2: Busting out

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"Ce pacat (how unfortunate)..." I sighed.

How will I get out of this chaos? This man who kept saying that he was my oniisan grew vines from his palms and tied me up from my arms down to my very feet. He put me over his shoulder with my legs against his front torso and walked out of the room like he wasn't attempting to kidnap the prince of the ancient race.

"Put me down baka (fool). Do you understand what you are doing?"

He hummed. He seemed to be a merry man that was a threat to my emotionless perfection. "Yes, I will show you the world. How long have you been locked up inside here? 18 blue moons?"

"It is none of your business rapitore (kidnapper)."

"Is that what I am now?" he laughed. I heard the metallic boots of the stratiótes approaching our away.

"Your highness is something the matter?" a stratiótis asked. Their impassive voice was the same as mine.

"The people living here is the problem," he answered rudely.

"Arrest this man," I stated. "He is a threat to my safety."

"Jaj! (Ouch) Why are you so cruel?" he questioned but I can only sense humor in his tone.

"Prince Lucius, we advise you to return Prince Lucian to his room. It is his sanctuary."

I scowled. "I have no brother," I spoke.

"What proof do you need?!" he snarled.

I close my eyes. "No proof is needed. Your lack of existence for the past 18 blue moons proves that you are not my brother."

His grip on me tightened and suddenly, he jumped high up, almost touching the fire flowers which lit the area and landed just in front of the double doors in which I have never stepped out to. My eyes caught thick vines growing from the floor and seizing the stratiótes in midair. They were helplessly tied. My ears found the sound of the doors clicking and in that moment, my heart began to hasten.

What was out there? What did the outside world look like? What about my purity?

"Feeling excited yet?" Lucius asked and whipped the door open.

A cold and fresh draft rushed in as we went into an opposite way from its direction. A wonderful scent filled my nostrils as he sped up. I looked down and found his feet bare.

Vines after vines tilted the mossy rock floor up and attacked the stratiótes that chased after us. My eyes vaguely caught the view around us. It was all a blur with how fast this man ran even with me on his shoulder. My senses were getting crowded. My eyes feasted upon the rich colors of the huge lamp flowers. The houses of the inhabitants were mushrooms with different kinds of colors. There were glowing trees that was much bigger than the one in front of my window.

I heard the sound of words being put in a weird rhythm accompanied by the reverberation of strings being strummed and harsh and sharp blow of winds. The wonderful scent of flowers, wood, soil, and moss mixed together and massaged my underused smelling.

"¡Rápido no los dejes escapar! (Quickly, don't let them escape!)" I watched the stratiótes desperately struggle to dodge the plants that Lucius effortlessly grew. My body began to tremble. I have never trembled before and my chest had this unreasonable pounding.

Lucius stopped and whistled. The piercing noise made me look around. The thick sound of something tapping on the rock floors just from the side made me glance at that area. Finally, a glorious creature emerged. It was a four-legged creature with a luminous blue body and white feathery wings. Its horn was sharp and it was wearing a black metallic armor. Lucius jumped and I let out an "oof!'" from having my bottom being dropped on the back of the creature. I was seated sideways with my whole body beginning to numb from being wrapped like a cocoon.

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