Chapter 13 - "My step father will handle it!"

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She was dressed in some jeans and a simple top and she threw the doors open angrily. The people in the hallway jumped as she came in. She saw Michelle look over at her in interest. She saw Peter and walked over to him.

As she saw him she saw he had a black eye and he was with his friend Ned. "Hey, Have you seen Flash around?" She asked sweetly.

"N-oh, he's behind you!" Peter told her.

Now it was just her, Michelle, Flash, Ned and Peter in the corridor. She spun round a look of pure fury on her face. "Flash!" She yelled out in anger as she walked towards him.

He looked to her with a smirk, unaware she was about to beat his ass to a pulp after what he did. "Felicia, how nice it i-" he began but that was all he was able to say as she grabbed his head and smacked it off of the lockers.

She heard a gasp from Michelle and Ned. He stood up holding his head. "What was that for?" He asked her.

She kicked at his leg and he fell to the floor. She sat on top of him and punched him, non stop. She heard a crack, then another.

After a few seconds Peter ran over and pulled her off of him, Flash was covered in blood, her knuckles was bloody and red and she was pretty sure one of the three cracks was one of her knuckles breaking.

Flash was barely conscious on the floor. Once Peter had dragged her to his locker she straightened her posture. "Don't you ever, ever, ever touch my fucking brothers again! If you do, you'll get a much worse beating. You better hope my brother you knocked over doesn't die, or I'll come for you and kill you. No one touches my brothers!" She said before marching over to her locker, kicking Flash in the stomach as she passed him.

She pulled out a baseball bat and Peter and Ned raced over to her. She slammed her locker shut and went outside to where everyone was. She spotted Flash's newly cleaned car.

She climbed onto the hood and swung the bat down onto his windshield, making a huge crack but not breaking. She began to swing it and swung it, until the window shattered all over his car. She then began to swing the bat at the perfect bodywork of the car.

She left dent marks all over his car, everyone watched from afar in shock. She grabbed her house keys and began to run them along his car, making scratches all over it. She lifted the hood up and looked down at his engine with a smirk.

She grabbed it by the handle and brought the bat down onto his perfect engine, she kept hitting his engine with everything she had, until she completely destroyed his engine.

She brushed her hair out of her face with her free hand and turned to face Peter and Ned. "You're crazy!" Ned whispered.

She laughed lightly. "Nice eye, Peter!" She said. "What happened?"

"I got hit by this boy, Steve. I got a few good punches though!" Peter told her, making her become extremely curious of him. Could he mean Steve as in Steve Rodgers? No, it can't be the chances of Peter being Spider-Boy are astronomical. She thought to herself. Besides, he doesn't seem the type to be Spider-Boy.

"Hmm, well! Nice, I guess!" She shrugged. "I guess I should get out of here and check on my brothers! Also, someone may need to ring a ambulance for the dickhead. I may have accidentally broke his nose and a cheek bone! Just make sure he goes to a different hospital to the one I'm going to now!"


She walked into the hospital with the wooden bat in her hand. She was walking to her brothers shared room since they were family. She walked in the door and saw them both in the beds. She closed the door behind and smiled at them.

"Felicia!" They both said. She hugged them both, they then noted the bat, that had little chunks of wood missing from it. "What happened?"

"I may have done something, that may get me in big trouble!" She shrugged.

Jared noticed her hands. "What happened?" He asked.

"I may have, beat Flash in the corridor. I accidentally may have broken his nose and a cheekbone. Now, the bat is a bit, ruined. As, I kind of, destroyed his car. Windows, bodywork, paint job and the engine!" She shrugged.

"You didn't!" James laughed.

"I did, are you both ok?" She asked.

"We'll live!" Jared told her.

"So will He!" She shrugged as she sat in the chair. "I mean, the car will need to be fixed, probably replaced!"

Jared was scrolling through his instagram. When he gasped. "He will definitely need it fixed!" He said passing the phone to James, who roared with laughter. She looked as well and began to laugh along.

"That'll teach him not to mess with me or my family!" She said with small laugh. "Anyway, I'm gonna go get my knuckle fixed!" She said. Then her parents came in, and she instantly left leaving her brothers to explain everything.


Once she got her hand fixed she headed on back home with the bandages on. Her mom text her saying that they'd stay with her brothers.

She was on the same train as Peter again. He came over to her. "Turns out you broke his nose and cheekbone, not to mention badly bruised his face. You also destroyed his car!" He said. "After he beat your brother to a pulp and ran the other over!"

"Indeed, now he knows not to mess with my brothers!" She smirked.

"I guess, but you're going to get in massive trouble!" He told her.

"I guess so, but my step father can get me out of it!" She shrugged.

"Flash's father is rich, I mean really rich. They own that really posh house by the shopping centre that got burnt down the other year!" He told her.

"My step father will handle it!" She said before he got off and she was left on the train on her own. She began to silently think about the fact of if Peter Parker could be Spider-Boy. She highly doubted it. By if he was, she had beaten him up at the airport quite a bit, and began to feel slightly guilty. He was just a innocent boy.

But then she scolded herself. Peter Parker was not Spider-Boy. He was just a cute and awkward boy who was rather smart and had a really weird friend.

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