Chapter 16 - "I do what I think I should do."

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Hunter and Carlos had called Felicia's mother to inform them that she was staying with them - which was allowed since they were good friends of her father's once upon a time. They were pacing at the bedside of the girl - they had no idea how to explain to her mother that she was unconscious because she had injected a nameless fluid into her bloodstream.

So they just said that she was staying with them for the night.

"What if she doesn't wake up, Carlos?" Hunter asked nervously.

"She will!" Carlos nodded softly. "Maybe it's just a reaction to her power leaving. I mean, she's had it much longer than you did. Maybe this is what's supposed to happen." The two men sat beside her in silence for six hours before she had began to stir.

Felicia's eyes soon fluttered open, and she sat up, and upon doing so her head spun. When her eyes had focused, she only saw Carlos and Hunter gawking at her with wide eyes. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Felicia asked them. "I...I think it worked. I do feel different." She moved to stand, and Hunter only handed her a mirror as he shook his head at her.

Felicia frowned in confusion, but lifted the mirror up to her face netherless. Upon seeing her reflection she let out a shrill scream and upon doing so the light above her flickered, before it showered sparks down on her - but she didn't care much for that. Felicia face was just fine - apart from the gash on her temple and the stitches across her forehead. What had made her scream was, in fact, her hair.

Her once beautiful and luscious brown hair was no longer the brown that suited her so well. Her once brown hair was now pure and platinum white. "My hair!" Felicia gasped as she raised her free hand to grab hold of a lock of it, and she stared at it through the mirror, absolutely horrified. "What happened to my hair?"

Carlos swallowed nervously. "We're not sure." He told her. "Two hours ago it had started to grow white. We have no explanation for it - though that is not my main concern right now. I...I think the vial hasn't worked. I'm not sure, just try to throw the energy to the door or something."

Felicia put the mirror down on her bed, and she held her hand out, and immediately the green energy surrounded her hand, and she let out a groan. "God sake!" She muttered softly as she still held her hand out, and watched the energy dance around her hand. Until it was no longer energy, but what looked more like tiny, green lighting bolts.

As the crackled within her hand, they noticed the lights of the hallway outside all exploded into sparks, and she quickly lowered her hand. "Just as I feared." Carlos told her sympathetically. "Not only did it fail to get rid of your power, it's gave you another!"

Felicia dropped down to her bed and held her head in her hands. "Oh, my god!" She whispered to herself softly. "What the hell have I done?"

"I think we should do some tests on you, Felicia." Carlos told her delicately, and Felicia snapped her gaze up to him and glared at him.

"What?" She scoffed. "So I can become your lab rat? I don't think so, I'm going home and I'm going to fix this disaster." She told him as she gestured to her hair. "But don't worry, I'll be sure to be careful so I don't reveal my new abnormalities." She stood and brushed past them both, and moved to leave the lab.

Once she got into her car she moved to go get some hair dye so she could dye it back to it's beautiful brown. Once she brought two boxes of the hair dye she headed back home, and snuck back in through the back, where everyone was unlikely to spot her. When she got into her room the first thing she did was begin to dye her white hair back to its usual brown.

Felicia knew she had to also go dress shopping for homecoming soon, and she wanted a dress that would go amazing with her brown hair, because brown hair suited her the best. Her white hair was okay, but it just didn't suit her as much as her old hair. So she obviously had to get rid of it.

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