Chapter 14

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Alvin and Brittany are walking home since apparently it was a half-day of school and no one knew except the teachers. They both left before their Siblings so they could get home before they could stop them from getting into their Secret Hideout. Brittany scoffs "I can't believe they didn't tell me it was a half-day today! I mean, I'm the Principal's Assistant! I always get notified about the school agenda!" Alvin sly smiles "It could have been an error on the agenda Britt. They probably just noticed it a few days ago or maybe today?" She calms down and looks at him "Your right Alvin, maybe that's what happened" Then she smiles big "At least we get to go home early and relax in the studio!" He beams a smile "True! Also, we could snack on some food while listening to some music or something" "YES!!" Then she grabs his arm and starts to drag him "Come on Alvin! Let's go, let's go!!" He laughs "Alright Britt, I'm coming!" Then he thinks to himself *Man I love this girl!*

Back at the School Jeanette walks up to Simon. "Hey, have you seen Alvin and Brittany?" He shakes his head "Nope" She sighs "I hope they didn't leave without us...." "They probably did Jean" They both turn their head to the side to see Eleanor and Theodore walking towards them. Theodore agrees "Yeah I agree with Ellie. We looked everywhere for them, and can't find them. We think they both went back home to their Secret Hideout. *Then he scoffs* Why can't they just tell us where it is or show us!" Eleanor huffs "It's called being secretive Theo. They want it to be for themselves" Jeanette sighs "Well we should start heading home then. I'm getting hungry and since school is out early we didn't get to have lunch yet" Simon gets an idea "Instead of going home, why don't we go out for lunch instead?" Theodore gasps in excitement "Ooo great idea Si!" Eleanor shrugs "Eh why not? It's better than the food back at home" "That is true..." Simon said while Jeanette smiles "Alright, let's go."

They walk out of the school doors and off for lunch. Then Theodore thought of something "Hey guys? I just realized something!" "What is it Theo?" Eleanor asked curiously. "Where are we going to get food?" Simon laughs "Don't worry Theo, I have a place in mind." He nods "Okay!" Then something pops in his mind. "OH! I just remembered something that happened today when I was going by the Principals office!" They all turn to him in interest. He smiles "I saw Alvin and Brittany together there talking and laughing. At first I thought nothing about it since we know their friends. But, then I saw them lean towards each other and I couldn't make out what they were doing since all I could see was the back of Brittany's head. Also, I couldn't hear what they said to each other when they pulled away since the hallway was loud. It was so weird? I wonder what they were doing?" Eleanor gasps "Wait! Did you say they leaned towards each other?" "Yeah?" She grins turning to Simon who is also grinning.

Theodore and Jeanette look at them confused. Then Jeanette spoke "Uh, guys? Why are you grinning?" Simon laughs "Oh my god! If we're right, then this is great blackmail!" Eleanor agrees then turns to them "We think what you just witnessed Theo was Alvin and Brittany kissing and probably saying that they loved each other." "What?!" "Really?!" Simon and Eleanor both nod. "Should we confront them?" Theodore asks. Simon grins "Uh, yeah! I want to see their reactions." Eleanor agrees "Yeah! I want to see them deny it and be in denial like always." Jeanette frowns "I don't like this... we shouldn't get into their love life guys! We should wait till they tell us when they're ready." They all look at her with an are you serious look. Jeanette sighs as they walked through the door of the food place. "Okay... Fine..." 

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