Chapter 9

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Once they got to school they went to their first-period class. They all went to their original seats waiting for Miss Smith to start talking. She finally started to talk since she couldn't stand how loud it was getting. "All right...... Quiet!" Everyone stopped talking and looked at her. Miss Smith smiled "Good. Now I want all of you to get your homework out. If you didn't do it, you get to spend your time in detention with me" she went around to everyone's desks to receive their homework. When she approached Alvin's desk she looked at him "Did you do your homework, Alvin?" Alvin smiles "I did!" Then he smirks "Got help from Britt" 'Not...' '*laughs* You got that right Al. With your IQ you don't need help'

Alvin keeps the smirk on his face while Miss Smith takes the paper with a nod of approval "Good.... Oh and take that smirk off your face" he just rolls his eyes "Whatever" he looks at Brittany and smiles 'Where do ya want to go for open today?' She thinks 'Office? It's private in there' he nods 'Okay' Simon catches the nod and raises an eyebrow confused. Miss Smith starts to talk again getting Simon's attention again "Today we are going to be working in partners that I'm going to be pairing together. So no whining!" Brittany looks at Alvin with a smirk face 'She is so going to puts us together, I can feel it' he just laughs 'I know she is going to pick us... I read her mind' she laughs 'Smooth' Miss Smith thinks and looks at Alvin and Brittany. "Alvin and Brittany you are partners" 'Ha! Jokes on her we're actually really okay with this' 'Alvin don't get too greedy' 'Sorry Britt' "Simon and Theodore you two are partners. Jeanette and Eleanor, you are partners and etc"

(After class)

The Chipmunks and the Chipettes walk to their lockers to get what they need for next period. Then Eleanor breaks the silence "I'm surprised you two didn't argue about being partnered" Alvin turned around "Well she did say don't whine about it" Brittany adds "Besides we don't really argue anymore. *Then she turns her head towards Alvin* We talked and agreed that we needed to stop. *Then she turned back to Eleanor* Like you guys always say, it got annoying and we agreed" Alvin nods "Yep so we stopped" he shrugs "We thought you guys would've loved to see us not argue anymore"

Simon blinks "W-we do! It's just shocking to see you two not arguing... I mean at home you guys always disappear in your Secret Hideout. We didn't think you guys actually talked, we thought you two only have one together just to leave each other alone in peace." They shrug "Well your wrong about it though" *laughs* "Yeah" Theodore looks at them innocently "Will you two ever show us your Secret Hideout?" Jeanette agrees "Yeah, I'm curious of where it is and what it looks like" Alvin and Brittany look at each other 'Al, when should we?' 'Not for a while... I'm not ready to tell them that I'm a genius... But with us dating? I don't really mind too much anymore but let's let them figure it out on their own.' 'Alright, good idea and for them finding out about our relationship, I'm down for that.' Then they turn back to them "We will...." "But not for a while...." They say at the exact same time "Sorry"

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