Chapter 14 - "Oh, god!"

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They were both hurrying to get to the ferry, and Peter had suggested to swing them both there by web, but she refused to do so. 'I would rather die than swing on a web' she had told him, before they both made their own way there. Peter by web, obviously, and she was scouring the top of buildings to get there. She knew she had very little time, and the smart thing would've been to go with Peter, but she didn't.

So she had to make do with the very little time she had.

Felicia landed perfectly on the edge of the building, and took off running across the roof. However, as she got to the other edge of the roof she saw that the building across the way was much too far for her to jump. "Fuck!" She sighed as she looked down and saw that it was a long way down. She knew that if she was any longer she'd miss the ferry.

Felicia took a deep breath and back up a few metres and she closed her eyes, and evened her breathing despite her anxieties of what she was about to do. Then she ran for the edge of the building as fast as she possible could, and just as she reached the edge she leaped off of the edge of the building.

She flew through the air for a few moments, before she began to plummet for the ground. That was when Felicia's gloved hands grasped a window ledge, and she began to climb her way up the building using just the window ledges, and she arrived at the roof within a few seconds. In the distance she spied the ferry, and she only had one more building to cross to get on it.

Finally Felicia had landed on top of the ferry just as the ferry began to take off, and in that moment she spied Peter gliding through the air, and attach himself to the side of the ferry. She jogged over to the side and peered over and spied him looking into the ferry through a window. She watched as he climbed up and she made her way over to him, as they spied a group of men directly below them.

"Who's the guy on the left?" Peter questioned the AI within his suit. "No, Karen! Stop it with the Instant Kill already." Felicia frowned slightly as she side glanced the boy in confusion - she had no idea what Instant Kill was, and she doubted that she wanted to know what it was.

"White pickup truck." A man below them spoke as he joined them. She watched as a man walked off.

"Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck!" He told the spider drone that flew beside them.

"I'll also go down there and find it." Felicia told the boy. "It's probably better to split up for a while, and I'll be able to see first hand on what's going on. Because not all of us have fancy drones to do the work for us." Then without another word, she left and headed on down to the lower area of the ferry, where she knew the vehicles were stored.

When Felicia arrived she hid behind a van and watched as a man climbed out of the truck to show the other guy the weapons in the back. Felicia made sure to crouch down low and made sure she was out of their eye sight. She kept an eye on them, and they seemed to be having idle conversation, which bored her.

Until she began to hear crashes, and she peered around and saw Peter down the way fighting the men, and she stood to go help him. She wasn't even past the pickup when she heard movement, and she stilled behind the car beside the pickup. She lifted her head to peer through the windows of the car, and saw a man hit the other man's head off of the pickup.

She carefully and quietly made her way to the front of the car, to get a better look at him, and what he was doing. When she looked over and saw Peter holding his hands up as he was surrounded by the FBI. "Oh, goddammit, Parker!" She whispered softly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of tearing metal, and she looked across the way and saw a man with mechanical wings had emerged, and he pushed aside the cars, including the one she was using for cover. Felicia had become pinned to the wall as he flew down the way towards Peter and the FBI. Felicia pushed against the car, and shimmied her body in order to get free.

And surely, after a while she had gotten free and she ran down towards where Peter was currently pulling on the flying man's leg with a web. "Go after that guy!" Peter called out to her, and she nodded as she ran through the door, and caught a glimpse of the man she was supposed to catch.

She raced round the corner, only to be met with a blow to the face, and the force of it made her fly backwards to the floor, as she lay there dazed for a few moment. She sat up, still a little dazed, and saw the guy was just at the end of the corridor, so she thrust her hand outwards and allowed an energy blast to leave her hand.

The energy caught the guy in the back, and he crashed into the wall just in front of him, as she scrambled to stand. But it seemed he was eager to escape, as he stood and took off running once more, and she raced after him. Felicia was soon gaining on him, until a beam of light shot through the floor just in front of her, and she skidded to a stop as she clutched the railing beside her with a pant.

Felicia had no idea what the beam was from, but she knew that it had something to do with Peter - like everything else. And then the boat shook dangerously, and she looked around cautiously, before she took off running to find Peter as the man had already escaped with the flying man.

She got to the edge of the boat, and leaped off of it and landed in a crouch at the lower floor where all the cars were parked. Felicia's eyes widened upon seeing water fly up from a massive crack that was right in the middle of the ferry. "Oh, god!" She muttered softly as she heard people begin to scream as the two sides began to tip on the opposite direction.

Felicia was stumped on what to do, because she literally couldn't do anything. This, after all, wasn't her forte. So, instead she began to climb up one of the halves of the ship, and she arrived on a ledge that she stayed perched on as she watched Peter swerve inwards and out as he used his webbing to keep it standing.

Felicia let out a breath of relief and she began to wonder if she was doing the right thing. She knew she shouldn't be caught up with the avengers, and as she gazed at the webbing holding the ferry together, she found that she just wanted to be normal. Because she knew she wasn't cut out for something like this, this wasn't her.

However, Felicia was pulled from her thoughts as people began to applaud for Peter, and just as they did the webbing began to give way and snap, and Felicia grabbed the railing beside her as she began to slide towards the edge. Felicia's heart began to race, and she looked around in alarm, she didn't like this at all, and wanted to be at home - where she was supposed to be.

Felicia looked from where Peter was trying to keep everything held together by himself, and then her eyes darted for the water. Felicia looked to the side as she began to make a decision, and once she did, she felt a little guilty. But her want of survival and safety outweighed her guilt by far, and she spun round and jumped into the water, before she began to swim back to land.

Once she arrived she pulled herself up and looked to the ferry, and saw that Iron Man was there, and was fixing it all. Then she began to make her way back home, and forced herself to not look backwards towards Peter and the ferry.

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