Chapter 21

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Two days have passed and it's now Monday at 2:30 PM, the Chipmunks and Chipettes are walking home from school. Alvin groans "I can't believe Miss Smith just announced our due date for our projects today instead of Friday! I mean seriously?!" Brittany agrees "I know right? I'm surprised it wasn't even mentioned in the email she sent on Thursday or HECK on Friday in class! Is she trying to fail us or something?" He rolls his eyes snorting "Who knows babe." Then he turns to her 'I mean who knows what's going on in her crazy mind.' She snorts back 'True.' Simon sighs "So since our projects are due on Wednesday, we should start working on them." Jeanette smiles "That's a great idea, Simon. Where are we all going to work on them?" Theodore smiles "I was thinking that Eleanor and I could work on our project at the Treehouse. Is that okay?" "Of course it is Theo. It would be a quiet place to work." Eleanor exclaimed, then turned to everybody else. "What about you guys?" "Jeanette and I are going to be working on our project in the Lab," Simon said hiding the smirk on his face. Jeanette nods "Sure, I don't see why not?" Brittany turns to Alvin annoyed and groans through their link 'Are you kidding me! Simon is totally on our tail! He must know the Secret Hideout is somewhere in there if he's going to be working on the project in the Lab. What are we going to do?' Alvin sighs after reading his brother's mind 'Well he's definitely using the Lab behind our closet that's for sure... I guess we're going to have to work on our project in the kitchen since the Secret Hideout is out of the question.' Brittany sighs annoyedly 'I guess so...'

Theodore smiles "It's a private place so no one will bother you." Simon grins "Exactly!" Then he turns to Alvin and Brittany smugly. "What about you guys, where are you going to work on the project? The Secret Hideout??" Alvin smirks "Nope! We're going to work on it in the kitchen." Brittany nods in agreement "Yeah, no point in going into the Secret Hideout just for a school project. It's not like it's a secret or anything." He raises an eyebrow in disbelief "You sure? For all, we know you could be lying to us." Alvin shrugs "We could, but we're not." Then he grins turning to his girlfriend "Ain't that right Britt?" She grins back "Yep!" Simon narrows his eyes "Alright then..." Jeanette smiles "Well we're home now so let's get to our destinations and start working on our projects." They all nod. After 20 minutes went by Dave walked into the kitchen to start prepping for dinner only to spot Alvin and Brittany sitting at the counter working on something. He got curious about what it was and started to walk over only to get startled. "Hi Dave, we know you're there," Alvin stated not looking away from his laptop. "W-wha? H-how did you know it was me?" He asked bewithered walking up next to them. They both look away from Alvin's laptop to face him. Brittany smiled "We sensed you." "Sensed me?" "Yeah, I mean our siblings are busy at the moment as well, so we knew it wasn't them," Alvin said smirking making Dave narrow his eyes at them.

"Uh-huh. So, what are you two working on?" "Homework," They said in unison. Alvin sighs "You know that project that Miss Smith emailed about? Well, that's what we're working on, same for our siblings." Brittany groans "As easy the project is... IT'S SO BORING!!!" "I agree..." Dave sighs "Alvin, you always say homework is boring." Then he smirks "Then again I'm surprised you're doing it." Brittany giggles while Alvin pouts unamused "It's due Wednesday and Brittany and I would like to have this finished so we don't have to worry about it last minute." 'Like you usually do babe.' Brittany said snickering getting Alvin's attention which makes him glare at her teasingly. 'You can't really blame me!' 'No, but that's what you usually do and I'm glad that you're not making me do all the work.' Alvin just rolls his eyes making Dave annoyed by their antics. "Alright you two, what is going on? For the past few days, you've been acting very secretive and I want to know why!" They both jump startled then turn to him speechless. They just stare at him in silence not sure what to say. Dave sighs "Does this have something to do with the Secret Hideout?" Alvin sighs "No... This situation is completely different." 'Britt, I think It's time we told him.' She sighs 'Yeah, I think so too. It would be easier this way.' He looks into Dave's eyes "Dave, Brittany, and I are dating and have a telepathic link. What you kept on witnessing over and over again was us using telepathy." Brittany nods "And earlier when you came in here very quietly. Well, Alvin and I weren't lying when we said that we sensed you. We did, it's one of our three telepathic powers." Alvin smiles "The first one is telepathy, reading each other or other people's minds, and lastly our senses have been enhanced."

"Like we could sense if something was wrong or if someone was coming near us or coming by and lastly we could sense each other," Brittany explained. Dave nodded in shock and awe. He was trying to process what just happened since he wasn't expecting either of them to tell him anything. "And Dave... I think it's time we've...err... I told you about the Secret Hideout and where it is located." Alvin revealed.

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