Chapter 8 - "Though you may have to define crazy!"

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They were in an airport in a van waiting for Captain America's arrival. She was between Clint and Wanda and she was resting her feet on the dashboard.

"I want some ice cream!" She commented.

"Felicia, come on! You've said that how many times in the last five minutes!" Clint complained.

"Why do you expect? I'm a bored 15 year old that's in a van with hero's! I'm also wanting ice cream a lot!" She told him giving him a side eye.

"We'll get you ice cream after this is over, Ok?" Wanda asked her.

She thought about it for a second. "Sure, why not!" She shrugged.

"They're here!" Clint said as he got out, followed by Wanda and Felicia. They walked towards Steve and he walked towards them.

"Cap!" Clint said.

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice!" Steve said to Clint as they shook hands. She saw two people get out the car behind him.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favour!" Clint told him.

Steve looked to Wanda. "Thanks for having my back!" He told her with a smile of appreciation.

"It was time for me to get off my ass!" Wanda said as she smiled at Clint and Felicia.

Steve looked to her. "Felicia?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, Hi!" She said holding her hand up as a greeting.

"But, you? You're 15? You surely can't!" Steve told her.

"Afraid so. Not sure if you knew the man who everyone called 'Robin Hood', but he was my father. He trained me and got killed, but I've been getting revenge,I'm Black Cat!" She told him.

He looked at her and shook his head. "Well, thanks for having my back!" He said, deciding to ignore the comment about her getting revenge.

"No problem!" She smiled.

Steve looked to Clint. "What about our other recruit?" He asked.

"He's rearing to go!" Clint said as he pulled the slide door open. "Had to put a little coffee in him. But he should be good!" Scott awoke with a start and she rolled her eyes.

"What time zone is this?" He asked Clint as he stepped out of the van.

"Come on!" Clint said as he pushed Scott forward slightly.

"Captain America!" Scott said taking his hand and shaking it.

"Mr Lang!" Steve said in greeting.

"It's an honour!" Scott said still shaking his hand. "I'm shaking your hand too long! Wow, this is awesome. I know you too, you're great! And she is!" Scott said pointing in the direction of Felicia.

"Look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks of thanking of me!" Scott said making Felicia roll her eyes once more. Steve held a small smile.

Scott looked over at the guy behind Steve. "Hey man!" He said.

"Hey, tic-tac!" The man said with a small smile.

"Err, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I.." He began to say.

"It was a great audition but it'll, it'll never happen again!" Sam said.

"Did he tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked her and Scott.

"Something about, some psycho assassins!" Scott said as she nodded in agreement.

"We're outside of the law on this one, so if you come with us your are a wanted man, and you're a wanted woman!" Steve said.

"When am I not?" She asked with a little smirk.

"Yeah, well, what else is new?" Scott asked as he looked to Felicia with a smile.

"We should get moving!" The other guy from the car said.

"We've got a chopper lined up!" Clint told him.

Suddenly there was an announcement on the PA system on the airport. It was German, she thinks. She only got one word. 'Evacuate'

"They're evacuating the airport!" The guy from the car told them all and she smiled smugly. She knew it.

"Stark?" The falcon asked.

"Suit up!" Steve told them all and they all went to the back of the van, where all their things were. They all let her get changed first.

She pulled on her black skin tight outfit. She zipped up the front and put her belt on. She then pulled her boots on and wrapped her hair up in a messy bun. She slipped her knives into her boots, she wrapped her whip around her belt. She had her grappling hook attached to her belt.

She pulled on her special gloves and had her night vision goggles round her neck. She zipped her boots up and stepped out of the van now in her full suit with her mask in her hand.

"Why do you have a mask?" Wanda asked her as Scott went in after her.

"Wanda, I go to school, and I rob one of the most well known men in Queens! I think a mask would be needed to keep my identity hidden from everyone." She told her with an eye roll.

"Well, after this you'd need a mask definitely! You'll be known from across the world, you're in a fight between avengers!" Wanda told her.

"Well, that's pretty much a given, isn't it!" Felicia said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Are you gonna use your abilities, or?" Wanda asked.

"I can't control them, so probably not! I don't want to kill anyone, well anyone except Quinn Black!" She shrugged. "Anyway, Who is that guy at the back?"

Wanda looked over. "That would be the Winter Soldier, He's Steve's old war buddy! HYDRA froze him and he was an assassin for them for 70 years!" Wanda explained to her.

"Right!" She nodded.

"Now, these people we're now against! They won't do anything that will, relatively hurt me, right?" She asked. "I mean, my parents think i had a sleepover and I'm currently at school. I can't get any marks or injuries! Also, people would notice at school!"

"Felly, we'll all make sure you don't get hurt! As much as we can, with all our power!" Wanda promised her. "Just, don't do anything crazy!"

"Nothing crazy? You got it!" She said. "Though, you may have to define crazy!" Wanda gave her a serious look and she burst out laughing.

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