the point where you had set schedules, rooms and people you could be in and around but, he was a decent parent to everyone's surprise.

Chrono also helped as he really became the mother making sure he knew what to do when Kai didn't and staying with you when overhaul had business to deal with.

Today tho you were in Kais office while he went over a speech with some men, tho he looked a lot less threatening with a baby carrier on his chest and you happiky smiling playing with his plague mask.

"Do I make myself clear?" Kai glares as his men snap out of it and nod sternly walking off.

Kai let's out a sigh and smiles tickling your cheek as you giggle happily.

"My little Y/N you happy?" He smiles.

"Happy!" You say loud and excited as Kais eyes widen before he tears up and cries holding you close to him as he shakes.

"My happy girl- my beautiful happy girl!" Kai cries.


You smile as you were playing hide and seek with Rapa while your dads were busy, which was a common thing since they ran the Hisaiki.

"Y/N-" Rapa says as you giggle and suddenly he appears breaking through the wall as you laugh running.

"Nope!" Rapa laughs as he grabs you hugging you causing you to squeal and giggle.

"SIRS!" Rapa says bursting into the room where Overhaul and Chrono were as they both look over.

"What!?" Kai snaps angrily but softens when he sees you "angel what's wrong?" He asks worried as you giggle excitedly.

"Father! Mama, I got my quirk!" You smile.

Kai feels his heart sink at the word of the horrid illness, he looked at you worried about what kind of hideous power you had been given but you walk to rapa and touch his face where he had grazed it breaking through a wall and when you move there was nothing there.

"Oh my" chrono gasps proud as he walks over and picks you up laughing as you smile proudly.

Y/N Chisaki
Quirk: Compose: basically the oposite of your fathers, you can compose mater to fix or heal anything weither it be living or not.

(The other chapters are kinda, they don't really make sense for these two so ima leave it there but new chapters will start coming out next so yah!)

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