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The most awkward love triangle of 1A was definitely a shock to everyone in UA none more than izuku it seemed tho, not having the heart to turn down his childhood friend (mainly out of fear) or his current best friend he just kinda messing agreed to go on a date with them and that is how the perfect chaotic relationship came to be.

Of course the press ate it up when the three were married but thats where it's always great to have a katsuki cause he just told them all not so kindly to fuck off.

Now izuku was the number 1 hero and new symbol of peace which left Katsuki and Shoto missing that other peice of them, and that's where the idea came from.

"Hey guys!" Izuku smiles on a video call from some random island where he was stationed.

"Dam deku when are you coming home!?" Katsuki yells.

"What he means is we both miss you here" Shoto smiles as Izuku tears up.

"I miss you both two" he whimpers trying not to cry.

"So izuku we have something to ask" Shoto says unsure "uh how would you feel about-"

"We want a kid" Bakugou says abruptly as Izuku freezes.

"Hu?" Izuku says tilting his head.


Luckily the three had found a private doctor to help them while keeping their pride and sanity so they weren't harassed by fans while waiting for their kid.

"Oh this is a mistake" shoto says shaking as izuku rubs his shoulder.

"Dont say that sho! You'll be a great dad!" Izuku insists.

"Yah and if your old man thinks he's getting anywhere near our kid ill call CPS on the asshole!" Katsuki growls.

"Kacchan no-" izuku stresses.

"Katsuki yes" Shoto says stars in his eyes.

It was then the door opened and the three heads snapped over to the door expectantly.

"Sirs" the nurse smiles a small bundle in her arms as the heros slowly walk over.

Izuku covers his mouth as Bakugou goes ridged while shoto holds his chest. There you were in the nurses arms, crazy wavy hair like izuku that was half green half white with pretty red eyes and sun tan skin.

"T-t-that!" Izuku stutters as he takes you his husband's either side of him.

Bakugou smiles lovingly down at you as he holds your cute chubby face.

"Speak properly you dam nerd or you'll corrupt my kid" Bakugou laughs.

"Our kid" shoto smiles as he looks down at you.


To say you were the best of all worlds was a perfect example, ypu were genuinely the cutest, toughest, smartest little kid. Kiri and Ochako fell in love with you the first time they saw you which still took months to convince your paranoid fathers.

Your grandparents and uncles and aunts all absolutely adored you and thought you were the best thing ever.

You were currently in your highchair while Katsuki was cooking, most days either Katsuki or Shoto had days off while izuku always did night shift with you and if on the rare occasion they all worked your family or godparents were always glad to have you.

"Hey bubs what do we want for dinner tonight?" He smiles checking the purees deku had made after finding recipes on line that help with babies growth and health "hmm deku what is this crap who wants puree that tastes savory" he grumbles to himself.

He laughs checking them all before settling on a few as he brings them over.

"Ok Y/N Apple sauce, cream cheese and avocado or carrots puree" he smiles as he places them down.

"Red!" You cheer as he drops the luckily plastic containers since shoto was so paranoid you'd hurt yourself and stairs at you.

"Bubs say that again!" Katsuki begs.

"Red!" You giggle as he smiles proudly.

"Apple it is" he nods.


It was that time of a child's life every parent dreaded, it was the age where quirks started developing. For a four year old you were very quiet, with izukus cute and kind nature and katsukis sass and tough exterior topped with shotos intelligence and composure. Which was scary for the boys.

"What if she's quiekless" Izuku stresses getting into bed terrified.

"Izuku she's only 4 she has time yet" Shoto says but was secretly just as terrified.

He was worried, what if his old man got news of your quirk if it was really powerful and then!

"Oi shit heads stop making it about you!" Bakugou growls "its their quirk and regardless of what it is we will love Y/N exactly the same as always and well protect her!" Bakugou huffs as the other two smile before they suddenly hear a loud noise "Y/N!!" Bakugou yells running off.

They saw you in shock looking at small pops of colour bursting in your hands, some were white some blue some red and some green as the boys staired in wonder.

QUIRK: Fireworks: your quirk allows you to create large multi colored explosions, different colors do different things example, white will freeze what ever it blows up, red will burn it, green will destroy it.


You were scared to start school, you stuck out like a saw thumb it was so obvious who you were since you basically grew up front and center of most of the tabloids and the kids all made a huge fuss over you for it and you hated it it scared you and made ypu uncomfortable.

So during lunch you snuck away and found a secret spot out on the playground but just as you pulled out your lunch box you see shoes.

"Hey this is my spot"

You look up and see the black haired boy and blink surprised.

"Your shoes look like my dads" you mumble and then cover your mouth mortified as he tilts his head at you.

That was the day you met your best friend Kota.


You wince as the nurse bandages your bleeding hands, one had severe frost bite and the other was burned badly but either way you didn't care.

A little brat had walked up and asked to play with you and Kota at the water station where you were both playing with your quirks and you both said no, she then proceeded to call Kota names as well as bring up his parents and you saw red!

The girl was sitting on the other nurse bed shaking as you side glared her giving her your ice princess stair as she yelps.

"Bubs!" Bakugou yells running in.

"Hi papa fatger and dad at work?" You ask as he picks you up.

"Yah what happened tho Y/N?" He asks half sounding concerned and the other half waiting to find out the details of your epic battle.

"She was mean to Kota so I froze her feet to the ground" you shrug as he smirks and ruffles your hair.

Simple to say you weren't aloud back at school but bakugou was hella proud his little girl stood up against a bully... he was so so proud.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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