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You had the best grandparents in the freaking world!!! Like it unbelievable how much both pairs wanted to be involved in your life 24/7.


Grandma Mitsuki and Pawpa (that's what you called him) Mitsaru were awesome tho Katsuki wanted you around them as little as possible.

His mother could be... unintentionally abusive at times and he never EVER wanted you to experience that ever.

But when you were around them it was snuggles, story time and showing off your amazing quirk!


Grandma Inko and Papa Toshi (also know and grandadmight) were awesome, there were the go to babysitters when Katsuki and Izuku wanted some alone time, and just in general the best.

Inko would send baked treats over for you and Toshinori would help you with your quirk when you needed it. He also loved being around you since Ixuku was his boy he called you his girl, you two were the cutest together.

And Izuku had brought you like ten different All might hoodies, onesies, pjs, shirts and shorts. Katsuki hated them... his daughter was becoming a nerd..



It was easy to say Bakugou didn't want you to see his mum pretty much full stop, Eijiro let you see them tho!

Grandma Mitsuki yelled to much for your fragile heart tho and you didn't really visit after that anymore.

They were invited around to birthdays and other things like that tho!


Kiri didn't have real parents to introduce you to, why you didn't actually know since your father's didn't tell you. But! You had the best replacements! Three words.


Fat Gum actually cried the first time he saw you when Eijiro rocked (pfff) up with you in a baby carrier one day and Tamaki was shaking. You were their favorite thing in the world! Fat Gum baby sat all the time and when he was at work it was Tamaki and Mirio who were buckets of fun.

You also visited the agency quite often.



No, no, no, big Nope! Even with his father becoming a quote on quote "better person" after All Mights retirement Shoto was NOT allowing you near him just in case.

Izuku respected his husbands wishes and never pushed anything however Natsuo and Fuyumi visited you a lot. Natsuo was your favourite!

Shoto thought about letting his mother see you but then had a horrid image of you getting water poured on your fire side and very quickly decided no!

There was your secret buddy tho.... that's for another chapter tho ;)


Grandpa Toshi may be your favorite person in the world. Like you two were practically inseparable when you were born, hed come and watch you while the boys went to work so he was a huge part of your life.

Surprisingly you didn't need help with your quirk so he couldn't help with that but grandma inko would help with food and babysitting as well :3


You only had one grandpa and that was papa aizawa, you did however have a crap tone of uncle's known as the Bakuboys!

Babysitting was souly Aizawa job as well as helping with your quiek but when it came to fun Uncle Sero and uncle Kirishima were your guys! Uncle Bakugou was mainly there for food services when he found out denki made you live off fast food.


You didn't have grandparents since denki and sero kinda stopped talking to theres, but you had an aunty and uncles that loved you with all their hearts!

Mina helped you with girly things like clothes and nails and promised when you were old enough shed teach you make up. Bakugou helped you with your quiek (he treated you like his own :3) promising that youd be a great hero one day! And uncle Kiri was just fun! You two listend to baby shark together :3



All might was your grandfather.. he was also the reason you were really Ill and could no longer use your quirk..

At the time Inko and Toshinori were babysitting their gorgeous granddaughter, you had presently discovered your quirk and saw a scrape on Papa Toshis knee so you smiled and say you could fix it! He expected a bandaid but you touched his body and took control as you began to reconstruct his cells a scape appeared on your knee but before you knew what hit you you were doubled over in pain hacking up blood as your organs went into falier.

Shinso and Deku got called from work and their hearts shattered when they said the name Y/N Midorya, they arrived and shinso blew up at All Might he did not care who he use to be he just single handedly nearly killed his daughter!

Papa aizawa was also pissed off at Toshinori when he found out his granddaughter was in critical condition and wouldn't be aloud to use her quiek cause of him.

All might tho he was forgiven and also aloud yo see you again... never forgave himself!


Aizawa was the most overprotective, over paranoid grandfather to exist. He basically kept you tucked away in his scarf 90% of the time you were with him.

You loved him tho :3 and he loved you :3



You never met sir Nighteye but mirio told you how he was basically his dad, how he helped him with his quiek, treated him like his flesh and blood, and how he was sirs pride and joy.

You wish you could have met sir but now mirio knew that some proud joyful feeling sir knew when he was around...


You loved papa fat, aka fat gum. He loved you too. He would bear hug you and squish you into his fat as you would laugh and tamaki would stress youd suffocate!

Uncle kirishima was fun two! Hed show you his hardening quirk and let you climb up him, or try to al least. You kept falling. Tamaki didn't need to know about that...


Yah very funny haha no you were never meeting your grandparents since half were dead and the other half didn't know you existed, the league was your family : 3

Toga helped you eith girl stuff and papa kirogiri would play with you when you were bored, your favourite was uncle twice tho! He was awesome!

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