Chapter 5

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"Great...." Simon said as he walked into his lab in his room behind his closet. Jeanette ziplining in spots him walk into the lab follows in worry. "What's wrong Simon?" Simon turns around. "I can't figure out where Alvin and Brittany are all the time! It's like they disappear then reappear." Jeanette sighs "I don't think they are actually disappearing Si. Maybe we can follow them in secret? Who knows, it's probably right underneath our noses." (AN: No kidding) Simon smiles and nods "Yeah that's a great idea! I mean they aren't as smart as we are right?" Jeanette shrugs "I don't know? I wouldn't call them stupid though. They are quite smart if they keep on disappearing without our knowledge" "True" Simon said. Then he thinks "Where are they right now? I know they aren't in their Secret Hideout because I just saw them downstairs eating breakfast for once" Jeanette frowns "I don't know they could be anywhere" Alvin and Brittany walked into Alvin and his brother's bedroom. Brittany sighs "It feels great to be out here" "Yeah" Alvin agreed.

Then Brittany looks around "Something doesn't feel right...." Alvin feels the exact thing Brittany is feeling. "Yeah I feel it too.... what could it be?" Alvin looks at his Red Apple Watch that he made "Simon and Jeanette are in Simon's lab right now" "Which one?" Brittany questioned. Alvin looked at her "Behind my closet" "Hmmm" Brittany looks at her Rose Gold Apple Watch that Alvin made and looks through the cameras in the lab and listens to what they are saying. "Great...." What's wrong Simon?" "I can't figure out where Alvin and Brittany are all the time! It's like they disappear then reappear." "I don't think they are actually disappearing Si. Maybe we can follow them in secret? Who knows, it's probably right underneath our noses." "Yeah, that's a great idea! I mean they aren't as smart as we are right?" "I don't know? I wouldn't call them stupid though. They are quite smart if they keep on disappearing without our knowledge" "True"

Alvin gasps while Brittany scoffs "Are they seriously trying to find a way to follow us!" Alvin sighs annoyed "I hate when Simon thinks I'm not smart...." Brittany sly smiles and places her hands on Alvin's shoulders. "Don't listen to him, Alvin! You and I both know that you are smarter than him and need to act not smart to keep you from moving up a grade. Not to mention from them thinking you're a nerd and a second Simon." Alvin smiles "I know that Britt. But it sometimes hurts that I can't be my normal self all the time you know...." Brittany smiles "I know" They both start to lean forward to kiss but heard the door from the lab open and pulled away quickly with a frown on their faces. Simon and Jeanette come out and see them upset for some reason. Simon raises an eyebrow confused "Uhh you okay" "Yeah you two look like something interrupted you from doing something" Jeanette said. Alvin looks at Brittany 'What should we say, Britt?' Brittany looks at him 'I don't know, I just want to get out of here and go into our Secret Hideout so I can snuggle with you!' Alvin smiles 'Awww snuggling sounds like a great idea Britt! We can even watch a movie.'

Brittany smiles back 'What a great idea!' Jeanette blinks "Uhh you guys still there? Your kind of freaking me out" Simon looks at them suspiciously "What are you guys doing? I mean you're doing the same thing again from dinner three days ago..." Alvin and Brittany sweat drop and look at them. Brittany laughs embarrassingly "Yeah, we're fine" Alvin laughs embarrassingly as well "Yeah... Sorry, we have to go we forgot that we planned to go and get some ice cream. See ya!" Alvin then grabbed Brittany's hand and ran out of the room leaving them suspiciously confused. Simon scoffs "They've been doing that a lot lately" Jeanette nods "Yeah it's like they can sense each other like I can with cats. But I could be wrong..." Simon rolls his eyes " I don't think they can do what you can do Jeanette" Jeanette shrugs "It's just a thought. Hey, should we be following them? That was probably maybe a distraction so they can go back to their Secret Hideout?"

Simon's eyes widen "Yeah we should! I didn't think of that! Come on!" With that, they ran out of the room to go and 'Catch up' with them. Once they were gone Alvin and Brittany got out of the guest room and went back into Alvin and his brother's bedroom straight to the lab door so they can go into their Secret Hideout. Brittany laughs "They were so gullible! Good job with the bluff Alvin" Alvin then smiles still laughing "Well I didn't do all of it it was your idea to go in the guest room." Brittany then smiles "True" Alvin sits on the big beanbag while Brittany does the same and snuggles against him. He looks into her gorgeous Sky Blue eyes and smirks "Now that we are alone.... we could resume that kiss we were going to do before we got disrupted

"Brittany looks into his Crystal Blue eyes and smirks as well "Hmmmmm I think that's a great idea" Then they lean forward and made their lips make contact gently before it gets rough. When they break the kiss they lean back into the bean bag snuggling and watch the movie of their choice.

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