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( Just so you know, yes I am aware these kids would probably be a whole lot older do I care? No! Just know that I know these kids would probably be older but you need friends and love interests so I'm making em smol!)


You had just started Kindergarten as you were now four years old. You were starting to learn more about your quirk as your father had warned you to not use it in classes since youd get in trouble.

When you turned up pretty much everyone had already been sorted into their own friend groups, kids that clearly grew up together or knew each other from their neighborhoods maybe. It made you feel kind of sad and alone.. then you turned around and came face to face with him.

The curly haired blonde gasps as he jumps back his freckled cheeks tinting pink as he bows.

"I-im sorry I didn't see you" he stutters shaking.

"N-no its my fault I'm so sorry I can't bekive I just bumped into youzc You mumbke nervously.

You both stand there awkwardly as kids run past you both playing games and having fun laughing. You turn to him and he looks over at you and you both look away. Who knew making friends could be this awkward?

"I uh im Kazuma"

You turn and see his hand outstretched and smile.

"Y/N" you giggle.


You were sitting on top of the playground alone as you watxhed the other kids playing. It was your first day at Kindergarten and already you had been set as an outcast and it really hurt.. but you didn't think much of it. You were your fathers daughter after all.


You yelp at the sudden yell your skin turning to rock as your glowing eyes turn to fade the kid behind you that had scared you. His silver eyes widen im awe as they shine and his shark teeth show as he smiles

"Omg!" You smile showing your shark teeth.

"We match!" He smiles over joyed as he jumps on the roof with you "im Tamashiro"

"Y/N" you smile as you two both giggle giving sharky grins.


Kindergarten, you were easily popular, but not because people liked you. Because everyone recognized your hair as the same as the number 3 hero Shoto. Connections were made and so now everyone wanted to spend time around you. You however didn't want friends, so you went and hid in the reading corner.

You spent all day there alone.. not that you cared, you walked out still holding the book as you looked around for your parents but didn't see them. They must have been held up at work. So you sat on the curb like a good girl waiting for them. Eventually all the kids had dissapeared as you sat playing with your frost tempted to just freeze the parking lot so you wouldn't be bored. But someone might get hurt.

You then saw something out of the corner of your eye and hum curiously as you follow, it was just the ally beside your school. You round the corner and walk in as you see a man looking at you with a smile as he sits on his knees.

"Hi" he says whispering.

"Hello" you say back nervousky, cause stranger danger, but his eyes reminded you of Uncle Natsus, and Father's, and your own.

"Wow" he says as he tears up "you really look like him ey?"

"Who are you?" You ask.

"Uh.. im Da.. Im Touya" he whispers smiling.

"Hi I'm Y/N"


You sat on the mat with a smile as you happiky colored by yourself, you were 'the weird new girl'. You didn't care tho as far as you were concerned it was their loss not yours.

You giggle as you draw your socks rubbing on the carpet causing your hair to float all static shockish.


You look uo curiously and see a blonde haired girl with pigtails "why is your hair like that?" She asks.

"Cause of my quirk" you smile as you sit up.

"D-do you think.. you coukd do that to my hair?" She asks bkushingnlooking away grumpily.

You smile and nod as you and that was the day you and Mahoro became beasties!


You were partly glad your parents weren't super well know heros cause it meant no one swarmed you like you were sure some kids got harassed because of their parents, bad part is that everyone seemed to already have friends so you were kinda just the awkward kid who hug around.

You were currently at the water station playing with the wheel that lifted the water into the machine and it fell down to the pool again.

"Hey I usually play here"

You hum and tikt your head back and look up at the black haired boy who was pouting blushing.

This was your chance! A friend!!

"Well... we coukd play together?" You smile as his eyes shine a little and he nods blushing.

"How did this happen?" The teacher asks you and Kota as you both laugh drenched in water.


You hid nervousky behind your dad's legs as the girl walked into your dads office. She was really pretty with white hair and red eyes. She was also the same age as you. But it still made you scared.

"Eri this is Y/N, Y/N this is Eri" Mirio says walking inside as Amajiki smiles down at you.

"H-hi" you say nervously blushinh still holding Amajiki's leg.


With in 10 minutes you two were best friends.


You weren't aloud outside the bar, your Dads team were your friends. And you couldnt give two shits! They were the best friends ever!!

Toga was your girl buddy she played dolls, did tea parties and makeovers and helped with your clothes.

Twice was your rough and tumble buddy as you two would wrestle and spar and hed even teach you some fighting techniques he knew.

Grandpa Kurogiri was, well papa, he took care of any injuries, fed you, bathed you, read stories to you.

Honestly stain and muscular scared you to much to be comfortable around them and overhaul was weird, he had no arms...

And your dads, they were your best friends. Who needed more? Tho sometimes... you wodnered why you couldn't leave.

MY HERO ACADEMIA (parent scenarios!) Where stories live. Discover now