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It had been two years since the childhood rivals got married, and five since they had graduated from UA as pro hero's.

Currently tho Katsuki was anxiously awaiting his husbands return with a huge question on his mind practically driving him insane.

He heard the door open and stood up when he saw his green haired husband walk in taking off his shoes.

"Kachan I'm home" he calls out as he slips his slippers on walking into the living room "Kachan?" He asks worried when he sees the worried look on his husband instead of a scowl.

"Shitty Deku" Katsuki whispers "I um" he grumbles.

Izuku walks over and sits his husband down thinking their was something wrong as he crouched in front of him.

"Kachan what's wrong are you sick?" He asks worried.

"I want a kid" Katsuki whispers.

"What?" Izuku asks shocked as he backed up.

"NEVER FUCKING MIND!" Katsuki yells as he stands up quickly tears pooling in his red eyes.

Izuku grabs his husband as he holds him by his shoulders looking down at him.

"Let's do it" Izuku says as he looks at him.

Katsuki chokes as he rests his forehead on Izuku's chest causing the greenete to laugh as he holds his head.

"Stupid Deku" Katsuki cries "I'm not upset!" He yells.



It had been three years since Eijiro and Katsuki had gotten married and Eijiro was currently in tears as he stared at his husband.

"Eijiro" Katsuki sighs "we just don't have time for kids with you and fat gum and me working full time" the blonde tried to reason with his husband.

"I'll get off time, I'll quit I'll be the stay at home mum but" Eijiro looks at Katsuki "I want to see what it would be like to hold a small me in my arms" he says tears in his eyes as he smiles.

Katsuki's eyes seem to shine at the thought of a small him tugging at his leg or collecting hugs like he did when he was small and he smirks.

"Let's do it! Let's make an army!" He smirks wickedly.

"Wha!?" Eijiro gasps "really?"

"LETS FUCKING DO THIS!!" Katsuki yells.


Todoroki was looking at Midoriya as he handed a small child back to his mother with a huge smile.
It had been on the Bi coloured haired hero's mind for a while now.

Him and Izuku had been married for two years, but he was scared at the thought of kids.
Izuku had been asking for a while now but Shoto was terrified he'd turn out like endeavour.

"Izuku" Shoto whispers as the green haired hero turned.

"What's wrong?" He asks walking over.

"I want a kid" Shoto says as he looks down at Deku.

Izuku freezes before he begins to laugh and then cry as he hugs the red and white haired male.


Shinso never graduated a hero, he did stay training with Aizawa but after a while he realised the hero course may not be for him so he was the stay at home husband.
And with a partner like Denki it was a good thing he was!

Denki was constantly throwing crazy ideas at Shinso, from Let's date, let's kiss, let's get married, let's get a house, let's get a cat! Ok that one was Shinso's idea but..

"Let's have a kid!"

"What!?" Shinso chokes as he looks at Denki with wide eyes.


Hitoshi And Izuku were happy in their marriage but their felt like their was something missing.
Hitoshi was a teacher at UA and Izuku was a pro hero and every day they came home to an empty house.

An empty house...

"We should get a kid!" They both say walking
Into the house.


Denki and Sero were that crazy couple even when they were old and 'mature' the hero's Celpohane and Charge Bolt we're still just as crazy.

So it was no surprise they both wanted a kid!




Katsuki runs into the living room where his wife sat as he pulls out a ground zero baby onsie.

"It's perfect"

Uraraka laughs as she looks at her baby bump.

"We are not putting her in that" she smirks.

"HE will love it!" Katsuki challenges smirking.


Kiri was all cuddled up on the couch Denki under his arm as they smiled watching sercrwt life of 4 year olds.

"We should get a baby" they both say then look at each other.

"BABE!" They both yell as they kiss smiling.


Mirio and Tamaki has been together since senior year and both became very successful pro hero's.
After being married and moving in together.

They now stood outside the hospital Mirio shaking as Tamaki shook too.


Villain love was always dangerous but not when your in the league of villains.
Shigaraki and dabi never could get married but they had been together for three years and now after kidnapping a nurse they smirked at the prefect idea for using their quirk.

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