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A hero and a villainnwas a pretty frowned upon relationship, but neither Touya nor Keigo could give a shit. They knew they loved eachiter, so they coukdnt get married neither of them really cared.

Sure Dabi was still in the league and Keigo was still a respected pro but they were one of the most loving relationships anyone would ever get to see. But both knew they were missing something and of course they knew exactly what it was.

Marriage off the table they had nothing as really a show of their love, something that bonded them together forever.

"Hey Touya" Keigo hums absent mindedly as he lays on his lovers chest in his pent house apartment.

"Hm?" Touya hums.

"Wanna have a kid?" He asks looking up at him with a head tilt.

"A.. why the fuck would you want a little brat with me!? You know its me right!?"

"Im aware" he smirks as Touya flicks his head and hides his face.

"What if I end up like him birds, what if the kids afraid of me hu? What then?" He asks desperately.

"None of that will happen Touya" keigo smiles holding the burned stapled man's face as Dabi nuzzlss into him "so?'

"Anything bad happens your fault"


Dabi was pacing back and forth. Keigo has just gone to pick up his child HIS CHILD!? The thought alone scared him shirtless!

He gasps when keigo walks in with a huge smile, that huge gorgous smile and Dabi slowly approached and felt his heart melt.

You had white hair that was all curly and bed head like just like keigo with the most beautiful gold eyes and fair skin.

"Shes" Dabi gasps covering his mouth as Keigo laughs and nods "thats mine!?"

"Haha yes Touya" Hawks laughs at the emotional villain.


Dabi smiles as he lifts you above his head like you were flying and you giggle happily.

The two crazy men had named you Y/N tori Takami, Keigo did all the naming since he was the only one at the hospital, dabi thought it was perfect for you tho.

Ypu were six months but your favorite place was in the air so when ever you were crying if hawks and dabi lifted you high enough you got over it immediately.

"My pretty girl" Touya smiles as Shiggy smiles.

The Leauge became your famiky after Dabi introduced them to you all of them devised a plan to protect you for the rest of your life.


Touya and shigaraki freeze as they look at you.

"Chirp chirp chirp!!" You bable laughing as dabi lowers yoy to face him and stairs at your eyes.




Touya was terrified to think of this period of your life. In his family quirks developing was the source of so much spite and hate and fear. He hated the thought of his famiky ever finding yoy especially since with their quirks Touya and hawks almost seemed like they could have been a quiek marriage. Not that they were.

"Papa" You suddenly scream as Dabis eyes fly open and keigo shoots off dabi following him.

They both freeze when they saw you crying on the floor holding yoyr arm two small wings on yoyr back that were lit in a beautiful blue flame but yoyr arm was clearly burned.

They rannover and calmed you down and eventually the fire died out to show snow white wings.

NAME: Y/N Tori Takami
QUIRK: Angels Fire: you have two large beautiful white wings on your back that light on fire when your sad or angry in a burning blue flame, hopefully you can learn to control it but you can also pick off feathers like your dad.


Kurogiri was the only grand parent you had.


You blink at the slightly older boy as he blinks back stars in his eyes. Today was your first play date, with who?

Well shigaraki was looking after his little brother today you were five and he was six but he was the only kid the league even knew besides you, he was also AFOs son but you had never seen AFO tho this boys hair and shiggys did look kinda similar.

"Your quirk is so pretty!" He gushes as he looks at your wings and you blush fluffing up.

"O-oh uh" you blush looking down as he smiles his cheeks red.

"Wait im talking to a girl!" He gasps covering his face.

"U-uh I'm im Y/N" you whisper.

"I-Izuku!" He mumbles.

Shiggy was holding back dabi as the raged protective papa wanted to kill the small broccoli for talking to his baby!


You and the angry blonde grow at eachother his hands popping while your wings were lit a blaze both baring fangs and eyes glowing.

How did this happen well you had found out your only friend was bullied for not having a quirk. By this blonde son of a bitch!

"Anger issues"
"Flame brains"
"Explodo dork"

You hiss at him as Keigo picks you up from school and watch as he hisses back his mum yelling at him for being a brat as you smile and wave at isuku who was smiling waving back.

"Why did you?"

"Shiggy told me to"

Dabi looks at his boss who was glaring at you.

"What i did not!"

"You did two uncle shiggy you said if someone ever hurts zuku I have to beat the crap outa them!" You insist as shigarakis eyes widen and everyone looks at him.

"Ok yah I definently said that one..." he mumbles looking down.

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