Chapter 17

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2 hours later

Alvin and Brittany are still on the couch watching Tv when their siblings walk into the house stumped. Simon groans "I can't believe that we can't find out where Alvin and Brittany went! It's like they disappeared!" Theodore agrees "Yeah, Ellie and I couldn't find them anywhere. Right, Ellie?" She nods "Yeah! You're right Simon, it is like they disappeared!" Jeanette spots them on the couch watching Tv or used to be watching. She looks back to Simon, Theodore, and Eleanor. She spoke trying to get their attention. "Uh, guys?" But she gets ignored and tries again. "GUYS!" They all look at her confused. She sighs "I found them... They're on the couch watching Tv" Eleanor blinks "They're what?" She walks over to the couch with them walking behind her. She huffs "So this is where you've been al- Huh?" She stops talking to see Alvin and Brittany asleep on the couch. They are leaning onto each other, Brittany's head is on Alvin's shoulder while his head is on top of her head. "Awe! How cute!" Jeanette cooed while Simon snorted "I wonder what their reactions are going to be when they wake up" "Probably scream and blush or something" Theodore thinks. Eleanor smirks and takes out her phone. They all look at her confused. Jeanette moves her head to the side "Uh Ellie, what are you doing?" She takes a picture of Alvin and Brittany and shows it to them. "Getting some blackmail on them just in case we need it in the future."

Simon grins "Ooo I like where you're going with this!" Jeanette frowns while Theodore blinks unsure. "Uh... Do you think they're going to care? I mean... if they're already dating as we think, do you suppose they would mind that you took it in the first place?" Eleanor shrugs "Eh? Maybe? But it's still good to have just in case." He nods in understanding while Dave walks into the room to see everyone there. "Hey, guys! Glad you're all here, dinners ready. Also could one of you guys wake Alvin and Brittany?" Jeanette smiles "Sure Dave! I'll do it" He nodded while Simon, Theodore, and Eleanor were walking behind Dave to the dining room. Jeanette sighs and shakes Alvin and Brittany's shoulders gently. "Guys, it's time for dinner. Please wake up" They both groan from getting woken up. Jeanette moves away so they could have some space. Alvin opens his eyes to see Brittany next to him still asleep, then looks around again to see Jeanette standing there looking at him quietly. He blinks then blushes slightly "Oh... Er hi, Jeanette..." She smiles "Hey, Dave wanted me to wake you two for dinner" He nods "Okay, thanks I'll wake Britt since apparently, she's still asleep" She nods and walks away to the dining room leaving Alvin to sigh. He turns to his girlfriend and shakes her, kissing her cheek. "Britt, it's time for dinner" She finally wakes up feeling the familiar touch of Alvin. She opens her eyes and smiles seeing Alvin's stunning Crystal Blue eyes looking at her. "Hmm... Dinner? Okay." He chuckles and kisses her lips before getting off the couch with her doing the same.

They walked into the dining room then to the table where everyone else was sitting. They all look at them walking to their seats. Dave smiles "Glad you two joined us" "Yeah and not in your Secret Hideout!" Eleanor sneered, making them look at her taken back. Jeanette shouted "Ellie!" "What?" Dave sighed and started talking but Alvin and Brittany were having a conversation through their link not listening to him. Alvin turned to Brittany 'Britt? Are you still half-awake?' '*Yawns* Yeah but I'm more awake now. What's up' he sighs 'Ellie seems a bit more aggressive towards our Secret Hideout' She rolls her eyes 'When isn't she? I mean our whole family is getting annoyed about not knowing where our Secret Hideout is! I mean come on! It's meant to be hidden for a reason!' 'I know Britt, I know...' 'Hey Al, at least one day we could tell them... But just not for a while.' 'Right. Hmmm... Maybe we could tell Dave soon. I mean he is my father and kinda your guardian. I think he should know where it is and how we've been keeping this from them this long.' She thinks 'Hmm... Maybe you're right. I kinda feel guilty not telling him where we are, sure I feel mutual with our siblings but still. You're right Dave is the best choice to tell first' he sighs in relief 'Glad you see it my way, Britt.' 'Are you going to tell him about your intelligence?' 'No that I'm keeping to myself. I love messing with him and Miss Smith, you know that!' She giggles 'That I do' 'It's just fun messing with Simon as well since he thinks he's the genius in the whole house' 'When he's not' 'Yeah! *He laughs*'

After they all ate, the Chipmunks and Chipettes went upstairs to the boy's room. Dave stayed downstairs to do the dishes. Alvin and Brittany both yawned, making their siblings turn to them. They both blink at them and speak in unison "What?" Simon shakes his head "Nothing... A-actually since we have your attention. We want to ask you something." Eleanor scoffs, "What Simon meant to say was that we found out something interesting and wanted to know if it was true." "Ellie!" Jeanette exclaimed while she turned to her "What? It's the truth!" Jeanette sighed while Theodore just straight out said "Are you two dating?" That made them both freeze in shock not expecting that. Their siblings look at Theodore in surprise. Alvin and Brittany both blush speechless. "Well?" Simon said, raising an eyebrow. "Y-yeah, how did you find out?" Alvin squeaked out. Their siblings' eyes went wide "WHAT?!" Eleanor blinked "W-wait! You're serious? No joke?" Brittany smirks "Yup! No joke" Alvin laughs "We weren't really keeping this a secret. We were just shocked that you figured it out so soon."

Then he raised an eyebrow "How did you figure it out?" Theodore sly smiles "I just was going by the Principal's office today and I saw you two together talking and laughing. At first I thought nothing about it. But, then I saw um... y-you two lean towards each other and I couldn't make out what it was since all I could see was the back of Brittany's head. Also, I couldn't hear what you said to each other when you pulled away since the hallway was loud." He kept talking looking innocent, "I told Simon, Jeanette, and Eleanor after school and they thought that you kissed and said that you loved each other? Was that true?" Brittany nods "Yeah, that's true" Alvin shrugs "Brittany got upset from not knowing about the school agenda today. So I had to calm her down by-" He gets cut off by Simon who smirks at him "By kissing her?" Alvin huffs glaring at him "YES! It was the only way, she couldn't calm down..." Brittany smiles "Well it worked well" Alvin chuckles then turns to her. 'I love you.' She smiles back 'I love you too Al.'

Theodore yawns and turns to everyone "Well It's getting late. Should we all call it a night?" Simon smiles "Yeah sure" "I'm down" "Sure" "*Yawns* That sounds lovely" ''I agree" With that, they all go their own ways. The girls go through the zip-line towards the Tree House while the boys get on their PJs. Alvin smiles "I love how it's Saturday tomorrow!" Simon rolls his eyes "We all do Alvin..." 'Hey, Britt?' 'Yeah, Al?' 'Tomorrow want to sleep in?' 'Sure! Us in the Secret Hideout sleeping together snuggling all day. *Sighs* Sounds wonderful' He laughs 'Well before we could do that, we need to get away from our siblings first' she groans 'I know...' Alvin smiles 'Love you, Britt, see you tomorrow morning' 'Love you too Al! Always' Simon raises an eyebrow seeing Alvin's smile lovingly "What's with the face, Alvin?" He looks at him with a grin "Oh nothing" Simon rolls his eyes "Thinking about Brittany?" He laughed "Duh!" Then he gets under the covers and falls asleep immediately. 

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