Im being serious now

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Ok guys im so sorry I have to do this but I just got another comment about it and started re reading comments and reading ones I haven't seen and this needs to he addressed like now!

For the most part I like to be fun and light hearted and all the fluff and funny shit but this isn't funny.

On my ships that may be featured page I based those ships souly on requests from people that had PMed me and popularity on Google.

I have seen so many comments like *gag* or *choke* at certain ships and so many threats and just awful stuff about others that i genuinely did for a while consider deleting this book but I do love writing stuff but this needs to stop like right now.

I cant explain as a multishipper how much I love when certain people and I will say its maybe 60% 70% of my readers come onto this book and say "yay this ship" or "oh I didn't know this was a ship" or "oh thats my OTP" I LOVE THAT!

But the rest of my readers that every time its a scenario of a ship they don't like they comment something negative they make rude or just mean nasty comments its not needed and I don't appreciate people who attack other readers for enjoying a ship! People CAN like ships that aren't yours!! I went from having so many ships lined up to now onoy having 5 because I was getting harassed constantly being PMed by fans who were talking me they'd stop reading if I didn't do this or that this is gross you need to stop this or I won't read your book if this is in it.

I feel bad for the majority that just wants to read doesn't care what ship or will just scroll past the ones they don't like but the hate comments and the bullying other people for liking ships and stuff needs to stop now and I'm 100% serious about that.

One last thing please please please to all the people who responded to my last A/N when I announced I was stopping Kachako with "yay!! You can do this ship now!" Why would I want to? I don't remove ships to later replace them i remove them because people won't stop harassing me till I do and I was tiered of the hate spam.

If I chose to put a ship into the story it will be because I want to or yes maybe if someone asks I will but I dont take demands and I honestly don't care for the whole you have to situation or you could because if you want me to just ask instead of hinting.

To everyone who this doesn't involve im very sorry but this had to be addressed I hope you all can forgive me if I came across as rude or mean but this needed to be addressed. I hope you all enjoy and stick around to see what I have planned for this book love you guys and bye.

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