Chapter 11

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Once school was over The Chipmunks and Chipettes walk out of the school together and start to walk home. Alvin and Brittany look at each other 'Al? How are we going to get away from them?' 'Don't worry Britt, we'll find a way' Brittany sighs 'I hope so... I really want to relax in the hot tub listening to music and being near you' Alvin smiles shaking his head in amusement making Brittany punch his arm playfully. Simon looks at them suspiciously, then Eleanor breaks the ice "So what is everyone going to do when we get home?" Jeanette smiles "I'm going to help Simon in the lab. *She looks at him* right Simon?" Simon smiles nodding "Yup! We are going to be working on my new invention" Eleanor nods then Theodore smiles brightly "I'm going to watch Talking Teddy" Alvin groans "Seriously Theodore? You watch Talking Teddy every day!" Theodore sly smiles "I know but there's a new episode coming out today, I can't miss it" Alvin rolls his eyes "Whatever" Eleanor narrows her eyes at Alvin and Brittany "What are you two going to do?" Brittany gives Alvin a look then looks at Eleanor "Where do you think?" Alvin chuckles while they all sigh.

Once they got home they were about to go do what they all said they were going to do but Dave came into the room stopping them. "Guys, I think you guys should take a break from doing your own thing and hang with each other. You know all 6 of you" Simon shrugs "Umm I don't see why not?" Jeanette looks at him "I thought we were going to work on your new invention?" Simon smiles "Yeah but I don't want to get Dave angry you know?" Jeanette smiles "Yeah I get it" Eleanor shrugs "Sure I don't mind. I can bake later" Theodore frowns "But... I'm going to miss Talking Teddy! Dave, please! It's a new episode!" Dave sighs "Alright Theodore But after that..." "Yes, Dave I understand" Dave smiles "Good." Alvin and Brittany sneak away from them up the stairs towards the bedroom while they weren't noticing. 'Hopefully, they won't notice Alvin...' 'Me too Britt, I'm not in the mood to get caught...' "ALVIN! BRITTANY!" Dave screamed coming up the stairs with their siblings.

Brittany gasps freaked out 'Alvin! Hurry open the secret door!' She hears them coming into the bedroom 'HURRY!' 'On it!' He opened it and they ran in it quickly making it close right when their siblings ran into the lab. They sigh in relief while they heard their siblings cry out in annoyance from behind the door. Before they went down the slide they heard Dave say something "Did you find them?" Simon scoffs "Nope! I don't know how they do it!" Eleanor nods in agreement "Yeah! I mean how did they get away from us so fast and easy? Also to make things even crazier, how are they communicating with each other like that? Wouldn't we have heard them screaming to hurry to I don't know open something or whatever?"

Alvin and Brittany scoff and slid down the slide towards the hideout. Dave blinks "Hmm, yeah your right..... Well when we see them or find them, they are in so much trouble!" Jeanette sighs "In the meantime, we should just hang for now" Eleanor nods "Alright" Simon blinks then gets an idea "Hey why don't we just call them?" Dave looks at Simon "Alright. Why don't you put it on speaker" "Okay" Simon takes out his phone and calls Alvin and puts it on speaker.

Once Alvin and Brittany landed in the beanbag chairs they sighed. Brittany looks at Alvin and snuggles into him making him wrap his arms around her. "That... that was crazy... we almost got caught!" Alvin kisses her forehead "Yeah... I just can't believe we got away in time...." she nods in agreement "Yeah that was too close" Then she sighs "You know... after that whole frenzy of getting our heart rates up, why don't we go get out suits on and get into the hot tub and enjoy ourselves" Alvin smirks "I love how you think beautiful" she giggles and kisses his lips before going into her room to get her bathing suit on. Alvin smiles before going into his room to get his on as well before going to the hot tub.

Once they got their suits on they went to the hot tub and got in feeling the soothing warmth on their fur. Brittany sighs "This feels sooo good!" Alvin chuckles and smiles at his girlfriend's antics. Right when he was going to sit back and relax his phone went off. He sighs and reaches for it and answers it while getting splashed by Brittany. He gasps "BRITTANY! You just got my phone all wet!" He grabs his towel and drys off his phone while Brittany is laughing in the background. When Alvin places his phone down to go after her he unexpectedly presses speaker and forgets who called him. "Oh Brittany~," he said in a sing-song voice. She looks at him still laughing and sees his smirk face "A-alvin! No!" She starts to laugh again when she gets splashed with hot water. "Ow, that was hot!" Alvin laughs grabbing her and placing his lips on hers making her melt in happiness"

Simon blinks at the phone and questionably asked "Uhh Alvin? You there?" Alvin and Brittany open their eyes and broke the kiss then quietly cursed. Dave narrowed his eyes hoping he didn't hear what he thought he heard. Alvin coughs "Um sorry Si, I forgot I answered the phone...." Simon narrows his eyes "What are you two doing?" Alvin blinks "We are in the erm... hot tub right now and Brittany splashed me and got my phone all wet and yeah..." Brittany laughs "It was so worth splashing you!" Alvin smirks "Yeah but I splashed you back" 'And most likely made out for 3 seconds' Alvin laughs "True" Dave screams "WHERE AND WHEN DID YOU GET A HOT TUB?!" Alvin stutters "D-dave uh hi? Um, we..." Eleanor cuts him off "It's not where and when did you get it! It's how you got that by DAVE OF ALL PEOPLE!"

Jeanette sighs "Guys let's cut them some slack and let them explain" Alvin looks at Brittany while she rolls her eyes and ends the call getting annoyed at the arguing. Alvin bursts out laughing at what she just did "Oh my god Brittany! That was amazing!" Brittany giggles "Yeah well, I was getting annoyed at them. They were disturbing our relaxing time together." Alvin shakes his head in amusement. "Dave is going to be SO mad" Brittany smirks "I know. Now come on ya dork, let's relax and listen to music and chill out for the time being" Alvin laughs "Okay beautiful I'm coming" he comes over right next to her and puts on the jets while she puts on the music, then he kisses her cheek.

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