Chapter 6 - "Wonderful! Why should i care!"

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She walled off the train, along with a few others and she headed towards the stairs. She walked down them, sensing someone following her. She wasn't in the mood, due to him looking at her the whole ride.

She snapped her head in his direction, as she did the bin next to her scrunched up to the size of a pea. "What is it that you want?" She asked ignoring the bin.

"Your a hard girl to track. Someone else almost got to you, but I threw them off your tail!" He said. She then recognised him as Clint, the arrow guy in the avengers. Hawk eye.

"Yeah, and?" She asked.

"Well, me and a few friends need your help!" He told her.

"Wonderful! Why should I care?" She asked him.

"Well, Captain America needs your help. We're trying to help a friend of his, but we'd be going against the law. I know it's best if I don't involve a teenager, but we could use you and your skills." He told her.

"Right!" She nodded as they carried on walking.

"It's me, Captain America, Falcon, The Winter Soldier, Scarlett Witch, Ant man and you, Hopefully." He told her. "Against Iron Man, Black Panther, Black Widow, War Machine, Spider-man and Vision! You can have a few days to think about it!"

"A few days! Sure!" She shrugged carelessly.

"I'll find you in a few days." He said before he walked off.

She then carried on walking to her house, thinking about the offer Hawkeye gave her. Captain America did save her five years ago, so she did owe him. He also knew her step father. She was friends with Scarlett witch. She had heard of Ant man, she guessed it'd be interesting to meet him, as well as Falcon. She had heard very little on the Winter Soldier, but she knew his story.

She guessed it'd be fun to help them. But she still wasn't 100% sure.


She was out again and was gonna rob from Quinn Black once again. He deserved it.

She made her way to outside the building. She had forgotten her grappling hook, but she had remembered her grip gloves. She climbed the lamppost when she was perched on the end of it a car pulled up and a red haired woman stepped out.

Before she could say anything to her, Felicia jumped up the wall and landed on the floor, but crashed through the glass roof. She landed on her feet, as usual and she smashed the case. It didn't matter, she had already smashed something. She took a nice diamond ring.

She looked around and saw a ladder up to the glass she climbed up it, and as soon as she got off of it, green energy raced out of her hand and crumpled up the ladder. "Well!" She said to herself.

She saw them running into the room so she ran towards the edge of the roof. Once she got to the edge she gracefully jumped off. She did several rolls in the air, before she landed in a crouch. She threw her head back and made her hair move out of her eyes.

She smirked smugly and laughed before she stood up and began to run off, she could run faster than any other person. She heard a car speeding after her, so while running she reached into her boot and pulled out a knife and looked behind her and saw the red head behind the wheel.

She threw the knife back and it imbedded itself in the car wheel, she had retractors - she called them. So her knifes would fly back into her hand as she held her hand out with the gloves on.

So she held her hand out and her knife flew back into her hand and she put it back in her boot.

The road was beginning to become busy, and she sensed the red head running after her. She saw a car approaching, so as it got close enough, she jumped onto the hood and ran across the car as it drove, she then jumped off and carried on running.

She was getting closer to her favourite building, it had flag poles and random poles sticking out of its wall.

She made a sharp turn and saw it a few meters ahead. She was a trapeze. So she found it easy.

She got near it and she jumped on top of the bin, jumped over onto the lamppost and pulled herself up. She then jumped off the lamppost and grabbed onto a pole. She swung back and forth, on the third time she let go and her legs wrapped round the next pole and she did the same.

Once she made it to the third pole she held on with her hands and lifted her left leg over it and pulled herself up. She then jumped up and her fingertips gripped the ledge and she pulled herself up.

She ran to one side and saw the next building over was a long way across. She swallowed with a smile. She ran to the other side of the roof, she needed momentum. She began to run as the red head made it to the top, when she looked up Felicia was on the edge.

Felicia jumped across and she almost didn't make it as her fingers just gripped the edge. She pulled herself up and laughed. She looked back to the other building and waved to the woman. Who she then saw was Black Widow.

"You may be a good fighter, but you can't keep up with me in what I'm best at!" She yelled over at the woman before she jumped off the building and landed in a crouch.

She began to walk away and only got so far, when she sensed the Black Widow gaining on her. She groaned and rolled her eyes, this woman won't quit.

She began to run again. This was getting annoying. So she ran on over to a shopping mall and ran inside. She raced up the three escalators to the very top floor and waited for her to catch up.

Once she did she balanced on the railing that stops you from falling off the floor. "Goodbye!"
She said stepping off it backwards and she fell all three floors down.

She ran off once again and sat down on a bench, waiting for her. She was bored of running away from her. Obviously she wasn't as good as everyone said.

Suddenly she felt arms wrap round her neck, she then threw the person over her shoulders and put her foot on their chest. She saw the Black Widow. "It's about time. I've been waiting for you for about 20 minutes!" She told her.

"Not gonna run anymore?" Black Widow asked her.

"No, it's getting really boring now!" She shrugged as Black Widow gave her a look. "I was expecting you to be better!"

"In fighting I'm the best! The parkour stuff your doing, I'm not!" Black Widow said as she got up and sat beside her.

"I know why you're here. I'm telling you and I'm telling everyone else who comes to me with the same question, I'm not interested!" She told her.

"You sure?" Black Widow asked her.

"Yeah!" She said rolling her eyes. She stood up.

"What makes you think working with them will be better?" Black Widow asked her.

"I'm not on anybody's side. I'm on my own, and on my own side we're all chill and relaxed. It's quite comfortable over here!" She told her before she turned on her heel and climbed a building and headed on home.

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