Chapter 19 - "Well, this was fun!"

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Felicia arrived at the beach panting since she had to get there on her own since she couldn't fly, and because she refused to go along the way by web with Peter - she simply refused to do so. She pulled her heels off and placed them on the sand, as she ran further into the beach where ahead she saw debris and fire littered across the sand.

As she got closer she spied Peter on the floor between it all as he pulled his mask off.

"Peter." Felicia spoke as she joined him, and gave him her hand to help pull him up off of the floor. Then she heard something behind her, and she spun round to find the man flying straight towards them. She held her hand outwards and the green energy surrounded him, and threw him up and away from them both, and he spiralled out of control and crashed into some debris in front of them. 

However, instead of staying on the floor he began to stand, and she looked at him with his sparking mechanical wings, and a metal mask that had glowing green eyes. Suddenly, he lunged towards them both, and Peter instantly moved out of the way, and Felicia dropped down into a crouch as he skimmed over the top of her. Peter flung a web towards him, but the man only flew forwards and pinned him to the ground as he stood on him.

Felicia moved forwards to go help Peter, but the man only flung his wings out towards her and threw her backwards. Felicia flew through the air, and crashed down to the floor with a groan. She slowly stood and saw that the both of them were fighting in the air, which was the one place she could not go - she cringed each time Peter got hit by the man.

Until Peter crashed down to the floor, and Felicia spied the man head back for him, so she held her hand outwards and she felt a pull come towards her, and smirked in satisfaction as the man slowly began to get pulled towards her. No matter how hard he tried to fly against it, he couldn't until he got to in front of her, and he went to kick at her, but she quickly moved her body sideways, and he missed her.

Just as his legs passed by her body did she land a punch to his masked face, she felt the slight sting of her knuckles making contact with the metal of his mask. But the mans head still shot backwards as she lowered her other hand and he crashed to the floor at her feet. She looked down at him as spied an indentation in his mask right where she had punched him.

Felicia placed her foot over his stomach, and held him down to the ground as he thrashed about under her strength. The man's hand grabbed her other leg and pulled her down to the floor, and she fell to the sand beside him, as he went to get up to grab her. But she lifted her knee to her chest, and kicked her feet out towards his masked face as he did, and his head shot back once more with a groan.

Felicia scrambled to stand, but he beat her in doing so, and grabbed her around the middle. He spun around and around in the air, and once he was satisfied with the momentum he had got, he threw Felicia through the air. Felicia glided through the air with a yell, as she plummeted down to the floor and landed on top of a box with a groan of pain.

Felicia rolled over onto her back, and fell off of the box, and crashed down to the floor. Felicia lay there for a few seconds as she breathed heavily, and she breathed through the wave of pain that washed over her. After she had a moment to herself, she sat up slowly and used the box nearby to pull herself up, and he flew over her as she did.

Felicia watched where he was going and frowned as he picked up a box, but she spied the sparks his wings were giving off, and knew they weren't going to hold for much longer. "Wait!" Peter's faint yell caught her attention, and she looked back towards him. "Felicia, his wings are gonna explode!"

Felicia sighed as she leaped over the box beside her and ran across the sand and grabbed hold of the box he was trying to take, and pulled it towards her. Across the way, Peter stood and shot a web out onto the box too to help her, and they both pulled the box towards them. "It's time to go home, Pete. You too, Black Cat." The man spoke down towards her, as the sparks began to get dangerously close to her.

"We're trying to save you!" Peter yelled, just as Felicia lost her grip as sparks flashed into her face, and she fell onto her back and she was momentarily blinded and saw nothing but white around her. She blinked and blinked, and slowly her vision began to come back as she felt over her face for any damage.

Luckily, all she found was a few grazes over her face, and she let out a relieved breath. Once her vision came back, she found the man high in the air above her, and his wings were still sparking dangerously, but they were much more frequent than she last saw. Felicia knew he was going to explode in any second, and knew she could either run to escape the explosion herself and let him die, or she could try and save him from the explosion with the possibility of getting harmed in the process.

Felicia took a deep breath and held her hands up above her, and within seconds green light crackled around her hands that looked very much like sparks themselves, and both herself and Peter watched as the sparks on the man's wings began to slowly fade, and she smiled upon realising that she was doing something. Felicia's hands felt warm, and she looked back to them and frowned as the green crackling sparks around her hands grew bigger and bigger until her whole body was surrounded by it.

The dark green mass of sparks ceased as the man became completely fine in the air, and each of them relaxed, until the green sparks appeared again and flared outwards and Felicia was hit by her own power. Felicia screamed as the electrical current raced through her body, and she tensed and dropped to the floor, she shook and tensed on the floor as her body began to try and overcome the electrical current that had just left her body and returned back to the man.

As Felicia lay on the floor, the mans wings began to spark, only this time the sparks were no longer the bright blue, they were the green of Felicia's power. Within seconds, the man's wings exploded and he went spiralling down to the floor, and as he did, fire and smoke came from where he had landed. "Felicia!" Peter yelled as he stood and raced over to the girl on the floor, and figured he'd worry about Liz's dad after her. "Felicia!"

Peter watched with wide eyes as she moved slightly and he moved forwards to touch her, only to bring his hand back with a sharp gasp from an electrical shock. Felicia's eyes fluttered open slightly and Peter grinned down at her as he let out a relieved breath. "Oh, thank god you're okay." He whispered before he brought her into a tight hug, which she returned with a confused frown. 

Peter helped her stand, and she wavered on her feet slightly, and Peter helped her stand upright. "God, that hurt." Felicia told him as they began to amble over to where Liz's dad had landed. "That hurt so bloody much."

Once they reached him, Peter and Felicia moved his wings from off the top of him, and they found the man unconscious on the floor. "Do you want to carry him?" Peter questioned her as he turned to face her curiously. 

Felicia raised her brows and gave him an incredulous look. "You're asking the girl who just had an electrical current run through her, if she wants to carry the guy responsible for the electrical current to safety?" She queried. "Really?" 

"I guess I'll carry him then." Peter muttered softly.

"Yeah, that's probably best!"

Peter picked the man up, and once they were safe from any flames, he dropped him to the floor as Felicia ran her hands through her hair, and let out a breath. She was still in quite a bit of pain from the electrical current, but she acted as if she weren't because it looked as though Peter was more injured than her. "Well, this was fun!" Felicia mused softly. "But I'm going to go home, and have a nice shower. After all, it's not everyday an electrical current such as that one runs through your body."

Felicia then began to amble away, and Peter watched her go and found himself glad that she was there, and that she had had his back. He knew what they had just done wasn't at all what she wanted to do, but was glad that she had done all she could. Felicia slipped her heels on, before she left the beach and headed on for the highway to get back home.

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