Chapter 20 - "Nice to meet you again, Your Majesty."

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It had been a few days since the situation at the beach and she was beginning to think that maybe she should start to be careful with how she moves her arms. Yesterday she had only stretched after waking up from a nice and long nap, only for everything in her room to raise up into the air, they floated majestically for a few moments, before they crashed back down to the floor.

But she was currently driving into the school, and she parked up, and got all her things ready in her bag beside her. Before she climbed out of the car, she pulled her sun visor down, and lifted the flap that revealed the mirror. Felicia took in her appearance in the mirror, she let out a breath before she ran her hands through her white hair - she quite liked it now.

She still preferred her brown hair, but she knew that if she tried to dye it brown again, it'd only turn white once more. So, Felicia grabbed her bag, and climbed out of the car, and began to head inside the school, when Happy suddenly appeared beside her, and she did a double take and glared at the man.

"Is there a reason as to why you're beside me right now?" Felicia asked him.

"Mr. Stark would like for you to come to the Avenger Facility, unfortunately." Happy told her tightly, and she paused and turned to look at him, and raised a brow. "I know, a terrible mistake on his turn." He paused. " did help Peter with the Vulture and he'd like to thank you in person for some reason."

"The Vulture?" Felicia asked with a quirked brow. "That's what we're calling him now, huh?"

"It's what Peter called him, so." Happy shrugged.

"And when exactly does Mr. Stark want to be graced with my presence?" She questioned. "I'm actually quite busy, you know!"

"Now, actually." Happy informed her. "He called upon some people to meet you so, well, they're waiting upon your arrival right now." Felicia threw her head back and groaned softly, before she faced him and shrugged.

"Okay." Felicia nodded. "It's not like I need to go to school, or anything. Though, a little warning would've been nice, you know. Can't just drop thing like this on a girl." Happy only rolled his eyes at her, and began to lead her away from the school and to a car, and they both climbed in and he drove them to the Avengers Facility.

It took them three long and silent hours to get there, and he pulled up. As Felicia stepped out of the car, she spied that Tony Stark was waiting for her just ahead, and she hoisted her bag over her shoulder as she walked towards him. "Nice hair." He remarked with a small smirk upon seeing her.

"Yeah, it is nice." Felicia told him as he lead her into the building.

"I thought you decided that you wanted out." Tony told her as he lead her through the huge building. "What exactly changed your mind - you seemed so sure that you wanted out!"

Felicia looked at him. "I'm not so sure I want to be in." Felicia admitted with a shrug. "But I found that fixing lab mishaps with a solution made in a lab is only a bad idea. But I found that maybe I should help Peter because these weapons Vulture was selling, I first handedly witnessed and experienced just how dangerous they were. I may just be a thief, but I know having those on the streets would be too dangerous."

Tony looked at her for a while. "Yeah, Peter told me about what happened at DC." Tony revealed. "I'm surprised you still continued after that honestly. He also told me what happened at the beach, and the warehouse. And I'm guessing after you went to the lab, something happened to you." Felicia looked at him blankly.

"Now, unfortunately, I don't have anyone I still talk to that has abilities such as yours - or what Peter explained them to be." Tony told her. "But I have an acquaintance that's up for the challenge of helping you learn control - because Peter believes you can handle what you have without any danger. But he said you have a thing with what he assumes to be gravity, and he mentioned electricity."

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