Chapter 22

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Dave blinks then shakes his head in disbelief thinking this was all a joke. To him, this was way too easy since whenever anyone asked about where the Secret Hideout was, they'd always avoided answering by being secretive. He finally narrows his eyes at them "This has to be a joke. There is no way that this is all real information. From how you two have been acting these past few days, I can't take this seriously. There must be some sort of catch." Alvin and Brittany stare at Dave in shock and wounded. They glance at each other frowning before turning back to Dave. Alvin grimaces "This isn't a joke Dave... It's all true. Brittany and I are dating and have a Telepathic Link. Why would you think we would be lying?" Brittany agrees "Yeah. We get why you would be a bit suspicious since we've been very secretive, but we're telling you the truth. Alvin and I are dating and have a Telepathic Link." Alvin swallows 'We didn't even get to tell him about the Secret Hideout yet Britt. I mean with how he's reacting to us dating and our Link. How is he going to react to the Secret Hideout? *He takes a deep breath* I'm soo glad I'm not telling him my intelligence...' She nods in agreement making Dave sigh sheepishly. "I-I'm sorry guys... I didn't mean to make you guys upset or anything. It's just-" "It's okay Dave, we understand. We didn't realize this could have been a possible reaction. We're sorry too." Brittany interrupted cutting him off. Alvin smiles sheepishly "Do you still want to find out where the Secret Hideout is located? It's alright if you want to wait and find out another time." Brittany nods in agreement "Yeah if you need time to process the first bit of information we gave you, then we don't mind telling you the rest another day."

Dave sighs "No. I think you should tell me now. Who knows when this opportunity will happen again? Cause knowing you two, you're not going to tell me anything when you're siblings could be snooping around." They both shrug "Good point." "So, where's the famous Secret Hideout located guys?" Brittany snorts while Alvin grins "It's uh, underneath our house somewhat in Simon's Lab in the bedroom closet." "Pretty much the only way to get down there is with both mine and Alvin's DNA via handprint. Also, Alvin placed very high security so no one can get in without our knowledge." Brittany added. Alvin nods then adds one more thing "Also there are two entrances. The one in Simon's Lab and one outside near the pool. The second one is not finished yet since I didn't have enough time in my schedule to finish it since you know, school, homework, detention, and lastly keeping everything a secret." Brittany raises an eyebrow 'You're missing one more thing, babe.' He turns to her conflicted 'Oh yeah? What else am I missing?' 'Me! You dork!' His eyes went wide 'Oh yeah!' then he smiles sheepishly 'Love you, babe' She rolls her eyes smiling amusedly.

Dave narrows his eyes "Alvin..." He jumps hearing the tone of his voice "What? Why are you looking at me like that? What did I do?!" Dave raises an eyebrow "Where and how did you get the stuff to build all this?! I mean, no offense Alvin, but... I can't see you doing all this without any help." Alvin narrows his eyes and scoffs "Don't underestimate me, Dave. You don't know anything." 'Especially my intelligents' He mentally added. Brittany frowns while Dave sighs. "You do make a point, I'm sorry." Alvin nods not saying anything while Dave continues to speak "Anyway, thank you for finally telling me. And also how far along are you on you're homework?" Alvin and Brittany glance at each other, then at the computer then back at Dave. "We only have to place pictures then we're finished. The research wasn't so hard, it was really easy." "Yeah, our topic was thankfully easy." Then they both laugh "Miss Smith was so surprised when we didn't start arguing or complaining about being paired together. Her face was priceless." Brittany stated while Alvin added grinning "Jokes on her that we've been dating for 5 months almost 6." Then he shrugged "And besides, she said not to complain or argue, so we listened." Dave snorts "I wonder how long that will last." Alvin scoffs "Very funny Dave." Brittany giggles.

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