Chapter 10 - "I trust you both 100%, it's the snow that's gonna kill me!"

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She watched as a lorry overhead grew. She widened her eyes and threw her grappling hook around a lamppost and wired herself over to it.

As she stood on the lamppost, the explosion happened. She sighed I relief that she didn't get caught. "What the fuck!" She yelled down at them as she landed in a crouch.

She ran towards them both as they both began to run. She looked to the left and saw Wanda and Clint running as well. Wanda came to her side. "Come on!" Steve said.

They were running, but skidded to a stop when a laser went across where they were supposed to run. She looked up and saw Vision. "Captain Rodgers.." He said.

Wanda nudged her. "What?" She asked her.

"I don't want you in this part of the fight. Go and wait over there. We'll be over shortly!" Wanda told her.

"What! But you're my team. I can't leave you all!" She told her.

"Black Cat, just go. We'll be fine without you!" Clint told her.

"I guess, but if I see something I don't like, I'll join in with the fight!" She told them both.

"Fair enough!" Clint shrugged. She nodded and ran away from the group and went over to where Wanda pointed out.

She watched nervously as they all began to fight, but the Vision came towards her. He landed in front of her. "Look, robot. Just go away!" She told him.

"You need to stop your group. They'll listen to you!" He told her.

She scoffed. "Yeah, I stop my group but your group carried on. I don't think so!" She told him.

"You're doing the wrong thing!" He tried to reason.

"It's not gonna work. No one can change my mind when it's set!" She told him.

"I don't want to fight you!" He said.

"Then don't!" She replied.

"I'm afraid I can't do that!" He told her.

"Well, it'll be fine. Just make it fair. No phasing or using your stone!" She told him.

"Well, i-" But that's all he managed to say as she threw him back with her green energy.

She saw War Machine heading for Wanda, so she held her hands out, which were just like Wanda's but instead of red, it was green. War Machine flew up in the air and brought in towards her. "You haven't took my flying ability away!" He told her confused.

"Because I don't want to kill you when I do this!" She said before she threw her hands up in the air and he went flying up meters and meters.

She was kicked back by Black Widow and Vision, not seeing she had been kicked, blasted the thing she was standing under. She quickly rolled out of the way. She waved her hand and he flew across the whole place.

Wanda made Black Widow fly across just like Vision did. "Felicia, you Ok?" She asked her.

"Barely!" She answered.

"I need you to stay with Steve and Barnes. They need you more than we need you! Ok?" Wanda asked her.

"What?" She asked.

"Stay with them!" Wanda told her before hugging her.

Scott became big, really big. "What the fuck!" Felicia said in shock.

"That's your cue, get to the Quinjet. Go!" Wanda told her. She nodded and ran in the direction of the Quinjet. Steve and Barnes joining her shortly.

Suddenly a piece of a large building fell on top of them. "I hate that robot!" She said as she held it up with all her strength she had, her muscles screaming in protest.

"Felicia, you have to come with us!" Steve told her.

"Well, I'm the only thing holding this up for us!" She told them both.

Suddenly it was lifted out of her grip by Wanda's energy. Steve grabbed her wrist and they all began to run towards the Quinjet.

War Machine's sonic force thing went to Wanda's ears and she let it go and dropped to the floor screaming. She threw him back by her energy, but not before his energy got her and she dropped to the floor, screaming at the pain it was causing her.

Barnes quickly threw her over his shoulder and they ran into the hanger, just missing been caught by the falling debris. He put her down in the floor. "Thanks!" She told him as she stood up, with a throbbing head.

"You're not gonna stop!" The Widow said.

"You know I can't!" Steve told her softly.

"I'm gonna regret this!" She squid raising her electrifying glove thing. She hit the panther behind them. "Go!" She said.

They all ran to the Quinjet. "I just hope I don't die now!" She sighed.

"You've got me and Barnes with you. You won't die!" Steve assured her.

"Oh, no! I trust you both 100%, It's the snow that's gonna kill me!" She told them both. Steve rolled his eyes while Barnes chuckled lightly.

They got on. "Anyone have an idea how to put auto pilot on?" She asked them. "Assuming you don't know how to fly this thing!"

"I know how to put auto pilot on!" Steve told them both.

"Well that's good, because if you didn't. All of that would be for nothing!" She told them both with a small smile.

"Does your father know that you're here?" Steve asked her.

"My father is dead. Phoenix doesn't no. He thinks I'm at school doing a Spanish, Biology and Calculus test, how wrong he is!" She commented.

"So no one knows you're here with us?" Barnes asked her.

"Nope, though I am quite glad I agreed to come. Although, I did miss a Biology test. I think it was on diseases, or maybe Photosynthesis. I'm not sure!" She shrugged.

"Photosynthesis?" Barnes asked. "You can have a whole test on that?"

"Of course you can!" She told him.

"I never liked Science!" Steve shrugged.

"How can you not? It's so interesting, well, in my opinion it is!" She told him.

They both looked at her and shook their heads at her.

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