Chapter 19

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A few hours went by, Alvin and Brittany woke up from their extended Saturday sleep-in. They went into the kitchen to make some breakfast, then when they were finished eating they got dressed and made their way upstairs to the lab. After erasing evidence that they were in the lab they went down the stairs to the couch where they spotted their Sibling's watching Tv. They look at each other with a smirk face. 'Want to scare them, Al?' He laughs 'Of course!' Then he grins 'Let's do it!' Brittany grins back 'Let's shall' They turn back to the couch and walk towards it quietly. "Hi, guys!" They said in unison making their Siblings scream. They laugh while their Siblings are glaring at them. Eleanor shouts "ALVIN! BRITTANY! What the heck!" Simon nods in agreement "Yeah! You scared the crud out of us!" Alvin sly smiles "Haha, sorry... we couldn't help it." Brittany agrees "Yeah, sorry. It was just a harmless prank you know." Simon sighs and shakes his head sly smiling "Yeah we know. Anyway since you guys are finally awake, we were thinking we could all do something today." Jeanette nods smiling "Yeah since we haven't hung out with each other in a while." They both smile "Sure!" Theodore gasps "Really!" Alvin nods "Yeah, I got to admit I miss hanging out with you guys" Brittany smiles "Yeah. So what do you guys want to do?" Eleanor smirks "How about Truth or Dare?"

Alvin and Brittany cross their arms "No" Eleanor blinks taken back "Why?" Brittany laughs sarcastically "Funny Ellie" Jeanette sighs "Ellie... That seems a bit unfair" She scoffs "How is that unfair?!" Simon raises an eyebrow "Um... Since we all know Alvin and Brittany have the most secrets at the moment. Not to mention that even if we did play, they would just dodge the truth or dare anyway" Theodore frowns "As much as I would like to know what it is, I don't want to find out that way." Eleanor groans "Alright fine... we'll do something else..." Then she turns to Alvin and Brittany "Ya know, I'm actually curious of how you two became boyfriend and girlfriend." Simon agrees "Now that you mention it. Me too! How did you become a couple?" Alvin and Brittany smile at that but laugh. Brittany answers vaguely looking at her boyfriend. "That day was something..." 'Why don't you explain it babe' He raises an eyebrow at that. 'Babe? Is this some kind of new nickname or something?' She grins 'Come on Alvin, I'm sure you have thought of calling me that.' He chuckles 'Okay you got me' then turns to them grinning mischievously "Well, I can't tell you everything since it has some part in the whole Secret Hideout. But I can tell you part of it."

Jeanette cuts in quickly "Wait! Before you tell us. Can you finally explain to us how you two can communicate with each other without moving your mouths?" Simon's eyes widen at that and pipes in "Y-yeah! How are you doing that?" Eleanor huffs "You better tell us! Do you know how annoying it is?" Theodore nods in agreement. Alvin smiles and shrugs "Sure. Since you guys know that we're dating. We technically don't have to keep that a secret anymore." Brittany grins "We have a telepathic link with each other. We aren't sure how but we aren't complaining one bit." Alvin chuckles "Yeah! It gave us three cool telepathic powers. One is to read other people's minds, another one is talking through our minds so that we could communicate without moving our lips, and the last one is that our senses have been enhanced." Brittany nods her grin never leaving her face "Like we know when good or bad things are coming and if someone is coming. OH! We can also sense each other." Simon blinks in shock "W-wha?" Jeanette gasps "NO WAY! That's SO rare! You two are so lucky!" "S-she's right! How didn't I even think of that as a possibility?" Simon exclaimed finally getting out of his shock. Alvin and Brittany shrug. 'You know Britt... I totally forgot that links are very rare as well. Funny how a genius like me can forget something like that.' He chuckled making Brittany smile. 'Things like that can happen Al.' She turns to him tapping him on the nose getting their Sibling's attention 'Even geniuses like you!' He laughs blushing slightly "Stop..." She grins teasingly "What? It's true and you know it" He shakes his head "Babe, stop" she giggles.

Jeanette giggles getting their attention "You two are so adorable! I'm sorry but you two are" Alvin rolls his eyes while Brittany blushes slightly. Theodore questions "What were you talking about?" Alvin smirks "Some things are meant to be left unsaid Theo" Eleanor looks away "I don't want to know..." Alvin gives her an alarmed look "Eleanor! It's nothing bad!" "Still!" Alvin groans. Simon sighs "Alright! Can Alvin finally tell us how he and Brittany started dating? We're getting off track." Alvin smiles "Yeah, sure. So remember how I was going through this somewhat depressed and stressed-out faze?" Everyone except Brittany nodded. "Well..."

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