Chapter 5 - "That...that's bad, right?"

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While Natasha had been patching her side up, it turns out that Thanos had arrived, and Felicia had levitated them both over to where everyone else was, she dropped Natasha off beside the others, and she touched down to the floor between Steve and Wanda and Vision. Felicia watched as a huge purple alien emerged from a dark grey cloud.

Felicia watched the alien hesitantly, and she decided that this alien looked much more scary and fearsome than the others.

"Cap, that's him." Bruce spoke, as Wanda's arm wrapped round Felicia's wrist, and she pulled the younger girl closer to her and Vision - Wanda really didn't want Felicia trying to fight that alien while injured.

"Eyes up, stay sharp." Steve instructed them, and Wanda's grip tightened on her.

"I don't want you to go near him, Felicia." Wanda told her in an undertone, as Bruce went forwards to attack Thanos, and Felicia turned her gaze to the woman gripping her tightly. "Please don't, Felicia. You're already hurt."

"Wanda, I'll be fine." Felicia assured her. "He can't get Vision's stone, you know this. And as the only other person here who has powers, we both need to partake in stopping him." Felicia then watched as one by one people tried to possibly take Thanos down, only to fail. She pulled her grip from Wanda.

Felicia watched as he had stopped almost everyone, and only Steve was fighting him at the moment, and Felicia made her way over to them both. She watched as Steve strained under the alien's strength, and winced as he punched Steve right in the face, and he dropped to the floor unmoving.

Now it was only her standing between Thanos and Wanda and Vision, and she knew she had to at least stray him a little longer so Wanda could do what she had to.

Both her and Thanos stared at one another, and Felicia wondered if he was aware of her racing heart. Felicia also noted that Thanos looked almost amused at the fact that she was stood in front of him, but she only smiled up at him. "Child-" he began to say in his deep voice, but Felicia didn't want to hear it.

Felicia thrust both her hands out, and made the full force of the gravity surrounded her, and between them, hit him. He flew across the way and crashed into some trees, and watched them breaking under his weight. Felicia watched as he angrily stood, and he held the gauntlet out to her, and directed some sort of energy towards her, but she held her palms up, and a violet forcefield surrounded her and protected her.

As the energy from the gauntlet came into contact with her violet forcefield, a unbelievably loud electrical sizzle shot through the air, as violet light momentarily blinded them both. But Felicia forced herself to recover quickly since she was face to face with an alien with powerful magical stones.

She was clearly at the disadvantage here, and she hated it.

While the forcefield was still up, she held her hand down to the floor, and concentrated on his feet, and willed for the gravity to hold him still and immobile so he couldn't move. Once that was done she lowered the forcefield and she took a few steps closer to him and held both her hands  outwards him, and slowly inched them together as she crushed the alien with the gravity surrounding him.

Thanos cried and yelled out from the pain of being crushed, and as she crushed him she began to wonder where the hell Thor was, they could do with his help in defeating Thanos. However, she couldn't ponder this any longer as he had thrown her backwards by some energy that came from the gauntlet on his hand.

Felicia crashed to the floor with a groan of pain, but moved to stand and try and stop him further, but the alien backhanded her away and she crashed back down to the floor, and she lay there for a few moments, feeling nothing but pure, agonising pain.

Once the pain had somewhat faded she sat up and saw something she didn't believe was possible - she watched as Thanos used one of the stones to reverse Vision's death. Felicia was about to go and do something, when she noticed her side was bleeding once more, so she decided on sitting there and holding her side.

Felicia watched with a wince as she saw the power of the stones in the gauntlet run through the alien, and Felicia assumed that it must've hurt a lot.

But before Thanos could do anything, Thor appeared out of nowhere and she watched as Thanos tried to attack him, but clearly, Thor was having none of it, and he had somehow managed to wedge his axe into Thanos' chest, and Felicia raised her brows in both surprise and amazement.

"I told you, you die for that." Thor told him as he moved to push the axe further and further into Thanos' chest, as Thanos yelled out in pain, and Felicia began to wonder what Thanos had done to Thor beforehand.

"You should've..." Thanos wheezed out softly. "You should've gone for the head." Felicia then widened her eyes as she watched the alien snap his fingers, and there was a blinding bright light, before she saw that his entire arm looked burned and charred. Felicia didn't know much about the stones, or anything, but she had a feeling that whatever he had just done was bad.

"What did you do?" Thor asked the alien, as Felicia moved to stand as she ambled over to the both of them, holding her side as she did. "What did you do?" Thor yelled at him, and Felicia frowned - it was definitely something bad.

However, Thanos didn't reply to the God, he simply disappeared through a dark grey cloud, and Felicia faced the God in slight confusion. She had a strong feeling it was bad, yet nothing had happened.

"That...that's bad, right?" Felicia asked him.

Steve then stood and took a few steps closer to them both. "Where'd he go?" Steve asked as he began to look around them both. "Thor? Where'd he go?" Thor was silent, and Felicia really didn't like this - the amount of power those stones had, the outcome of using them was bound to be bad. Yet, nothing had happened to them all yet.

"Steve?" Bucky's worried voice spoke up.

Felicia looked over to the man, and frowned upon seeing his arm turning into what looked like dust, and her mouth flew open in utter horror as his whole body followed after, and when he dropped to the floor, his body was nothing but dust over the gravel floor. Felicia took a few steps back.

"Oh, my god!" Felicia's voice broke as she rose her free and shaking hand to her mouth.

But then Felicia began to feel very weird, she didn't know whether it was because of her blood loss, or if it was because she had just witnessed someone turn to dust. But something told her to look down, and when she did, her heart began to race as she saw her arm was slowly turning to dust as well.

"Oh, shit!" Felicia spoke as her voice broke, and Steve looked towards her with wide eyes.

"Felicia?" He asked in concern with wide eyes, but she wasn't able to reply back to the man, as Felicia turned into dust before his very own eyes.

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