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Aoyama and Sero were definitely a pair no one saw coming, Sero was very down to earth, calm and didn't stand out much Aoyama was the exact opposite but hey opposites attract!

The two had just arrived back home as sero picks up their cat and they walk into their pent house apartment (courtesy of Aoyamas parents) and he places the cat by the window before flopping on the sofa Aoyama sitting happiky on his back causing Sero to laugh.

Now pro heros and married the two men in their late 20s had been discussing adoption for a while however Sero had been told Kirishima and Bakugou had found a way to create biological children through a special hospital, he had mentioned it to Aoyama who was on board immediately but the two heros never seemed to get a day of!

"Mm" Aoyama hums content as he holds his husband and lays on his back Sero smiling as he plays with his husband's blonde hair.


Finally their first day off they made it to the hospital where after a bunch of DNA tests the boys were now waiting for their child in the waiting room. Aoyama was surprisingly a nervous wreck feeling nauseous and faint while Sero was just comforting his husband.

The nurse walks out with a smile as Sero stands his eyes hopeful as the nurse walks over. Aoyama sat shaking as their child was handed to Sero and Sero looks in awe as he sits beside Aoyama.

There you were the most adorable beautiful baby ever. You had Sero's black hair and tan skin with Aoyamas bright blue eyes.

"Hanta" Aoyama gasps covering his mouth as he caresses your cheek and Sero laughs crying.

"Man I'm trying to be a cool dad and it ain't working" Sero huffs as the two laugh.


Aoyama was more than happy to fulfill his dream of being a luxury house wife, the husband the child the cat the million dollar penthouse so he retired earlier and became the stay at home mum, the sero would get off early just to spend time with his angel, he also did the night shift with you so Aoyama could rest.

As you were playing with your stuffed toys in your play pen Aoyama was starting on dinner for when his amazing husband got home. Thats when he heard a whimper and looks over.

You were holding your play pen looking at him with glossy eyes as his heart melted and then.

"M-ma ma!" You stutter out sloppily but Aoyama burst into tears and run over as he hugs you.

"My baby" he sobs as he holds you.

"Ma!" You yell as Aoyama smiles like a giddy kid.


You were now five and your parents spoiled you, not rotten but spoiled you none the less, you were exceptionally smart for a side year old but the boys were proud of anything to did.

Sero smiles kissing Aoyamas tummy as the other male giggles at the skinship his husband was giving him when they heard a scream.

They run out and gasp in awe.

You sat on the floor holding this beautiful stream of light as you streched it out and yoyr eyes shine.

"Mama Papá!" You smile.

NAME: Y/N Belleza Sero
QUIRK: Light tape!
You can create physical strands of light from various places in your body such as your hands fingers elbows knees feet etcetera. You can milipulate that light to stick or shoot like a lazar.
DRAWBACK: You get really bad muscle pain and sometimes the lazars burn.


You only ever saw your grandparents on special occasions since they didn't get along well with eachother, Grandfather and Grandmother were ones that always sent expensive presents and gifts while Abuelo would come over and take you out for food or to the park.


You had been dropped off in Kindergarten despite your mamas protests your papa thought it was good you get socialization. He didn't want you to be spoiled after all.

You looked around a bit nervous to put yourself out there and try and make friends and sigh as you walk outside playing with your quirk.


You gasp looking over and hold your hand you as light catches the rather scary eight ball and wraps around it as it falls with a thud.


You look up and saw a wild looking boy with sharp teeth kinda like uncle kiris and silver hair.

"That was so awesome!!" He smiles eyes shining as you blush nervously "not much of a talker hu? Wow your really pretty tho" he blushes as he smirks "dont worry ill protect you from the savages! I'm Tamashiro!"

"Y/N!" You smile as he chuckles and grabs your hand as he tours you everywhere.


You flinch as the nurse puts a bandaid over your broken nose while you held a wet cloth to your split lip.

"Y/N!" Tamashiro yells running in as you wave.

"Hey" you smile.

"Are you crazy! You fought a parent!" He yells.

"They shouldn't have insulted you, it's unbecoming and childish" you huff.

"Yah and fighting someone and their child isn't hu?" He smirks as you blush.

"The brat deserved it besides they were making fun of you!" You insist as he smiles dorkily and you smile back.

Now you may be Aoyamas daughter but you were also part Latino! That side of you is dam fisty (I like the head cannon Sero is half Latino so I'm a go off that!)

"Darling!" Aoyama screeches arriving as he runs over "oh no your not shining so bright! What happened?!"

"She was badass" Tamashiro smirks as you flick his head.

"Thats my girl!" Sero smiles hugging you when you got home "maybe dont take on some ritch kid next time tho" he smiles nervously as he sees Aoyama on the phone yelling at the family of the kid.

"Spoiled brats annoy me" you huff as Sero smiles and hugs you.

"Thats my girl" he whispers as you smile.

MY HERO ACADEMIA (parent scenarios!) Where stories live. Discover now